That bunny


Luhan smiles when a gentle breeze brushes his bangs out of his face. He likes it in here. 




Yixing and Baekhyun wouldn't stop talking -and arguing- about the wishes. Some of his other classmates overheard and joined in on the conversation as well, all of this just fuels Luhan's burning curiosity. 


"I'm going to try again tomorrow! You guys wanna come with me?" Yixing says, gesturing to Zitao and Chanyeol.


"Hey! I want to go too!" Baekhyun almost yells, clearly offended that he wasn't invited.


"You already got your wish! Stop being so greedy Baek!" Chanyeol argues.


Baekhyun gasps in mock hurt while bringing his hand to his chest. Luhan giggles, he thinks Baekhyun looks cute when he's red in the face.


"No way! Baekhyun your wish came true?" a squishy boy with big eyes, Kyungsoo, walks over quickly and asks said boy. Baekhyun nods and he continues, "me too! Mom and dad finally allowed me to adopt a pet bunny!"


Luhan thinks he hears collective groaning from like 6 people or something. 


("Ugh not again"  "We're reminded of our misery like every day!"  "The squishy boy too?"  "That’s hardly even fair!")


Weird enough, despite the despair that seems to be radiating from the group of people, Luhan is glad and relieved that he isn't the only one who thinks Kyungsoo is squishy. Under unending layers of adorable, that boy looked like he could probably kill someone and get away with it. Luhan shudders at the thought of Kyungsoo's innocent cute smile and big shining eyes while he chokes him until his face turns blue. Luhan tunes back into reality when he hears someone faintly calling his name, boy did he really zone out this time.




Luhan jerks in shock and gapes at the boy in front of him.


"I called your name like 50 times okay!" Jongdae, one of Kyungsoo's friends, scolds him playfully. "Zitao says you're going to try the wish thing today for the first time so I wanna wish you luck!”


“Have fun but remember to be careful Lu!” class rep Junmyeon reminds him cheerfully. “Just follow the path, go left at the fork and continue straight ahead.”


Luhan thanks them with a grin. He feels weird, he’s never had so many people striking up conversations with him before. He decides that it’s a good kind of weird, like Chanyeol. He really likes it. It must be really nice to have a friend to talk with all the time, play board games and sports together, do homework together and all that stuff friends do together. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off in Luhan head.


“That’s it! That’s exactly what I’ll wish for!” He thinks and just that mere thought brings a 1000 watt smile onto his face, one that probably puts Chanyeol’s to shame.


Luhan all but runs home that day. Now, he was really really curious to find out if the cliff god would grant his wish. To say that he was excited would be an understatement. Imagine how much fun he would have with a friend to spend time with!


“Hyung! Hyung!” He yells as soon as he steps foot into his house. Not really, he was already screaming for his elder brother before he entered the gate to the house. “Hyung! Can I borrow your laptop please?”


“What for Lu?” Yifan yells back at his brother.


“I want to learn how to fold the perfect paper airplane!”


Yifan emerges from his room and hands Luhan his laptop which he gratefully accepts.


“Don’t do anything funny like delete my files or install a virus or something okay? Learn the steps and give it back, I’ve a lot of work to do.”


Luhan nods fervently and holds his pinky finger up to his brother. “I’ll be careful and quick,” he promises.


Yifan hooks his own pinky with Luhan and pats his head. “Be careful in the forest, don’t get too close to the edge of the cliff, I don’t want a traveller to find your dead body among the rocks and call me.”


Once again, fervent nods and he disappears into his room and begins his lesson on folding paper airplanes. It can’t be that hard right? After all, it’s just a paper plane.



Wrong. 2 hours and 8 paper cuts later, Luhan hands Yifan his laptop back and sets off for the forest with his precious –and slightly bloody- paper airplane while Yifan curses at the number of times Luhan had clicked the ‘win a free iPhone’ ad.


This is it, Luhan thinks to himself once he’s at the entrance of the forest. He regrets slightly though, he should have taken along some food and drinks. He remembers Junmyeon’s directions and begins his journey to find the cliff and have his wish granted.


Luhan is somewhat proud of himself for not freaking out and running home. He had expected the forest to be dark and scary, with snakes and tigers and bears lurking in the shadows, waiting for a chance to pounce on their dinner aka Luhan. He is nicely surprised when he realises that the scariest thing in the forest was probably just the frog that jumped into his path, causing him to shriek.


The weather is nice, the birds are chirping away merrily and the smell of nature was so lovely to Luhan that he almost forgot the main reason for coming here. Luhan walks out of his way to step on a crunchy looking leaf and smiles when it makes that beautiful crunch sound which he loves.


“Go left at the fork...” Luhan mumbles to himself as he steps onto the path on the left. He suddenly stops in his tracks, deep in thought, “or was it right…” He looks around for a sign or something that could direct him to the cliff and was disappointed when he found none.


He steps back onto the main path and ponders over his choices when a little white bunny hops out from the bushes and startles him. It stops for a while, staring right at the boy before twitching its nose and hopping onto the path on the right. Luhan stares back at the bunny, it seems to be beckoning him to follow.


“Right it is,” Luhan says and steps onto the path where the bunny had been. The bunny runs along and Luhan follows.



-That bunny: end-


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Chapter 8: don't worry author-nim! just don't forget about the story~ We'll wait ^_^
cyiela12 #2
I love this fic of yours :)
noddy1 #3
Chapter 5: Donghae's lil bro is sehun?
Chapter 3: Yeaaaa an update!Wowwwww Minseok is the cliff god hahaha!Can't wait for Minseok to grant Luhan's wish :)
How could you just stop there!!!!! We're almost getting to the interesting part but then you stop.I want moreeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I LIKE THISSSSSSS.
Chapter 2: Woa; what an intresting fic! Keep it up! Update soon:)
Chapter 1: ahh v great! Is it on purpose that you don't write capital letters?