Chapter 4 ; "I rather be alone..."

Cold Heart

πŸ’― Chapter 4 ; "I rather be alone..."
Β  Β Hana walked through the whole mansion but no sign of Jae Hyun. She finally checked in his bed room and her eyes widen. The moment she opened his door, she froozed seeing what she couldn't believed just happened. Her eyes started to get watery. Jemi was sleeping beside Jae Hyun, half . Well the blanket is covering them. You could see Jemi's bare skin shoulder, while you could see, Jae Hyun half chest. Jemi opens her eyes seeing Hana standing in front of the door, she slowly waked up Jae Hyun saying, "honey..honey.. Jae Hyun, Look at who's here." Jemi shook Jae Hyun a little and he finally awaken. He felt his head and saw Jemi hugging him in bed together. He looked at the door and saw Hana looking shocked. Jae Hyun looked shocked himself took. He suddenly said straight up,"it's not what you think.." Jemi interrupted,"honey....that was great last night. I enjoyed it." Jae Hyun tried making Jemi let go of her, but she wouldn't let go. Hana turned away and rushed out of the door. Jae Hyun finally got away from Jemi, grabbed his T-shirt and rushed after Hana. Jemi just sat on his bed, laughing evilly. She said to herself,"from now on, Jae Hyun won't be able to stay by Hana anymore. Things will be easier now."Β 
Β  Β Jae Hyun caught Hana's hand and turned her facing him. Hana looked at him and said,"let go." Jae Hyun held both of her wrists and said,"listen to me." Hana responded,"what do I have to listen this time.? Huh? just because you're rich and all, doesn't mean you can do anything. Do you know what kind of person I hate the most? I hate people who pretends to be nice, but at the end they use me like I'm nothing. I have no rights to be against you two sleeping together but if you two wants your own private time...why did you take me here in the first place?..(her tears drips down her face) I know...that I may not be as rich as you guys but I have pride too. Don't say anymore, I want be alone..." She made him let go of her arm and walked into her bedroom, shutting her door on him. Jemi walked towards him laughing evilly saying,"I'm leaving now, byee." Jemi left the mansion, happily. It was already three in the morning. Jae Hyun went back in his room, stressing out. He pour a glass of wine and sat on his couch,thinking about what Hana said to him. He could hear Hana cry quietly in her bedroom. Jae Hyun suddenly squeezed his glass of wine and broke it to pieces. His hand was fill with blood, but he felt no pain. Glass shattered to pieces on the ground.Β 
Β  Β  Hana could hear the glass cup breaking sound from her room. She wiped her tears, and quickly walked out of her room. Suddenly as she opens her door, and saw Jae Hyun standing in front of her door with a serious face. He suddenly pulled her & hugged her tightly, making her lean her head against his chest. His scar & bleeding from the glass cub healed right away as he held onto her. Hana froozed & her heart beated fast. Jae Hyun suddenly said to her with a secure voice,"can't you just believe in my words..?" Hana made him let go and said,"I've decided....I'm no longer staying here, being in your way. I've caused enough problems for you. I need to grow up & help myself. I should've not live here, in the first place. I don't mean anything to you nor have anything with you. Sorry, for causing all these problems for you. I'll make sure, you'll never hear any problems from me again..." Hana grabbed her suitcase, as she about to head down the stairs, Jae Hyun set her suitcase down and kissed her on the lip right then. Hana shuts her eyes tightly. He kissed her deeper and deeper. He finally realize what falling in love is, can't resist seeing the person he has feelings for, suffer & not able to leave her side, even through good and bad. Hana suddenly pushed him away and slapped him on the cheek saying, "just because you did this to doesn't make any difference from what you did earlier." She grabbed her suitcase and rushed out of the mansion, to the street. Jae Hyun took a deep breath and just stood there. Hana got into the taxi car and went off. She closed her eyes for a bit to relief stress away. She finally took out her cellphone and turned it on for once. She called Kwon finally. As Kwon saw Hana's name on his phone, he quickly answered it saying,"AIGOOO! My little angel! HANAA! Why didn't you call at all?! Where are you?!" Hana took a deep breath and responded," phone wasn't on. I'm coming to your house right now..I have no where to stay now." Kwon goes,"okay,okay. I'll wait for you. Hurry then." Hana responded,"okay, thank you.." As Hana got to Kwon's house, Kwon quickly rushed to her saying,"why do you look so sad?" Hana faked a smile and responded,"I'm not sad, I'm just tired." They walked into the house and Hana said to him,"remember to lock your house nicely. I've been followed by lately...and it's scary.." Kwon patted her shoulder and said,"I will double check everything. Don't worry. take off your shoe and let's eat before the food gets cold." Hana nodded her head and they both went and eat. Jae Hyun sat in his car in front of Kwon's house. He had been following Hana as she was in the taxi car for awhile. He couldn't let Hana go on her own without him.Β 
Β  Β  As Hana and Kwon was eating, Hana said to him,"I'm planning to go to Jeju tomorrow in the afternoon." Kwon was surprised and asked,"why?!" Hana responded,"I have to hide for awhile, I can't stay here for long. You might in big danger if I'm here. Those people who is after me, is no joke." Kwon said to her,"do you think you can go on your own..?" Hana sigh and said,"yea, I can. Don't worry. I've been alone for a long time. I can do it.."Β 
Β  Β The next day, Kwon drove Hana to the airport. Hana sat in the car sadly staring out the window. She thought about Jae Hyun, and started tearing up. Kwon gave her napkin and asked,"you seem so depress about something.. Is it Granny nun, that you're worried about..?" Hana lied to him and said,"it's nothing, I just miss granny nun.." Kwon pat her head and said,"I'll watch her for you and visit her for you, don't worry." Hana faked a smile and said,"thank you Kwon.."Β 
Β  Β  Jae Hyun sat on his couch in his room, closing his eyes. Replaying back from yesterday. The part where she saw Jemi & him in bed together shirtless. He opens his eyes and took a deep breath. Mr.Wang opens his door and walked in saying,"aren't you gonna say good bye to her before she's gone..?" Jae Hyun closed his eyes & took a deep breath, he then responded,"it's not like she's gonna stay if I go.. It's no use for me to go.." His uncle asked,"are you sure about it..? This could be the last time you'll see her..." Jae Hyun responded,"please... just leave me alone..." His uncle sigh & exit his room closing the door. Jae Hyun's first tears in forever finally drips down his face. He said to his self,"it's not like you're gonna stay, if I come...But why am I feeling so lonely without you, when I'm always been alone since little.? The day you came and lived with me, I felt like a real human for once. Eating with someone happily, chatting with someone happily, playing around happily and do things like a human.."Β 
Β  Β  As Hana was about to get into the airplane, she stops and look back sadly. She finally got into the plane and depart. She sat by the window by herself and Β closed her eyes for a bit saying in her head,"I have to forget him. I have to forget him." Repeating that a couple time in her head.Β 
➑️ 1 year pass ⬅️
Β  Β  Hana happily enjoying playing around with orphans at this one school. She helps them with drawing and painting. Every kids there loves her, and enjoy playing with her. Hana have been fundraising tons of money for orphan kids. Every kids there doesn't see her as a teacher but their 'angel sister.' Hana looks very different from then. She became more beautiful than before, her hair has gotten longer, she dyed it ombrΓ©(brown to blond). She's more of a woman now, than before. But she's still single, not looking for a guy yet.Β 
Β  Β  Jae Hyun, himself had became a cold looking guy again. Doesn't talk or communicate with others, unless it's important people. Back to his sharp look, pale looking self. He has been focusing on finding the golden dragon sword, which he doesn't know Hana is the one that has it in her hand.
Β  Β  At Kwon's house, Suddenly White & Blood crashed in to his home. Kwon was surprised & tries calling for the police, but White cracked his phone. Blood held onto Kwon's collar & asked,"where did your friend go?" Kwon responded,"idk who you're talking about..!" Blood used his power & threw him to the wall. The wall suddenly cracked. White then grabbed Kwon's neck and said,"TELL US RIGHT NOW! Before you DIE!" Kwon was choking, and responded,"I have nothing to say!!!" White suddenly got pissed and threw him and hits the book shelf, the book shelf fell and crashed onto Kwon. He suddenly fainted. Blood & White suddenly searched the house for clues. They went to Kwon's bedroom and searched thoroughly. White pulled out some letters with an address on it. They notice that it was from Hana. White goes,"That girl went and hid in Jeju.." White crumpled the letter & they both went out of the house.
Β  Β  One moment later, Kwon's aunt came to his house and saw a whole of mess everywhere. She saw Kwon all bloody under the book shelf, she screams from shock and called the ambulance right away. As his aunt followed Kwon to the hospital, she then called Hana saying,"right now, Kwon is highly injured really bad! I don't know what to do right now! He's not waking up!!" Hana was shocked from the call and said back,"I'll come back , as soon as possible!!!!" Hana quickly packed her things and head back.Β 
Β  Β  She then got back the next day in the afternoon, she rushed through the airport quickly. She accidently bumped into a guy, and said sorry quickly without looking at him. She just continue her run. That guy sunglasses fell and he goes,"that crazy girl!" He quickly picked up his glasses & cleans it quickly. He goes,"oh, good it didn't break. This thing cost me a lot." That guy was Jae Hyun. He came to the airport to greet an important business man.Β 
Β  Β  Hana got into a taxi and went straight to the hospital right away, full of worries. She then called Kwon's aunt, asking how's Kwon condition. His aunt answered,"right now, the doctor took him for x ray check. So I'm not sure, I'm so worry right now." Hana responded,"don't worry, a good person like Kwon will survive.." They then hung up. Hana held her hands together and pray for Kwon to be okay.Β 
Β  Β She finally got to the hospital and went to find Kwon's room, she asked the nurse in a hurry & finally got the answer. She ran to find his room, after the nurses told her. As enters Kwon's hospital room, and saw him laying the bed with tons on cases on, one on his neck, one on his arm, and one on his right foot. Plus tons of bandages on his arm and face. She set her thing on the ground and walks toward Kwon, tearing up. Hana goes,"chingu-ah...sorry.. This was my fault, if I had powers..I would replace your spot here to be me. You don't deserve this, but I do." His aunt patted her back slowly and said,"don't feel bad... He'll be okay.." Hana wiped her tears & said,"you can go home now, I can watch him from now on til he's awake." His aunt responded, "okay then..thank you." Hana sat beside Kwon & knocked out from tiredness, by being on the airplane for so long. She suddenly dreamed about Jae Hyun turning into a vampire, and fighting with other vampires in front of her. She then woked up from being scare.Β 





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Star1106 #1
Chapter 6: woah~^^ this is so best yet sweet
babyjongdae #2
Chapter 6: Its actually a good story why no one leave a comment. the story is good but it will be better if you make a space between the sentences.