I'm Your Safe Haven


"There are two people you'll meet in your life. One will run a finger down the index of who you are and jump straight to the parts of you that peak their interest. The other will take his or her time reading through every one of your chapters and maybe fold corners of you that inspired them the most. You will meet these two people; it is a given. It is the third that you'll never see coming. That one person who not only finishes your sentences, but keeps the book."
At a first careless read, I already found this words attract my attention. So I kept on reading this, reread and reread, to find the writer's real point of view hidden behind this beautiful yet meaningful words. I couldn't describe or interpret what had the writer try to point out from his or her writing. It was beyond my own mind and maturity interpretation. Well maybe because, for me, I just found that everyone is the same. No one had any particular difference. I didn't mean it by the personality or whatever, but just how the people go around in our life, it was always just the same. It was always either these two choices ; they'll leave or they'll stay.
People come and go. I had been holding onto those words for many years and yet still found it breaking my heart whenever someone make their freaking move out of my ing life. I couldn't blame them ; the ones that left. It was beyond our controls, no one should be put at blame. Maybe. When it happens, the sad and upset feeling was just there and couldn't be put on anyone else. Well some people do say that life is too short to be wasted with tears. But some people do realize that shedding tears was the thing that make us grew stronger, in anything we should face in our life. 
I'm not that good in playing with words, writing this bull was just an opinion. An opinion that makes me still up although it was already past midnight ; honest and sincere right from my heart. I didn't know since when did I become this cheesy or whatever freaking philosophical thinking. Just that words, that words before, got me thinking. 
I never had imagine to see someone as a book. How will I read it? Will I be the first person, that will just jump straight to the peak that I found inspiring? Or maybe I will be the second person, that wasted all of my precious time to read it all one by one, and even fold the pages that caught my attention just in case I would love to reread it again? Or the third person, that was hardly exist as they was the one who would never leave you and kept you forever? What would make me resist to depart from that someone's life? 
Could it be love?
Love could be interpreted in many ways. It depends on how you sees it. Love could appear simple, inspiring, desirable, passionate, heart-warming, hopeless, helpless, heart-breaking and maybe simply, nothing. Love appears in family and friendships. I was grateful enough to be given a chance to feel  how would it be to love someone and to be in love. Some people just don't have that chance ; they just locked their heart from tasting a bit of love. And the key, could be open, only by the person that hardly exist ; the third person. The third person that not only would finishes your sentences but keep the book.
I couldn't help but admitting the fact that I had been waiting for the third person to appear in my gloomy life. But what if I was willing to be the third person first? I was willing to complete all of his sentences and even keep the book right by my side, never letting it go. What if I was madly obsessed with the book even when I had read it for thousand of times? What if I still couldn't truly interpret the true meaning hidden in the book clearly even after I up to the state that I could remember all the words written in the book one by one? What if I couldn't get the book out of my mind, still thinking about the story written in it as I was laying myself on my bed to sleep? What if the book ; the person that I tried to read was trying his best to build an invisible wall from me? Could I be the one who break the wall that had kept him 'safe' in his own little world? Could I find the key to open the lock in his heart?
Okay, I know I'm being cheesy. Let's just stop that. Haha.




"Sometimes the people we've known for a short amount of time have the biggest impact on our lives, even more than those we've known forever."







"The more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny your feelings, the more they grow"


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