0.1 Friday Morning

Try Me (You Won't Understand)

I promised you to walk down the aisle together after vows we made. After the world saw my name on your finger, how everybody caught us on sweet kisses. I promised you to take your hands from your father because he trusted you to me. He’ll tried to making me promise myself not to hurt you, loves you until the death do us apart, while I’ve do that from the moment I told you I love you.

I wanted to see how Kyungsoo will cried hugging Jongin because they don’t want you to get married first, because they want us marriage together. Jongin told me he planned that so he can divide the building costs. Our friends are dumb, right? And I am sure Baekhyun will cry with completely different reasons, he’ll cry because I wet your suit which he designed, with my tears. I bet he will crack my head after our honeymoon, Lu. Please safe me from him, he always listen to you.

And that day, Saturday in the morning, three days before my birthday I put on my best suit, went to your father tried to asks his permission, so I can have you beside me to spend the rest of my live being devoted to you. Asked for his permission to let me be your partner.



“Hey, Baek.” I walked down the stairs, it’s Friday 11AM but I don’t think I have to come today and end up have nothing to do beside laying on the couch watching my cousin slash best friend makes himself looked like a fool whom hasn’t got his sleep. He keeps making weird noises in front of his virtual boyfriend, coffee machine. He sighs deeper before sits down beside me on the couch.

You up early, Sehun.” He replied when he saw me and then cringe his nose, annoyed, “God, I can’t even sleep. Chanyeol keep changing his deadline. I don’ even know whether it is good or not”

“Don’t think too much, Baek. He just needs a reason to talk, he has crush on you since God know when, and I know you know” I tried knock the truth into his head, again. And maybe I will do this again, in the span of twelve hours and the next twelve hours.

“Where’s that come from?” He tried this trick on me again, he looked at me making faces. I feel like telling him that’s came from Chanyeol himself, but he told me to keep my mouth tight. “Whatever, but I think this time is different, Sehun. He just wants let his father know that he can take Luhan as his model for this season. You’ve got no idea how he keeps nagging at me especially and Yongguk’s team to contact your boyfriend’s company every now and then. I am going crazy.”

“Why don’t you just ask Luhan yourself?”

“No. I won’t, I don’t do nepotism. You should ask Chanyeol for that.’

“Should I?”

“Yes, please. So I don’t have to re-schedule everything again and again. And please tell him, if he has a feeling for me, he could asks me out for a date, I won’t bite. Who know I will say yes. I’ll decide it depends on what he wears.” I moved my eyes from the TV Screen, can’t believe what I hear. The news anchor was talking about how good Luhan and his airport fashion this morning. What she doesn’t know is that I picked it for him yesterday. “God, you guys are impossible.”

“We are possible, Sehun. He has fine I’d love to tap”

I decided to change the unusual topic about asses he brought, “but Baek, should I’ve just call Luhan to modeled it for you? So, Chanyeol and you will owe me something.” I grinned asking him. It just happened that brilliant idea crossed my mind.

 “Your way of thinking always surprised me. But no, thanks. I’ll just get in touch with his manager, Kyungsoo isn’t it?”

“Yep. He’s Luhan bestest friend though.”

“Oh, I think I’ve seen him before with Jongin, Are they a thing?” Baek finish his coffee and ready to get his second’s.



“Can I have a cup too, Baek” he gave me silence okay. “But nope, I think they are not a thing. Jongin is straight. He always talks about s” I said a bit loud so he could hear what I said because Baekhyun already far behind my back.

 “Someone whose talk about s weirdly often has more tendencies being gay, Sehun. You know... they use it as camouflage. They covered their closet’s door by those y-talks”

“Ah, so that’s why you did that in high school.” I chuckled.

“Brat!” He walked out the kitchen brought to cups of coffee and sit downs beside me and tried to said something, but he seemed a bit hesitant, “Sehun-ah, I heard you made appointment with Mr.Oh tomorrow? Are you sure you’ll be okay going alone? With Luhan in Japan and all that. You know there’s a saying ‘you need a family to meet another family’, I could go with you if you want” His question caught me off guard; all the thoughts I tried to suppress emerged all at once.

‘I can’t waver. I can’t retreat right now.’

“He is not another family, Baek. He’s soon-to-be by family too, my soon-to-be father-in-law. I am sure I will be okay. Luhan said he’s the best father he could dreamt of, I am sure he’s nice”

Sehun never knows what he said will slapped him on the face.







AN. I don't know what to say, is my english that bad? I'm sorry. I try to fix it later. I should start reading my grammar books again.

If you have a question or maybe suggestions to makes the stories better please comment. Thank you for the subs. I couldn't expect more.

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