♥coOkiEs anD cReaM (poster) requEst shoP♥ [CLOSE]


coOkiEs aNd cReaM

poSteR reQuest sHop

noW oPeN



annyong chingus!!

euntaec here...

so i finally decided to make a poster request shop after my gallery || requests || ♥

i was really not planning but here i am..:D



• Please subscribe first before you request.

• Use the poster at least for a month or so before you change it.

• Don't request from me if you already requested from other poster request shops. (but for some reasons i made a request even if the person already reqeusted from the other shop--well it's because te person needed e re-do but then the person got rejected (not the word i was looking for)--so tell me if that happens--so i can make your request..☺)

• You can freely tell me if you want a re-do. (I just don't know if i can make it faster--so please wait...☺)

• Please provide BIG/HQ pictures. If not, then i would have to use my own pics for the posters.

• Comment if you already got your poster and comment/pm me if you already used the poster.

• Don't forget to credit me and the shop in your foreword...☺

• If you already got your poster, don't unsubscribe.

• I won't infrom you if your poster is done so better subscribe...☺

• Don't rush me because i can only make poster if i have time--FRIDAY NIGHT--SATURDAY MORNING--SATURDAY NIGHT--i only have this times because i have school...and maybe if i have time on TUESDAY & THURSDAY--maybe i can make your request.

• Lastly, fill up the request form for your request.




Fic title:

Story link:

Request for:

Characters (in the poster):

Images for the characters: (pictures should be big/hq...if not...i will use my own pics and please tell me where you want to put the characters in the poster--i kinda get confused sometimes)

Theme dark/happy/etc:

Color: (colorful or not---darkish or not)

Quotes: (maximum of 2 sentences)

Anything else??


just send it to me through my inbox..kamsahamnida!!☺♥


this is my gallery...


--check it out...:D

--i was glad that many liked it that i decided to make my own request shop


--i now decided to put rules because i can see those who requested also requested from other shops--

11-6-2011 07:06 pm




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chingu !! i love your poster so i hope you'll open a new one ! =DD
SnsdlMachine #2
and please open a new poster shop
SnsdlMachine #3
i got my poster thanks chingu<br />
I've got the poster and used them... thanks so much! <3
elisha960809 #5
byebye......hope you will come back:) haha you are a really good graphic designer, ill tell you that~!
HyoTeukkie #6
Bye bye :(<br />
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I wish you make a poster again :)<br />
<br />
hehe!!<br />
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BTW, I am very thank you thank you thank you very much for make a poster, banner and background I really like it very much :)
morge0920411 #8
aww.. its gonaa close.. *tears.. but thank you so much for making such a beautiful posters.. XD
SleepingSwallow #9
Omo! Thank you so much!! I love all that you have done for me!! Thank you forever unnie! :D