facebook based / general / semi-literate to literate / all living muses accepted 


the five commandments
a.k.a. the main things you have to know and we expect from each member 

No one knows what a celebrity is like 100%, but do be aware of their general demeanor,
reputation, and friends. For example, it wouldn’t make sense to make TOP of BIG BANG, 
who is big on privacy, get an Instagram and suddenly post a status every day about him wanting friends.

Don’t ignore everyone in the roleplay for your group mates / partner / OOC best friend’s muse. 
That being said, know that if you choose a less social muse, it will be your 
responsibility to figure
out how to interact with others and make posts. Talk to others– you joined a roleplay group.

We welcome any literacy past one-liners. For example, we do not want “/smiles/ Yes I know”. 
Detailed script/action and above is ideal. Please be courteous about the range of literacy here by not
bombarding a script roleplayer with a novella post, and alternatively, don’t make a para roleplayer’s efforts 
go to waste by replying with a single line of dialogue and nothing else. Adapt and challenge your writing skills!

Everyone has a life. Just make a status at least once a week to be considered active– that’s not a lot! 
Seven days of no status on your own wall, and you will be removed. Hiatuses are of course permitted.

You don’t need to have a PhD or be living that adult life: we just don’t want any OOC drama. Muses can make 
mistakes and be stupid or immature, but you need to not take any of that personally.


[  !  ]
about the muses

We accept all living humans who have a reason to be in Korea (meaning Korean celebrities, mostly).
You know the risk / stigma if you pick someone who doesn’t speak Korean, or who isn’t Asian.

Again, we’re only allowing 1 to 2 members per group to be gay. This depends on the size of the group.

Please be mindful of triggering content. happens, but don’t go overboard, and don’t expect to get
away with all of it (for example, a heroin addiction is unrealistic because there are tell-tale physical signs of it).

Pregnancies are discouraged as no idol in the prime of her career would dare come out with a pregnancy
scandal. Pregnancy scares are fine, but if you want to take it ANY farther than that– contact an admin.

Idols who are in revealed relationships are free to keep those with their muse, or claim it is for publicity.



roleplaying ettiqutie

No roleplaying on pictures. Comment as if it’s an Instagram post or other social media update.

Please use emoticons very sparingly, and keep chatspeak in SMS/SNS.

Statuses are either SMS updates, or open posts (a post of your muse walking around the park, for example–
where action roleplaying and speaking dialogue and face to face interaction is actually allowed).

No wall-to-wall roleplaying. No gif spams. No OOC outside the OOC group.

No roleplay in PM counts towards your activity. You can be a social butterfly in PM but if you hardly wall post,
we will remind you to be active and remind you that you joined to roleplay with others out in the open.



accounts & etc
 the password is there is none, but you're still expected to follow the rules.  

You may have up to three characters, none from the same group obviously.

We do not accept applications from emails or inactive/newly made tumblrs, or brand new AFF accounts.
When you apply, we make a new post and do not show personal info. Tell us if you want a character kept secret.

Only romanized names, as it’s impossible to tag symbols and confusing to many roleplayers.

Sasaeng-Jib posts will not be the nicest. Please do not take anything to heart out of character. Obviously
some things may be twisted, misinterpreted, or occasionally made up by a bitter person wanting an idol for themselves.
If you feel your muse was unfairly watched (for example, someone slips up and doesn’t realize a post
was in a private setting such as someone’s home), tell us ASAP and we will remove it.

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