
I Choose You! [sequel to 'Who do i choose']

The next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed
You went to the door and opened it
'GOOD MORNING!~' said a hyped Zin

Without thinking, you slammed the door right in his face. You came back to your senses and opened the door again to see a shocked Zin.
'oh...mianhe...i don't even know why i did that..hahahaah'
Zin pouted
'are you angry at me?'
'what? why would  be angry at you?'
'b-because i lied..'
'it's okay~ you checked for monsters in my room so now, it's even'
Zin smiled widely
'wanna go and shop today?~'
You nodded eagerly
'YES~! just wait a minute, i need to change'
It only took you about 2 minutes to get ready.
'lets go!~' you said excitedly
' do you get ready so quick..?'
'i don't know, it's magic i guess..'
Zin chuckled and ruffled your hair
'i'll treat you to food today'
You guys arrived at a mall. It was the best in Japan but super expensive.
'oppa, lets's too expensive here..'
'don't worry~ i have a lot of money'
'yeah, but thats your money, not mine'
'but i want to spend it on you'
'noooo, you cant do that!'
'and why not?'
'because it's your money'
Zin sighed
'but i choose to spend it on you'
'yeah, but you'll just make me feel guilty'
'aww, don't worry, you can make up for it~'
Zin didn't give time for you to protest and just dragged you into a random store.Everything was sooo pretty! you kept staring at this pretty neckace. The ring that L gave you when he asked you to be his girlfriend was still on your finger. Both ring and necklace would suit together perfectly
[A/N sort of...hahaha]

'Do you like that?' asked Zin
''s okay'
You didn't wan't Zin buying you anything so all you had to do was lie and say that most of the things at the place weren't really pretty but Zin could see right through you.
Zin dragged you to another store, then excused himself to the toilet but he actually went to buy the necklace for you.
Just as he was about to take the necklace, another hand also grabbed it.
'excuse me, i got it first'
[AN/ Zin's speaking in japanese]
Zin looked up and anger boiled inside of him
'L..what a coincedence, what are you doing here?'
[AN/ Zin's now speaking in Korean]
'i-i-i-i...what are you doing here Hyung?'
Zin took a small peek behind L and saw Kim looking at other things in the store
'i just came to Japan to do some things..'
L looked really nervous, he took out his pone and started texting someone. In a few seconds, Kim walked out of the store
'sorry about that, ' apologized L
'i just remembered i had something important and forgot to tell my...umm...workmate'
Zin scoffed silently
'you , when i get hard evdence on you, your dead' he mumbled
'well then, i have to go now, you can have the necklace Hyung, i don't want it anymore'
L rushed out of the store as quickly as he could.
Meanwhile, you were wondering why Zin was taking so long
*does he have a bad stomach?*
Zin came back after purchasing the necklace and he gave it to you
'OPPA! i don't want it, i cant take it!'
'do you want me to chuck it away them?'
'a-ani! it's such a waste of money!'
Zin grinned and spun you around, then put the necklace on you'
'neomu yeppeo"
You blushed
'g-gomawo...i'll repay you somehow'
Zin smiled
'you don't have to~ as long as your happy, i wouldn't mind dying for you~'
you gasped
'oppa! don't say that! you might jinx it!'
'well~ it's true you know, just remember i'll always be by your side okay?'
you nodded
'i know'

i sacraficed doing my homework to update~


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ChocolatePandaCookie #1
Chapter 34: Ermehgawd a sequel to the sequel o.o
I really enjoy this story though. I loved the part wen shes like 'im pregnant!' Lol. But one thing slightly annoys me: whenever suzie comes to a new school, on her first day theres always this one girl that wants to kill her. :( whyyyy??!?!??!
JungJeWon #2
Chapter 31: ooohhh i miss 'birth of a family'...infinite and a pink need to take care a few puppies...they are cute though especially the infinite above *picture of sunggyu and puppies*its from that show...and sunggyu is the most scared to the puppies...he was scared at puppies...hahaha
JungJeWon #3
Chapter 22: three above was cool and handsome...and woohyun so ccuuuttteeee
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 17: hahahaha...sure 2pm is weakest and funniest eyes watery because laughing so much...
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 12: hahaha...junho was funny...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 11: eeh author-nim you want to be shot by insoo...hhehehe...i want to be shot by bap oppa....*only oneshot,only one shot,ireul kkwak....*hehehe...kya feeling happy because i have buy oneshot and no.1...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 7: *slap author-nim*
'what???'said to readers...
'why you slap our author-nim...'
'because she asked to???...'
*got a slap from readers*
'aish how can i get slap when she the one who want being slap...remember to me dont slap author-nim to be safe...or not her readers will mad at you...'
just want joking...
Midnight-Checkmate #8
omo....who is the black tiger....
dont tell me zin follow them...
Hi there!! New reader!!!
Who is black tiger?!!! Please tell me!!!
Zin didn't follow Suzi to america right?