Chapter 7


The next day at school, Jonghyun and Key were in class talking, disregarding the fact that everybody was staring at the older boy. “Key, I really can’t thank you enough.” Jonghyun said “Key smiled and said “no problem, that’s what I’m here for.” Jonghyun smirked and said “I can’t wait to make my next 2 wishes.” Key perked up at that ‘next 2? Didn’t he say he’d set me free?’ he thought but, then he also thought that Jonghyun was just teasing him, at least that’s what he hoped it was. The teacher walked in and started to take attendance, she almost marked Jonghyun absent if Key didn’t point out that he was here. Taecyeon was utterly stunned ‘is that the brat?’ he thought. ‘he actually looks decent but, that friend of his has to be removed.’ He thought again. “oh by the way, I told Taemin what your mom did when I came over and he started to laugh so hard he almost fell out of his chair.” Key said smirking. Jonghyun laughed a little too “yeah, that’s not something you see everyday.” He replied. The rest of class went on peacefully that is until Taecyeon and Wooyoung got into a fight, physical. The teacher had to give the class a break just to get the two to separate.


After school, Jonghyun had to go to work but, Key really didn’t have anything to do so he went with him. When they came to the restaurant building Key’s mouth dropped “This? Is where you work?” he asked. Jonghyun nodded. “Jjong, this is the most expensive restaurant in Seoul and your telling me that you don’t have any money to get contact lenses?” Key said a little put off but, Jonghyun sighed and said “yeah I know it’s quite ironic actually. My boss cut the wages for all waiters and I am a waiter here so, I don’t get as much as the manager, chiefs, or bartenders. I basically, to put in light terms, get minimum wage.” Key huffed and said “just quit and find another job.” Jonghyun shook his head “no thank you. I spent a long time to find a job that doesn’t interrupt my school schedule and this is the only one that does.” Key nodded and followed Jonghyun inside. Once there, he went into the staff dressing area and changed into his uniform while Key waited outside where he ran into someone “oh geeze, not again, I am so sorry.” The boy laughed and said “don’t worry its fine. You don’t happen to be Key?” Key perked up and the looked at the boy “y-yeah, how did you know?” he asked. “its me Changmin, you don’t recognize me?” the towering boy said with a pout. “Oh my god! What are you doing here?” Key asked smiling when he recognized his friend from Daegu. Changmin chuckled “I work here, Onew is here too.” He said smiling but, that smile quickly vanished when he saw Keys face “oh, you guys are still on bad terms?” He wondered. Key nodded sadly. Jonghyun came out of the dressing room and saw Changmin and Key together, which for some reason made him jealous. He walked over to the two “hey what’s going on?” he wondered. Changmin smiled and said “hey, Jonghyun. Key and I were just talking. We are both from Daegu, we were friends but, my boyfriend and Key are having some problems. Key why don’t you talk to him, he felt really bad after you left.” Key looked at Jonghyun silently asking if he could. Jonghyun nodded and asked “where is he?” Changmin smiled “in the kitchen come I’ll take you. Jonghyun sign in and get to work.” He said. Jonghyun smiled and went to work. Changmin let Key into the kitchen and lead him to the back where Onew was taking his break. “Hey babe, look who I found.” Changmin said as they walked up to the boy. Onew turned around and dropped his book that he was reading “K-key” he stuttered. Key smiled a little and said “hi Onew.” Changmin rolled his eyes and said “well that was a nice introduction but, you two talk ok I have to get back to work.” Onew silently wished that he didn’t go but, there they were standing awkwardly. “What are you doing here?” Onew finally asked. “My master works here and I didn’t have anything to do.” Key replied. Onew nodded and invited him to sit in a chair that was next to his. Key took the invitation and sat down. “Key, I-“ “don’t….don’t say your sorry….because you were right, I am a monster so don’t say it.” Key spoke breaking the older boy’s sentence. Onew looked at Key and said it anyway “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have over reacted you were just doing what you had to do. I was such a wreck when you left I just wanted to say I’m sorry, do you think we can still be friends like we used to?” Key looked at Onew and smiled “I’d like that.” Onew smiled back. “so what’s up with your boyfriend? Why so tall?” Onew laughed and said “we met a week after you left. I was called into a business meeting and he was called in for the same thing and we ended up fighting a lot but, Changmin confessed we’ve been together ever since.” Key chuckled “it’s just like you to pick a fight with someone. He looks very do I put this…um-“ “cold?” Onew said finishing the boy’s sentence. Key nodded. Onew nodded understanding “yeah that’s how he acted around you but around me he’s a big softy. So tell me, who’s your master?” Onew spoke. “Jonghyun.” Onew’s eyes widened “yeah, you found a master alright.” Key looked at Onew and said “what’s that supposed to mean?” Onew shook his head and said “Nothing, he’s a good guy, a good friend too. I saw you too at the mall; you’re putting your magic to use.” Key chuckled “yeah one could say that.” Onew sighed and said “I have to get back to work, do you want anything to eat? It’s on the house.” Key shook his head it’s fine I’ll just wait for Jonghyun.” Key said. After that meet, Key felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders knowing that he and Onew can still be friends.


During Jonghyun’s lunch break, Onew gave him and Key some food and sat them down at a table. “so what do you think?” Jonghyun asked as he started munching on his salad. Key smiled and said “I like it here, it has a kind of home feeling to it.” Jonghyun nodded “Key, would you like to work here?” Key stopped chewing and pointed to himself “me?” Jonghyun nodded “yeah, Changmin is my manager and he said that there is a spot open to be a waiter.” Key thought about it and said “yeah, that would be great.” Jonghyun smiled and said “great I’ll tell him before we leave.” Key nodded and they continued eating until one of the customers gave out a shriek. Changmin was immediately on the scene “what happened?” he asked frantically. The woman who had more cash in than in her brain said “your waiter just tried to harass me!” The waiter was Onew. Onew got defensive “first of all I’m with someone and second of all I’m gay why would I be interested in a dumb like you?!” Changmin held Onew down and said “Calm down ok, just calm down I would like you Onew to tell me what happened.”  The younger waiter huffed and said “these people just ordered their food and this woman had a question so I leaned down so I could hear her and she touched my neck I told to stop but, she wouldn’t so I grabbed her wrist and she screamed.” Changmin, being the manager and Onew’s boyfriend, had to think carefully he knew that Onew wouldn’t do anything like flirt or harass a girl in his presents and he can’t really lie. He also had to be very careful and act professional he turned to the woman “is this true?” he asked her and the company that she was with. The woman looked at Changmin she saw how his eyes became cold and looked like he was getting ready to kill. The woman nodded slowly. “Then please leave my restaurant before I call my boss.” The woman left with her company. Onew looked at Changmin who looked a little hurt. Onew touched Changmin’s shoulder “Changmin, you do believe me right?” he wondered. Changmin sighed and nodded and said “everyone back to work, Onew we’ll need to talk later.” He then left. Onew sighed. Key instantly felt sad and went over to him “hey are you ok?” Onew nodded and said “don’t worry about me, just be glad it wasn’t Jonghyun.” After that, Jonghyun went back to work and Key left to go home.


In Changmin’s office, Onew was on the verge of tears. “Min, we’ve been together for a month and now is when you choose to question my loyalty?” he spoke his voice breaking here and there. Changmin arched an eyebrow “I am not questioning your loyalty I just wanted to say this; why did you touch her? That’s what I want to know.” Onew was lost for words. Changmin kneeled to get eye level with his lover. He leaned in and kissed him, it was a possessive, rough kiss. “I’ll let it slide, this time.” He mumbled. Onew smiled and nodded “it won’t happen again.” Changmin smiled “alright, let’s go home.”

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 17: awwww I love it
susumiya08 #2
Chapter 17: awwwwwwww I'm late for work, but it doesn't matter, as long as jongkey is together forever ^^ u're an amazing autor!!! BRB
Woooooow <3 loved it loved it loved it reaaaaaaalyyy loved it <3 actualy i love all you stories :D <br />
i'm on my way to continue reading the others ^_^ please continue writting i love jongkey so much and i love your stories and also you :p
Loved it!!
This was so awesome! I loved it <3
heyalyssa #6
it's really cute. hehe. awesome~ :D
UkissShinee #7
I loved it~~~~
awww mann that was a cute and fluffy ending this was really good well done hope u do more jongkey fics u really capture their emotions well :)