I'm Going To Kill Lee Jaehwan

A/N: This is the last chapter……. PLZ DONT KILL MEH… IM BEGGING U!!!!





I looked down to see my little Jaewhan smiling up at me. 

“That Jaewhan of yours sure seems really sweet.” My Jaewhannie said to me. As old age came and got us Jaewhan started to not remember anything. As of now, the only thing he remembers is that me and him were friends when we were younger.

“Wasn’t he something?” I replied and smiled back at him. 

I have told him the same story on how we got together everyday for the past three weeks. I reached over and grabbed his wrinkled hand in my own and kissed his knuckles. He chuckled and looked at me again. But this time as he strode at me I saw something in his eyes. Oh how I hated that look. This is when he starts saying stuff about how he is going to die. I know it will happen soon but it still hurts.

“You know what?” He suddenly asked me.

“What?” I answered curtly, not wanting to hear what he is going to say after this.

“When I die I don’t want a funeral. Please don’t give me a funeral.” He whined like he always does when I try to make him do stuff he doesn’t want to do.

“Okay, Jaewhannie” I replied to him. 

“Okay.” He said back and closed his eyes. He fell into a deep sleep.

When he awoke his eyes scanned the room for me. I watched him as he looked at all of the chairs and then the couch before looking at the doorway. He smiled and waved me over as if he wanted to tell me something.

I walked to his bed and he grabbed my hand. He rubbed his thumb as he smoothed the wrinkles deep in my skin. 

“Can you tell me the story about you and that nice young man?"He asked. I nodded and his eyes lit up with excitement.

“Yes, Lee Jaewhan, the person who is first on my kill list…” I started telling the story. He chuckled as he always did. I wasn’t annoyed to tell this story over and over again unlike some people might get. Instead I was happy, able to make my the dying love of my life happy. To see him smiling like he once did. To know he was happy to hear what I had to say. It made me glad, to the point where it felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest.

As I told the story a smile graced my features as I recalled how angry he had made me when he wouldn’t stop calling me, when in actuality deep down I absolutely loved it when he woke me up at ridiculous hours. 

Through out the story he kept smiling and laughing until I got to the part of the rejection. He frowned long and hard at that.

“Did you guys make up after that?” He asked me, concerned. I held back a laugh and continued the tale.

When I finished the story he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. 

“What happened after that?” He asked as his eyes closed swiftly. I knew right away what was happening.

“We grew old together,” That made him smile, “ soon, he lost all of his memory and got really sick. Everyday I told him the story about how we met.”

He looked at me shocked and then peace crossed his features. 

“I love you, my Taekwoonie.” His hand went up to my face and he my cheek.

“I love you too, my Jaewhannie.” I took his hand off of my check and placed it on his chest.

A loud beep sounded though the room before nurses and the doctor swarmed in. I just sat there not moving. I knew he was gone, I knew it was going to happen.But I couldn’t move. 

Jaewhannie, I love you~



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I would like to thank you all for upvoting and subscribing to my ty story! :)
flirtingminri #2
Chapter 10: why am i always late for such an amazing story!!!! omg i like it <3
thank you for written up this story author-nim <3333
Chapter 1: HahaXD this is so funny
Chapter 8: O.M.G. awww. Why the ending T_T.
anyway sure im the future, if you write more stories , you will be a good writer. For this fic , the idea was great but perhaps if the details were done a bit more , it will filled up certain gaps. but overall , you did great. I enjoyed this. Keep on writing aite? :)
Chapter 1: Just read this. first chap and i laughed a lot. seeing your name showed me the fandom u r into more than the rest but hey...this is so good. keep it up !
Starlight-Kenjumma #7
Chapter 10: You should write a new Keo fanfic author-nim ^^ I really liked this story (even though I still feel the sadness for the end ㅠㅠ) Thank you for this fic ^-^
Chapter 8: *sobs sobs*
Glitterintheair #9
Chapter 7: Cries
It was so beautiful