"The touch of his hand.."

Cold Heart

💯 Chapter 1 ; "The touch of his hand.." 
  Tons and tons are wealthy people in formal clothing gathered into a big room full of golds in locked cages. Reporters everywhere and the red carpet right in the middle of the door as the wealthy people enters. Finally the female netizens screams full of excitement, seeing a tall handsome man which is Jae Hyun, in a black suit along with his guards & his uncle beside him. Reporters crowded around, lights flashing everywhere. 
  Hana finally arrived rushing in with her camera, squeezing through other reporters. She finally stood beside Kwon, her best friend. Kwon said,"oh, finally you came!" She responded,"sorry, I woke up late." Kwon goes,"it's okay, you just came in time! That sharp looking guy is here! LOOOK!" He pointed Jae Hyun's direction. Hana tipped toe and looked at him. They both quickly snap some photos. Hana squeezed in more and accidentally tripped and fell onto the red carpet which is right in front of Jae Hyun. Everyone stared at her, Kwon goes,"omo! HANAA!" Hana looks up and saw Jae Hyun in front of her. Jae Hyun looks at her with his sharp eyes, and suddenly steps over her without helping her up. Hana stood up and goes,"ya! How could you just step over me like that huh?!" Hana grabbed his hand, but quickly let go of him. Jae Hyun looks at her, and she froze from what she felt. Him and his people walks into the big room ignoring Hana and just join in with other wealthy people. Reporters rushed through her and Kwon rushed to her saying,"HANA! Are you alright?! Why did you just suddenly froze there?!" Hana answered,"it's nothing, I'm okay.." Kwon pulled her into the big room with other reporters and sat on a chair. Hana sat down and thought in her head,"why is his hand..so cold? It feels like a dead person's hand.. Or am I just thinking too much?.." Hana searched for him and found him sitting in the way front with the VIP people. She got her camera out and took a couple shots. The meeting finally started. The announcer goes,"welcome to all the high-so people here! We will get started right now with the bid." The first gold to bid on was a golden crown that cost $20,000,000, to start with. Suddenly Jae Hyun raised his hand and bid $24,000,000. Another person suddenly bid $25,000,000. Jae Hyun then again raised his hand and bid $27,000,000. The same person raised his hand and bid $29,000,000 on it. Jae Hyun then again bid it for $32,000,000. Finally that golden crown went to him for $32,000,000. Everyone claps for him. Hana's eyes widen as she heard him bidding for that much. She goes,"Kwon, he must be a very very wealthy guy.." Kwon responded,"He is very very rich. I heard that he owns a lot of properties and shares. Plus I heard a rumor that he lives in a $10,000,000,000 mansion!" Hana was surprised. The announcer goes,"The next one will be the legend golden sword that was owned by a old old old king. The start of its price will be $25,000,000." Jae Hyun raised his hands and bid $26,000,000. An American guy beside him raised his hand and bid $35,000,000. Jae Hyun looks at him and raised his hand bidding $40,000,000. Finally Jae Hyun got that Legend golden sword for that much. Hana's mouth opens wide, amazed of how much money Jae Hyun bid. Kwon goes,"That guy must really want those golden items. That much money is not easy to earn , for us regular people.." Hana responded,"you're right...those items do seem very important for him.." Finally the meeting was over. Reporters surrounded Jae Hyun, the one who amazed everyone for his high bid. His guards leads his way through them. Hana squeezed through everyone to get to see Jae Hyun. As Jae Hyun got out of the room, he said to his uncle,"I'll be leaving first, make sure to check if the gold are real before taking them to my house." His uncle responded,"okay, I got it. Don't worry, I'll make sure there's no mistakes." His uncle and the guards walk to check on the golds. Hana spotted Jae Hyun walking in the hall along. She goes,"EXCUSE ME! YOU, THE ONE IN THE BLACK SUIT!" Jae Hyun ignores her and turned by the corner. Hana full speed rushed after him saying,"wait! I have something to say!" She turned to the corner and headed down the parking lot, suddenly as she walked towards the park lot area. A car suddenly came towards her. Hana's  eyes widen as she saw the car full speed heading her way. She screams and suddenly Jae Hyun pulled her out of the way in a flash. The car went pass. They both fell onto the ground and she looked at him shockingly. His arms were around her waist, and their eyes met. 
    Jae Hyun let go of her and stood up patting the dust away from his suit. Hana got up quickly and said,"thank you..." He walks away afterward and got into his car. Hana followed saying,"I have something to say. Can't you just give me a 1 minute? Please?" He got into his cars , Hana then knocked on his window repeating to give her just a minute. He opens his window a little and handed her his phone card and drove off. Hana grabs and saw him went off. She goes,"aish!! What a complicated guy to talk with. I only needed a minute, but he can't even give me it...tsk." She touched her bag in shock saying,"omo! My camera! Is it okay?!!" She opens her bag and checked her camera. The camera was still in good condition. She was in relief. She then went back into the building and Kwon rushed to her saying,"yaa! Where did you go..?" Hana smiled and said,"I went to do something..." Kwon goes,"hurry, let's go eat. I'm hungry! My stomach was bugging me for hours now!" He dragged Hana away. 
    Jae Hyun arrived at his mansion house, and enters in. He walks towards a door and enters the pass code to get inside. Every door seems to have pass code to be able to open. He got into the kitchen and enters the pass code to open his fridge. Cold smokes came out as he opens up the fridge. He then opens up a black case and it appears to contain bottles of blood. He opens one bottle and drinks it. His eye balls turned into vampire eyes & turned back to human eyes as he finished his last gulp. He put everything back to where it is and lock everything nicely in place. He got up to the highest level & he suddenly pressed a button on his key & a hidden door appeared behind a big picture frame. The door was made of metal, he then pressed in the pass code to open it. The door slide open, there you seem another long hallway ahead. Lights one by one as he steps through the hallway. Another door made of metal appeared again. As he then enters in the pass code, and walked in. That room was full of different kind of golden items in each glass case w/ pass code. He really organized & placed them nicely & thoroughly. He then set up two more glass cases on the table for the two he just bid on today. He wiped the glass thoroughly to the point where you can see your reflection. 
    He then enters into another room, it was full of his clothing in different sections. He then went to his comfy clothing section and put on an outfit. He took off his top and there, you see his fine looking abs. OMG! After that, he received a call from his uncle saying,"Jae Hyun, we already checked the gold thoroughly. They're real." Jae Hyun responded,"good, bring it home & set them in their own glass case that I already set in the room waiting for them." They hung up. 
   It was already getting dark out, Hana and Kwon was having a mini feast in a mini outside restaurant. They both drink a lot of soju and ate tons of food. Hana goes,"I'm very happy! Do you know why KWWON?!" Kwon laughed out of no where & responded,"Why..Unni?!!" Hana smiled non stop & responded,"I think...think....I'm interested ....in...in..in that....sharp looking....guy..." She was taking forever to say that, Kwon was too drunk to hear that. Hana paid for the food bill and even though she's a bit drunk. She held onto Kwon and the both headed home. Hana goes,"aiishh! Why are you soo damn heavy?!!" Kwon already KO. As she got to her house with Kwon, she threw Kwon onto the bed and she went and KO on the couch. 
   Jae Hyun walks into his huge bedroom and opens a mini cabinet. He pulled out a laced burnt cloth and sat on his bed. He goes,"mom...I missed you.." His tears suddenly dripped down his face. His mom wasn't a vampire, but a human being. His dad was a vampire, but fell in love with a human which is his mom. His parents both died together as they tried to save Jae Hyun from danger. His parents both got burnt in a deadly-going fire, which Mr.Bin, the one who caused it to happen due to jealousy. His mom handed Jae Hyun to his uncle to run away from danger. He was only 6 years old, that time. Jae Hyun goes,"mom..dad... I'm going to make Mr.Bin pay for this cause..." 
☀️The Next Day☀️
    Hana woked up on the couch and checked on Kwon. She walks into her room, and saw Kwon still sleeping and snoring so loud. She covers her ear & said,"aish...why are you snoring so loud?!"  She closed the door & went to wash up. Finally Kwon woked up, he then told Hana that he's gonna head home. Hana responded,"why? You're still having the hangover." Kwon replied,"it's okay, I have an appointment to go to. I can just buy seed weed soup at a convenience store as I go." Hana responded,"okay then, drive carefully." As Kwon was about to head out of the door, Hana asked,"who are you meeting?!" Kwon laughed and responded,"my love.!" Hana giggled & said,"you're going on a blind date w/ another guy huh?!" Kwon winked & gave her a thumbs up. Hana said to him,"yaa! Why are you being a player?! You have like over a thousand guy contacts in your phone." Kwon responded,"it's alright. It makes me know that I'm more attractive than you.." Hana yelled,"yaa! I can get boys too!" Kwon giggled & left right away. 
   Joon's people hid by Hana's house and spy on her.  One of them called Joon saying,"Sir, That girl you told us to search for..we found her. We also know that she lives alone too." Joon smiled evilly and responded,"good, now it's one step closer to end Jae Hyun.." 
   It was already the afternoon. Hana received a phone call and the caller said,"you need to bring $2000 for us right now, if you don't want us to hurt your friend here. We will be at the night club private room waiting. Don't even dare to call the police, he will die if you do.!" They hung up afterward. Hana got scared and rushed out of the house with her purse. She got in the taxi car and rushed to that night club they told her.
   Hana got to that place and saw many young people in the club drinking and dancing. Music were on blast and colorful lights shining everywhere. Hana rushed through the mirror hallway and bumped into a tall guy. She didn't look at that guy at all, she said sorry quickly and went to find Kwon, which she thinks that it was him.That guy she bumped into was Jae Hyun, he came to meet Joon privately. Some guys pulled Hana away right behind Jae Hyun. Hana yelled,"yaa! Let go of me!" Jae Hyun looks back and notice it was some of Joon's people. He suddenly followed them as they took Hana into the same room he came out from. Hana got into the room and saw a guy(Joon) sitting on a chair with his two people side him. Hana was scare but she goes, "where's my friend?!" Joon responded,"don't be in a hurry. Sit down first." His people made her sat down. Hana goes,"what do you guys want?!" Joon stood up and walks toward Hana. He suddenly leaned toward her and said,"you just got tricked, Oh.Hana." Hana goes,"what?! You guys lied to me?!" Joon said to her,"now, tell me where the golden dragon sword is. I know you have it." Hana responded,"golden dragon sword? What stupid question is that? Do I look like I have those kind of things?!" Joon responded,"I know you have it somewhere. You wouldn't have this mark(holding her hand, pointing the mark of a sword on her wrist) if you're not the one." Hana looked at it and said,"my granny said I've been having this since I was born. There's no meaning to it!" Joon responded,"how would you know.? She could be lying." Hana pushed him away and tried getting out of the room. Jemi appeared by the door out of no where, which startled Hana a bit. Joon said to Hana,"it's not  that easy to leave." 
    On the other side, Jae Hyun heard the whole conversation. He hid by the corner and listened. Jemi said to Joon,"should I end her?" As Jae Hyun heard that, he suddenly appeared by the door and opened it. They all looked him. Hana goes,"that...sharp looking guy.. Why is he here?!" Joon walks toward Jae Hyun and said,"you wanna have a feast with us too.?" As Hana was looking Jae Hyun's direction, Jemi stood behind her and showed Jae Hyun her vampire teeth, telling him that she's gonna bite Hana's neck. As Jemi was about to moved Hana's hair out of her way? Jae Hyun suddenly grabbed Hana's wrist and ran off. Joon's people chased after. Jemi goes,"I think Jae Hyun is not into biting human. Even though he's one of us.." Joon did an evil smile and said,"that means that young lady will be our target from now on.. I have to get that sword before him." 
   As Jae Hyun and Hana was running through the mirror hallway. Joon suddenly appeared at the end of the hallway where they're heading. Joon said to Jae Hyun,"you can't just take her away like that, Jae...Hyun.." Jae Hyun's eyes widen as he realize that Hana will know his name. Hana was shocked seeing Joon appeared in front of them out of no where. But she still have no clue what's going on. As Joon was distracting their attention, Jemi came from behind them and grabbed Hana and held onto her with a gun pointing to her neck. Hana held in her scream and closed her eyes and Jae Hyun looked at her, seeing her scare. Jae Hyun goes,"don't get her involved." Joon laughed evilly and said,"why are you helping her.? Just go. Don't get involved too then." Hana prayed in her head non stop saying,"god...please make this a dream..I don't want to die yet.. I still want to live..." Hana's tears drip down her face. Jae Hyun suddenly pushed Joon onto the wall and held his collar saying, "you..!" Joon responded,"what are you gonna do?! Huh?! When we're both the same kind." Joon's vampire teeth appeared and his eyes turned red like vampire eyes. Hana suddenly pushed Jemi's gun away from her quickly and Jemi accidently shot the mirror. It shattered onto the ground, Hana suddenly grabbed Jae Hyun's hand and rushed out of the night club. As Jemi was about to follow, Joon said to her,"don't follow them, this isn't the last time. There's gonna be more meet up from now on.." 
    Hana stopped by the corner of the night club and letted go of him. Hana was out of breath. She looked at Jae Hyun and said,"aren't you tired from running?! You're not breathing as fast as me at all.." Jae Hyun responded,"do I have to? To show that I'm tired?.." Suddenly he sense human blood, he looked at Hana's sleeve and saw blood leaking through her hand. Hana looked at her arm and saw blood leaking through her sleeves. He ripped off her shirt sleeve and saw a big cut on her arm. Hana hid her arm away from him and said,"I'm okay, it must be the glass that shattered everywhere. But thank you for helping me. I'll leave now." As she turned away from him, Jae Hyun suddenly pulled her to his car and he grabbed out his first aid kit. They sat on the bench and he putted medicine on her wound and wrapped bandage around her arm. Hana looks at him as he helped her. She seemed a little fluttered from it. As he was done, Hana stood up and said,"I never knew you would be like this,with that cold self of you.. But what ever , Thanks again. I have to catch the bus now. Bye." She rushed and got on the bus. As Jae Hyun was about to stand up and leave, he saw Hana's phone dropped on the ground. He grabbed it and  saw that she doesn't have any password on it. He goes,"what a clumsy person..." He took it with him and left.
   Hana took the bus to see her granny nun, about the golden dragon sword.  As she searched her purse for her phone. She realize her phone was gone. She searched thoroughly and realize it wasn't there. She thought back and said,"could it be that I dropped it outside when I rushed to the bus?.. Could that sharp looking guy, could possibly picked it up..?" She took a deep breath and got off the bus and walked to the orphan home. 
   As she got into the house of orphans, Children surrounded her happily, to see Hana back. Hana smiled and saw granny nun coming to her. Granny nun said to the children,"kids, kids go and play. I have to talk with Hana for a bit." They both walked into a room and suddenly Hana asked her helmoni, "Helmoni...what is the golden dragon sword?.." Granny nun's eyes widen and asked,"who ask you that?!" Hana asked,"Helmoni...why do you look soo shocked?..Is it something that I wasn't suppose to know..?" Her granny responded,"I guess it's been a long secret to hide from you now.. I think it's time to tell you about it.." Hana looked confused and asked,"what do you mean..?" Granny nun said to her,"listen carefully..Do not tell anyone about this. You have to believe everything I say. Okay?.." Hana responded,"I understand, don't worry.." Her granny started to explain to her about it. She said to Hana,"that golden dragon sword was made from your dad..Before he was killed by those strange people, he gave you to me to hide from the and handed me that sword. That sword was made only to kill those strange people. That sword is hidden behind your picture frame in your room. It's been there since you lived there, I hid it there.. Since you asked me about it, I'm guessing those strange people finally found you and they're trying to take it away. But listen to me carefully, beware of those people, they're not regular people like us. They're something else... Protect yourself. The other thing is that...you should move away from that house with the sword quickly. The sooner the better."  Hana responded,"soo..that's why that sword is soo important..?" Her granny responded,"yes, also you have to live in a new place, secretly. Don't tell anyone, even me.. Understand?.." Hana sigh and nodded her head. 
  Hana took the bus home and walked to her house. She seems scare and held onto her purse tightly. She looks everywhere, no one around. But an empty street. She said in her head,"no need to be scare, Hana. You have to be brave.. You're almost home..." Suddenly she feel like someone's following her, she was too scare to look back. In her head,"why do I feel like someone is behind me...? I could feel the gravity of a person behind me..." She tighten her hands and walked faster. She looked at the ground and saw a person's shadow behind her, reaching their hand towards her. Her eyes wide and turned back and hit that person with her bag right away yelling,"stop! I'm scare!! Don't hurt me! I don't want to die..." Hana started to cry out. That guy(Jae Hyun) goes,"yaa! Stop hitting me! I'm not a bad guy!" Hana closed her eyes hitting him and said, "I don't trust you..!" As she backed away trying to run off, she accidentally tripped backward. She finally opened her eyes and saw Jae Hyun.  He suddenly caught her by the waist and pulled her against him. Hana's tears dripped down her face from being scare to death. Jae Hyun hugged tightly her saying,"calm down..don't be scare... It's just me..it's just me.." Hana continue to cry non stop. He patted her back to calm her down. 


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Star1106 #1
Chapter 6: woah~^^ this is so best yet sweet
babyjongdae #2
Chapter 6: Its actually a good story why no one leave a comment. the story is good but it will be better if you make a space between the sentences.