I'll Have The Last Laugh


Sehun and Baekhyun didn't meet in the best of situations... the former swearing to himself that if he ever saw Baekhyun again, he'd get revenge.

And he gets just that.

But Byun Baekhyun isn't someone to accept revenge for something he's apologised for, and so the rally of revenge pranks begins.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・゚SEBAEK *:・゚✧


So I started writing this story over 2 years ago and now I'm not the biggest fan of it. But, despite my loss of motivation, for all of you who have stuck around, or anybody new, I'll keep trying till the end and I'll finish this story! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑


It's kind of fluff, lowkey angst, comedy??? (I mean everyone's senses of humour is different so if you like stupid jokes and silly situations, you may breathe a slightly larger amount from your nose when reading this? Idk). My update schedule is all over the place so if you stick around despite that, thank you! 


If you upvote, subscribe or comment, I'll love you forever! ^-^

(Seriously, comments make my day/week/year).


I'd like to give a huuuuuuuuge thank you to mizusora for the adorable poster and background *-* you guys should honestly go check out the shop because the typography and graphics are beautiful and you won't regret it and aaaaaaaaaaaa

 (click the banner to check it out!) 


Aha, chapter posted! The next chapter will be The Date and then only 2 more chapters before the very end! Ahh, can you believe it? It's almost over. Wow.


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Lulyhan #1
Chapter 26: Thank you again for ending your story <3, it was lovely to read it again
970 streak #2
Chapter 26: I read everything until 1:30am. I just couldn't stop till the end.
Baekhyun really brought theur prank war to a new level when he went to the camp.
But, even when they were boyfriends, they continued the prank war. I live the de-flouring scene!
Thank you so much for sharing. B
Chapter 25: Wait don't tell me you stopped updating author no no nooooooo not at this point when everything is going this good
Chapter 14: Oh god I love this this is super funny and cute and omggggggg author nim thank you so much for the lovely story it's amazinggggggggggg
Lulyhan #5
Chapter 25: Wait, I was reading it again and forgot it wasn’t over yet, hate myself now xD
ExoLscanloveBTS #6
Chapter 25: The way you described sehun's feelings and affections towards baek was so cute OMFG♡♤ >~<
-lubehan #7
playfull_prinxe #8
Chapter 25: yeah... he sure hate u baek ;) also, baekie so damn cute as always!!
playfull_prinxe #9
Chapter 24: yass bbh!! u go boii!!
Chapter 25: Cute cute cuteeeeeeeeee. I cant wait to know what will happen next. Thanks for the update ♡♡♡