-Chapter 3-

I'm Going To Kill Lee Jaehwan

I was super confused and I didn't know what to think. I looked up at him and he had the cutest goddamn blush ever. Wait, not cute. Not at all. He shifted his head while he looked into my eyes, probably getting impatient from the lack of my answer. I don’t know why I did it but I just shook my head and walked away.


He ran up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. My heart did little jumps when his fingers pulled me back. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that tears started to form in his eyes and his slight smile had fallen. My heart broke into a million pieces. I felt bad looking at him so I shook his hand off and walked into my room.


I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Many thoughts were running through my head at the moment.


“Why do you like me Jaewhan-ah. Why do I feel weird whenever you come close to me? Why do you have to annoy me so much. Why can I just figure this out?” I ran my hand through my hair.


I heard a sigh by the door and saw Hakyeon looking at me with pitiful eyes. I gave him a questioning look and all he did was shake his head and leave. 


That night I didn’t leave my bed. I just laid there trying to figure my thoughts out until I fell sleep and apparently sleep didn’t like me that night. I kept waking up every hour and then falling right back to sleep. I also kept dreaming about the hurt and sadness I saw in Jaewhan’s eyes. Every time I woke up I remembered that it wasn’t just a dream but reality and my heart would hurt. (This is not the reality I wanted… lol)


I awoke to someone shaking my arm. I opened my eyes to see Jaewhan leaning over me.


“Good morning Taekwoon-Hyung” He greeted with a monotone voice. He had no smile, no high-pitched squeals. I felt a pang to my heart.


I looked into his eyes and he moved his gaze almost immediately. Sadness flew over my features as soon as I saw him look away. He turned to look at me, seeing the change in my expression out of the corner of his eye. As soon as he looked at my face I turned away. I went to look at him again, he turned away and giggled a bit. Hearing that I smiled a little and some of my guilt went away. 


I started staring at his face and he looked at mine. We stared into each others eyes for at least 5 minutes until we heard a cough at the door. We both looked towards the door to see the 4 of them standing there staring at us.


“Why don’t you two just kiss already?” Sanhyuk rolled his eyes. Hakyeon smacked him in the back of the head. 


“Look! Now you’ve ruined the moment Han Sanghyuk!!” He yelled.


“Yeah. Good job .” Wonshik said. 


Jaewhan blushed a bright shade of red and ran out of the room while hiding his face. I chuckled a little, watching him scramble around to leave. Sanhyuk gasped.


“What you little twerp?” Hongbin asked.


“Taekwoon-hyung laughed. While he was looking at Jaewhan-Hyung! He likes Jaewhan-hyung!” Sanhyuk yelled.


I looked at him with a glare and he just smiled at me.


“He isn’t denying it.” Hakyeon whispered to Wonshik. Hongbin heard that and nodded his head.


I started death glaring at all of them. I stood to my feet and pushed past all of them and walked out of the dorm.




Here is a short chappie for y'all! I'm so sorry for not updating any of my stories!!! plz dont kill me~~ *does horrible aegyo* I love you all!!!

HUGGGZZZ \(^.^)/

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I would like to thank you all for upvoting and subscribing to my ty story! :)
flirtingminri #2
Chapter 10: why am i always late for such an amazing story!!!! omg i like it <3
thank you for written up this story author-nim <3333
Chapter 1: HahaXD this is so funny
Chapter 8: O.M.G. awww. Why the ending T_T.
anyway sure im the future, if you write more stories , you will be a good writer. For this fic , the idea was great but perhaps if the details were done a bit more , it will filled up certain gaps. but overall , you did great. I enjoyed this. Keep on writing aite? :)
Chapter 1: Just read this. first chap and i laughed a lot. seeing your name showed me the fandom u r into more than the rest but hey...this is so good. keep it up !
Starlight-Kenjumma #7
Chapter 10: You should write a new Keo fanfic author-nim ^^ I really liked this story (even though I still feel the sadness for the end ㅠㅠ) Thank you for this fic ^-^
Chapter 8: *sobs sobs*
Glitterintheair #9
Chapter 7: Cries
It was so beautiful