The Next Day

That One Night

* the next day*


Today is the day your going out with that one guy that you met last night aka Mark. You woke up around 8 am, you took a shower , brushed your teeth, and got dressed. After you did your hair and put a little bit of make up on. You headed out but before going to the park you went to a cafe to get something to eat.

* lets go see what Mark's doing*

Mark woke up at around the same time you did. He knew he had to do something but he doesn't know what it is. He keeps thinking and thinking. 15 minutes pass and he finally remembers. He doesn't want to go but he does. Mark gets up and s are questioning him. "Mark where were you last night? You know when our curfew is!" Jb said. " Jb's right Mark hyung you should have at least let us know" Jr said. "Ne I will let you guys know. By the way I'm going out today, I don't know how long it will take but I will call you." Mark said. After his nagging from umma and appa , Mark went to shower, brush his teeth, get dressed do his hair, etc. When he was finished he ate breakfast and then left to the park.

*let's go back to you* 

For breakfast you ate some iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin. After you went to the park. You waited for around 10 minutes, you started doubting that he would come. But you saw a figure walking your way. Once you saw the red hair you already knew who it was. • he actually came?!? I'm so excited for today ♥ • Once he got to you, you waved and he waved back. ". Hey I didn't quite catch you name last night. I'm ( your name)" you said. " Oh really.. Hi to you too ( you name). I'm Mark." Mark said. "So what do you want to do today" Mark said. " Well... I actually don't know... Do you have anything in mind because im not too familiar with these area's" you said. " Well we can go to.....







 Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update for a while, I was just blank. But I updated today hehe. I hope you guys liked it. Sorry I left you on a cliffhanger. Bye see you soon! 



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Nightwing13 #1
Chapter 1: Heaving critique, heads up and don't feel discouraged!

You have quite a few errors in your writing, you should proof read or have a friend read over your work. I'll volunteer myself if you would like to send me your work and i'll peer review it. You have several punctuation errors and you're using text talk. You also have words your capitalizing randomly in the middle of the sentences, not sure why. The story is interesting so far.
princess2394 #2
OMG thank you I've been checking this story like every 5 minutes to see how it's going or if someone commented like my nerves were everywhere u have given me lots of confidence that you for ur sub too :)
wangwang24 #3
Chapter 1: Thats cool awww i love it writing it to end it's cute :3
princess2394 #4
Hey guys please comment what you think. Jebal!!!!!!