School work

Love came to me
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Yumi’s POV

I didn’t attend school for days now although my brother always insisted me to go. But I kept declining it and stayed with him. He was perfectly well now, so he kept me insisting again and again so finally I decided to go back. I have lots of work as well Yookyung told there is lot of work delayed for competition just because I was not present. Our class is not taking proper responsibility and Mrs. Kim doesn’t want to give the important work to other student.

So here I am in school hallway walking towards the staff room, when I was about to enter the room. Some boys came out, with bruises all over their faces; all of them stared at me and walk away. But one of them approaches me and stop right in front of me.

His gaze was on me, but I didn’t have the courage to look at him and turned away. I was about to enter the room but he caught my wrist and pull me towards him, so now I was staring at him absent mindedly.

Mark’s gaze was fixed on me “How is Suho hyung? Did he get better?”. I was in deep thought he was asking about my brother, I think I made him feel guilty that’s why he is asking.

I replied as calmly as I can “He is fine, he’ll be discharged in two days”. He nodded in reply, it was getting awkward. I was thankful to the Mrs. Kim who came out in time.

“OH Yumi.... come in!” then she looks at Mark “What are you still doing here? Go in your class. Always causing trouble, go and look after your wound” she was harsh even though she tries to be sweet. Something serious happened and I was sure.

I entered with the teacher leaving Mark behind, I glance at him before entering, he had his fist close and he stormed away.

Mrs. Kim looked at me and smiles “So finally, my lovely Yumi is here, now I don’t need to be so much tense. You’ll handle the responsibility”. She hands me some paper “This is the list; you’ll have to make sure that there is participant in each category”.

While walking towards the class, I heard students saying something about Mark and his friends. I stopped when I overheard a boy saying “Mark fought with those guys again, I thought they ended their fight with some agreement”. Another boy replied him “I heard they fought again because of some girl issue. And I heard girl is from our school, I guess she just began a reason for our school rivalry”. Some girls rolled her eyes and stated “Such annoying girl, because of her our handsome oppa got bruises. Aish .... So stupid”.

I froze hearing it, I am beginning a rivalry that’s ridiculous. And they fought again, but why, I guess they already had their personal reason and blame just came to me.  

I sighed and went inside the class, Got7 were in their sit, and some students were rushing in.

Na Eun waved at me, she is acting weird “Hey, Yumi long time no see. I am so glad to see you. Here is the list of students .Oh I am so happy at least my work load will become less”.

Oh now I know Yookyung told me my work was given to Chorong, maybe she ditched and gave Na Eun to do all her work.

I stood in front and announce “So give your names for the categories you want to participate. I will keep the paper in table, write your name”.

I was not interested in participating in any games or talent competition; I am sure our class beauty queens will handle in those parts in singing and dancing. By the way I don’t even have any talent rather than getting good marks, such a useless person.

Yookyung came with very bright face and hugged me “OH Dumpling I missed you so much”. I raised my brows “But didn’t you meet with me yesterday in hospital”... She faked a laugh “I know, but I miss you with this school dress wearing specs and looking like future doctor.”

I smile meekly in return then turn towards Mark; he was sitting in his

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Chapter 9: well hope her and mark are kinda friends now
Chapter 8: oh gosh does her mom recognize her?!
Chapter 7: wow her mom did her so wrong just left like that and had new family =0
Chapter 5: haha hope mark realizes its not his fault and that suho is ok and yumi speaks to mark to say its not his fault :)