
Alive and Not So Well [Hiatus]

            B.A.P. trusted their leader and had full faith that he would make a decision that would be best for them all. Deciding to turn your back on something that had been there since the beginning was tough. Matoki Military is all they had known their entire lives. Could they even begin to imagine life without its constant hold? No. Yongguk needed time and space to think about it and they all willingly gave it to him. It had been five days, hardly enough time to make a life altering decision but Yongguk had done it. Seeing those boys run from him at the slightest glimpse of him or his brothers had made the decision. In the short time he’d stayed at the church he had fallen madly in love with children and it hurt him deeper than anything to be the cause of their pain. He hadn’t told his brothers of this decision yet but he had informed them to meet in the small den near their rooms to discuss it.

            Yongguk sat in one of the chairs near the window anxiously awaiting their arrival. The first to show was Zelo. He was always eager to hear what Yongguk had to say and had even grown impatient of the other boys. The others slowly filed in. Youngjae and Daehyun entered together laughing hysterically about something. It all became clear when Himchan barged in with Jongup behind him dying of laughter. The crotch of Himchan’s borrowed jeans were soaking wet. Yongguk and Zelo couldn’t help but laugh along with them. All Himchan did before sitting down was bitterly glare at them.

            “What happened to you?” Youngguk said trying not to burst into the same laughter as his brothers.

            “Little kids are jerks!” He said furiously. “They sprayed my jeans with water and all of the noona’s were laughing at me! And I can’t go change because you’re so adamant about having this meeting at this exact time with no exceptions for tardiness. If it weren’t for you I’d still have a chance with them.” He flipped his hair out of his eyes flamboyantly.

            “There’s a legitimate reason I called you here.” Yongguk defended. 

            “Oppa I’ve been looking all over for you!” So Hee ran into the room. 

            “Just when I thought we got rid of her.” Youngjae rolled his eyes. He wasn’t too fond of how often So Hee appeared whenever Daehyun was around.

            “So Hee my sweet little cherry blossom! I’m indecent at the moment.” Himchan grabbed the nearest throw pillow and settled it into his lap hiding the stain from her eyes.

            “I wasn’t talking to you,” She immediately clung to Daehyun’s side, “And that’s really gross! You shouldn’t be taking it out in the open.” More fits of laughter erupted at So Hee’s misinterpretation of the situation.

            “What! N-No princess it’s not what you think!” He immediately deflated as she buried her head into Daehyun. “Why do the bad things always happen to me?”

            “I enjoyed this but now we need to have a serious talk.” Yongguk said trying to settle everybody down.

            “Can we get rid of the leech first?” Youngjae said glaring at So Hee. She stuck her tongue out in response. He childishly mimicked her.

            “Youngjae!” Yongguk glared at him for a moment before continuing to speak. “I have made a decision. We won’t be going back to the base when they call us. In fact we will never go back. What they have done in the past and what they represent are not what we are all about. I know each and every one of you feels as much remorse as I do about those Block B boys and I for one will not stand by the side of and organization that would do that to innocent children. So if they come and get us or they try to hurt others then I will do all in my power to protect those future victims and ourselves. I don’t want any child to have to go through this ever again. Can you all agree to that” Yongguk looked at them as their light faces had taken a much more serious tone.

            “I’ll follow you wherever you go.” Zelo said.

            The others agreed immediately. There was no way they would go back without their brothers. Even before this meeting they individually decided that there was no way that they would ever go back.

            “We should let the sisters know just in case Matokie’s decide that they want to get any of you. They may look fragile but they are tougher than even General Jang was.”

            “How exactly does that work? Do you go around saying ‘hey my brothers are going to stay forever so be prepared if an incredibly violent military comes to kill everyone for them’?” Youngjae asked.

            “Well first we have a meeting with a group of sisters whose powers are most effective in combat. You can refer to them as The Task Force. They usually deal threatening militaries and tend to help the police in hostile situations. They will spread the word to the other sisters. I don’t think that the Matoki Military will get that far. There hasn’t been one group able to defeat The Task Force.” Daehyun explained.

            “When should we go?” Yongguk asked.

            “The sooner the better. They don’t have much information about Matoki Military tactics so they will need any information that you have to offer to better protect against them and in the best case scenario shut them down.”

            “Let’s go then.”

            “Can I go with you Oppa?” So Hee asked looking up to Daehyun with pleading eyes.

            “This is official business. We don’t need a teenage girl leeching on us the whole time. It’s probably better if you just go get your nails manicured and stay out of our way.” Youngjae snapped before Daehyun could answer.

            “I was talking to Daehyun Oppa not you!” She returned her gaze back up to Daehyun, “Please oppa! I’ll be quiet just let me go with you.” She pleaded.

            “So Hee,” Daehyun pulled her away from his side and looked down at her, “I would love for you to come with me but I can’t. This is really serious business and its best if there aren’t too many people when we visit The Task Force. Six is pushing it. I hope you understand.”

            “Okay,” She sighed looking down, “but we will hang out later right?” She looked hopeful.

            “Of course we will.” Daehyun hugged her goodbye and they all waked out leaving So Hee by herself.

            Daehyun wouldn’t tell them exactly where they were going. They were a bit wary but for security purposes the meeting place of The Task Force had to remain secret. They all had to oblige.

            “How are you even friend’s with So Hee?” Youngjae asked. “She’s so clingy.”

            “So Hee’s been with me since I was little. She was my first real friend. I don’t really mind spending time with her. You just have to get to know her better and I’m sure you’ll grow to like her just like I do.”

            “Do I have to?” Youngjae detested the idea of being around her even more than he already was.

            “If you don’t want to then I will gladly take your’ place. One day I will get her to call me oppa!” Himchan declared.

            “I’m the only person she calls oppa. Sorry Himchan but it’ll probably take you years to get her to call you that and I know for a fact you’re not that patient.” Daehyun laughed.

            “I’ll be her number one oppa in two months just you wait and see.”

            “There’s no way you would ever be oppa number one. Her crush on Daehyun is way too big for that to ever be possible.” Jongup said from behind.

            “What? So Hee doesn’t have a crush on me. Were like brother and sister.”

            “How can you not know? It’s so blatantly obvious!” Youngjae threw his hands up in the air. “And I thought Himchan was an idiot.” He mumbled.

            “Yeah,” Himchan nodded his head in agreement “Wait?! Youngjae!”

            “You guys are ridiculous.” Daehyun laughed “Be quiet now were almost to Task Force headquarters.”

            The six walked for several more minutes before they found themselves in a large sanctuary. Large stained glass windows covered the walls. Daehyun led them to the very front. Before them was an image made out of metal and wood. The materials swirled around each other creating deep intricate designs. There were large gaps every so often. Daehyun plunged his hands into two of the gaps which were shoulders width apart from each other. Five clicks filled the sanctuary and a faint scratching sounded from their left. The wall opened up to a dimly lit hallway. Daehyun hurried his brothers inside before the doors sealed shut.

            They silently made the rest of the trip to Task Force headquarters. This silence was mostly out of awe of how well hidden this group was from the rest of the church. The brothers descended down a lengthy flight of stairs. They had to be on this path for at least twenty minutes. They weren’t exactly tired because of all the endurance training they had done while still in the Matoki Military. The stairs ended and they were forced down another dark and narrow hallway. This hallway had no end. A mist filled the air and everything went dark. A bright light flashed before them and they were confronted with the voice of a woman.

            “Who seeks The Task Force and what are your intentions?”

            “My name is Daehyun. I am the apprentice of Grandmother Byeol and the caretaker of Grandmother Nabi. With me are my five brothers Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Jongup, and Zelo. We seek protection and to give information on Matoki Military. Will you help us?”


Shorter Than i usualy write and its been a while since I've updated. Just been distracted and stressed about getting this job...

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itachikiba #1
i'm curious to see where this goes. just keep consistent with the story and it will be fine.