
Alive and Not So Well [Hiatus]

            A small boy was being pulled by his naturally blond hair out of the Matoki military building. His brothers desperately wished to run after and protect him, but feared the punishment that would be unleashed upon them if they were to interfere. They forced themselves to continue training as if nothing happened. As for the small thick lipped boy he could not escape his reality. All week every exercise he attempted had been wrong. He wasn’t quite enough or strong enough or even smart enough to get through the simplest of the challenges. He was cursed to have brothers so much smarter than he was.

            General Jang, the large and terrifying instructor of the brothers, threw the small boy to the floor. The boy’s face smashed against the rough concrete causing his lip to split and start bleeding. He carelessly called for the boy to get up as he looked through the weapons of torture he would employ on him this time. When the boy remained on the floor the General quickly cracked a whip that he’d been considering.

            “I said get up boy!” This time he did as he was told “Strip your shirt and hands against the wall!” again he did as he was told.

            Old scars and fresh burns decorated the boys’ skin. General Jang exchanged the plain leather whip with one that had four sharp metal claws decorating the end of it.  The General took a hard crack at the boy, successfully leaving a deep scratch on his back. The boy held in a scream of pain and clenched his jaw. Signs of weakness made for worse punishments. The boy received thirteen more successful lashings. The blood from the deep cuts soaked into his pants. General Jang retired the whip and replaced it with a branding iron. The symbol was a bunny, Matoki Districts’ mascot.

            The General neared him with the burning hot branding iron. This would serve as a reminder of why he must train so hard. To serve Matoki district. It was as if the one on his abdomen didn’t already serve that purpose.

            “Stop!” An old woman’s voice echoed through the punishment corner.

            “Woman! Go home and tend to your family! Matters of the military do not concern your kind!” General Jang barked without so much as a glance in her direction.

            “If you continue to hurt this child then it is of my concern.” She stated calmly. The boy looked to the woman. Some civilian was actually there standing up for him. Most just turn their heads and act as if these things don’t occur.

            General Jang too turned to the woman who had the audacity to interrupt his work. She was small and as old as her voice sounded. She was covered from head to toe in a black cloak. He laughed at the tiny old woman who though she could protect this boy and turned back to finish branding him.

            “I told you,” She was now closer, close enough that he could actually see her face, “to stop.” The boy was mesmerized by her glowing violet eyes. Never before had he seen any creature with such eyes. They were old, wise, beautiful, and felt incredibly safe.

            “Do I have to teach you a lesson too old woman?” The general growled now pointing the branding iron in her direction.

            “What a foolish man!” the old woman said. She raised her cloaked arm and sent the iron flying against the wall. “Foolish to hurt this child in the first place.” She said raising him into the air with just a flick of her wrist. “And foolish to try and attack me” She squeezed her hand into a fist making it hard for General Jang to breath.

            “W-woman!” He yelled desperately gasping for air.

            “My name is Grandmother Byeol.” She said simply before slamming his body into the ground.

            “What is your name son?” Grandmother Byeol asked as she rubbed her hands against his bloody back. She had quickly taken the boy from the Military base in order to tend to his wounds.

            “It-,“ He squeezed onto the pew as she pressed her healing hands into one of the deeper cuts.

            “I’m sorry son. I know this hurts. Just keep talking to me it will be over soon enough.” She spoke to him softly as she closed her eyes so that she could get better concentration on healing his wounds.

            “My na-name is Daehyun.”

            “What a nice name for such a handsome boy. Tell me Daehyun, why where you at the Matoki military building?”

            “The Matoki leaders are training us to be very good soldiers.”

            “Soldiers? You’re barely even eight years old.”

            “I know, but they made us this way. Me and my brothers were only born so that we could be the greatest soldiers the Matoki district has ever seen.” The pain in Daehyun’s back was slowly disappearing.

            “That’s not fair. Your only children. Children need time to grow up and do what children do. Not become weapons to be used at your governments’ expense.” She paused a second before continuing the conversation. “Do your brothers get treated this way as well Daehuyn?”

            “Yes. But only when we don’t do as were told.”

            “I see.” Grandmother Byeol rose from her knees to get a bowl of warm water and a rag to clean the blood from the now nonexistent wounds. Once Daehyun was clean she handed him a shirt to wear and sat next to him on the bench. “Would you like to go save your brothers?”

            “You would do that for me mam?” He looked at her with hopeful wide eyes.

            “My name is Grandmother Byeol, and yes I would do that for you. I would never let an innocent child be harmed like this.” Daehyun wrapped his small arms around her waist while burying his head into her cloak.

            “Thank you thank you thank you!” She smiled down at the little boy. Her violet eyes filled with love for this little ball of sunshine.

           Later on when they felt it would be safest they headed back to the Matoki Military Base.

            “We have to be quiet Grandmother Byeol. They have guards at our doors at night so that we don’t try to run away.”

            “I can be quiet can you?” Daehyun nodded his head.

            The two successfully snuck into the Matoki Military building. Grandmother Byeol disarmed the security cameras temporarily with a curse. Each anticipated a threat at every corner considering that Grandmother Byeol had beaten a high ranking officer and stolen a weapon of theirs earlier. Each corner unmanned left a higher level of concern. Once they checked the empty training rooms they finally found themselves at the shared bedroom of the BAP brothers. The said guards were nowhere in sight. This concerned both.

            They opened the bedroom doors to a disaster that no amount of endurance and emotional training could prepare them for. For the first time in a long time young Daehyun fell to his knees in tears. Even Grandmother Byeol cried at the sight of the bloodied lifeless bodies of the young boys on the floor.




          “You all look so nice.” Grandmother Byeol’s tired voice filled every child’s ear. The orphans had come to see her before they headed to school. Now that she was past 150 years old they came to visit every day fearing that this one might be her last. She rested her vibrant violet eyes on every child. Their chubby cheeks and bright faces always brought her happiness.

            “School will begin soon children.” One of the sisters called from the doorway. Everyone was displeased with the announcement but didn’t dare go against one of the sisters.

            “Goodbye Grandmother Byeol.” Each child took their turn to walk up to the large bed she lie in and kiss the back of her wrinkled hand. She sighed as the last child left the room. “Goodbye oppa.” A young girl by the name of So Hee went over to hug Grandmother Byeol’s apprentice before slipping out of the room once again.

            “Don’t be sad Grandmother.” Daehyun said. The small blond boy was now tall and muscular and no longer was he defenseless. “You’ll see them once they return from school.” She smiled at the boy she had saved so many years ago.

            “Yes I will see them once again. But sadly, it won’t be as the grandmother you see before you.”

            “You mean that-“the tears he refused to cry for so many days now threatened to fall.

            “Today’s the day. And sadly you cannot spend it with me.”  She let out a pained sigh. It would be nice to have this amazing boy, who she raised as a son for so many years, be the last face she saw but sadly it could not be this way.

            “No, Grandmother Byeol. You just have to hang on. Be strong. Just for a-“ He stopped speaking at her raised hand.

            “You will see me again very soon Daehyun. I would greatly appreciate it if you were present at my rebirth.” He kneeled at her side and took one of her fragile hands in his.

            “It won’t be the same Grandmother. It won’t be you. She won’t be the woman who saved my life and raised me to be the man I am today. I still need you. I’m not ready to give you up.” With her other hand she wiped away the tears that began to freely fall down the boy’s face.

            “She will remember in time. But Daehyun this is your time to raise her. To her you will be a father. Teach her and protect her and love her the way I have you. With all of your heart. This little butterfly needs you now and she will until the day you die and even after that. You may not be ready for her but I assure you she is fully ready for you.” She gently his tear stained cheeks as she continued to speak. “Now go find her. You haven’t much time.”

            “I’m still not r-ready but for you… I will be the best father and teacher to her I can be.” His broken voice was enough for tears to form in her own eyes. He kissed her cheek and gave her one last lengthy hug before he rose to his feet. He retrieved the small black blanket from the stand beside the bed. This was in the possession of every Grandmother since the beginning of the Church and now it would belong to a new one. One he would call his daughter.

            Grandmother Byeol watched sadly and at the same time proudly at Daehyun’s retreating figure. This is the last she would see of her son in this life. The last of a son and the beginning of a father. She rested her eyes. She was now ready for God to take her and create something new.

            Rain soaked Daehyun to the core. He had checked up on every pregnant woman who was close to their due date. Not a single one even close to having their child on this day. He thought that maybe Grandmother Byeol had been wrong when it came to predicting her death. The thought of her being alive for another day sent joy through his body. He began to run home to the church. He was on the outskirts of town about an hour and a half from the church. However, he knew he could easily run home within twenty minutes. The things the Matoki Military did to him and his brothers made things such as this possible.

            He was just preparing to run when a scream of pain pierced the air. No matter how eager he was to see Grandmother Byeol he couldn’t ignore the noise. By saving him she taught him to always help those who needed it.

            Every few minutes the scream would sound with low pants in between. The source of the noise came from a large muddy ally. A small woman was bent over. Her hand was pressed against the brick wall for support. She sported a dress that was too tight and too short. She was branded with the mark of The Blue Dragon. She was the property of the most notorious gang around and based on her attire she was a e. Her scream disrupted his analysis and soon he was by her side. Her long black hair was draped over her face. It was obviously tangled and soaked with the freezing rain.

            “Are you okay miss? Is there something I can do to help you?”

            “My baby!” She looked up at him with pained tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what’s wrong!” She sobbed. Sure enough her belly sported a small bump. Daehyun soon realized that this might be the Grandmother he was looking for.

            “I’ll help you don’t worry.” He picked her up and carried her into a small broken shed in someone’s back yard. It was still cold and a little water leaked through but it was better than being in the storm just outside. “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll help you.” He set the woman down on a small old couch whose stuffing had been mostly ripped out.

            “I didn’t mean to get pregnant. I’m only fifteen. I-I don’t know what’s happening!” She was now bawling her eyes out. He felt sorry for the girl and knew once he found out what was wrong he would take her back to the church. That way the sisters could help her and maybe he could save her from The Blue Dragon.

            “Okay, how far along are you?”

            “Five months. Almost si- AHH!” Another wave of pain was sent throughout her body. Daehyun was immediately by her side with one hand around her shoulders and her closest hand in his. “You probably think I’m a horrible trashy person. That I did this to my baby and myself but I’ve done the best that I could with what I had!” He held onto her tighter.

            “I don’t think that at all.” She let out heavy pants in order to suppress another scream.

            “Maybe I deserve to die because of the things I’ve done. But… But that doesn’t mean my baby deserves to die.”

            “What’s your name?”

            “Yoo Mi.”

            “Yoo Mi, you don’t deserve to die. No matter what you’ve done you don’t deserve to die and I won’t let your baby die. I promise this to you. I’ll do everything in my power to protect the both of you.” More screams of pain escaped from .

            They spent two hours in the shed. The time was not void of comforting hugs and painful screams. The rain continued to beat down relentlessly. Finally the time had come and the baby was brought into this world.

            The baby was small. So small that she barely filled Daehyun’s hands. Her own hands were so tiny like a dolls. She had a difficult time breathing but did it none the less. He wrapped her in the now dry blanket and handed her off to her mother. He resumed his earlier position with his arm around Yoo Mi’s shoulders.

            “She’s as beautiful as her mother.” He smiled at how happy Yoo Mi was to see her child. “What’s this?” Daehyun pointed out a black smudge in the middle of the baby’s chest.

            “It’s a birthmark. If you look at it closely it looks like a butterfly.” She beamed. “I think I’ll name her Nabi.”

            Daehyun’s shoulders slumped. He was now too filled with sadness to be able to admire the beautiful name. He remembered when Grandmother Byeol referred to the new Grandmother as a butterfly. He didn’t want to take away Yoo Mi’s happiness just because the church needed its Grandmother.

            “Her eyes!” She gasped regaining Daehyun’s attention. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” He looked and sure enough they held the same vibrant violet color as Grandmother Byeol. And just like her they showed love and wisdom.

            “Yoo Mi?” She looked straight into his eyes as he said her name. He hadn’t noticed before how tired and pale she looked. He smoothed the curly sweaty locks of hair that clung to her face and rested his hand on her cold cheek, “Do… Do you know what the church is?” Despair took over her features and she looked as if she would start crying again.

            “You’re… taking her away from me because a-a e isn’t suitable to be a mother right?” Warm tears made contact with his skin.

            “No it’s not that at all. I can see it in your eyes that you would be the best mother in the world. It’s just… Our Grandmother has been reborn as her.” Her free hand shot up to his face. Daehyun was prepared for a slap across his face but was welcomed with her soft hand caressing his cheek. She looked long and deeply into his eyes as if searching for something. Tears continued to fall. He was sure if he looked at this young girl any longer he would begin to cry himself.

            “You’ll take care of her right? M-Make sure she grows up to be a… good person?” Daehyun pressed his forehead to hers and wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

            “I can take you with me Yoo Mi. The church will take care of you. You and me we’ll raise her together. I’ll be there for you and her in any way you need me. It doesn’t have to be all bad.”

            “You’re an angel you know that…” Yoo Mi’s voice was getting weaker. “Take care… of… mypreciousbabyg-girl…” Her eyes slowly began to shut and her body grew limp.

            “No. Yoo Mi? Please wake up!” He shook her body and cried and yelled for her to get up. It was all in vain. This young girl. She gave birth to the next grandmother. She wanted her child. She wanted a better life for her than she had. She would keep the strange child that most would instantly throw to the church. This precious girl that Daehyun came to care for in such a small amount of time had slipped from life as easily as her daughter gained it. He would have continued with his tear filled outrage if the baby hadn’t started crying.

            Daehyun pulled himself together so that he could tend to the baby. He hadn’t lied when he said she was as pretty as her mother. He held her close to his chest and rocked her back and forth to sooth her. She calmed as soon as the rain stopped hitting the broken wooden roof. He looked to Yoo Mi and promised he would come back to her and give her a proper farewell.

            “It’s okay Grandmother Nabi. Let’s go home.”



Okay so this thing is like thirteen pages long on microsoft word and I'm happy with it. I'm really sorry about the time skip but as long as you know Grandmother Byeol change Little Daehyunnie for the better then I'm fine with it.

Also this is if i really at writing and there was no emotions behind my words......(sorry)


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itachikiba #1
i'm curious to see where this goes. just keep consistent with the story and it will be fine.