The Ladies' Man



Mr Kim's son to be enrolled into Seoul Academy of Arts at the start of this year. Known to be a talented dancer, the nation looks foward to his presence in Seoul Academy of Arts! 

Sighing softly at the headlines which involved the Kim family again, you tossed the newspaper aside. It was not as though the Kim's built South Korea single handedly, though you had to admit that they had contributed quite alot to the country's economy, you just did not get why the Kim family appeared more on the news and newpaper than any other celebrities or political leaders. 

Seoul Academy of Arts. Recently, you had received a scholarship to that prestigious Arts School and having a great passion for dancing, you did not even hesitate for a moment before accepting the scholarship immediately. Apparently, you had gotten yourself into the same school as the nation's flower boy. True, the guy was indeed strikingly good looking with blessed features topping his flawless face and him working hard as a dancer had given him a body carved by the gods. You gave his picture on the newspaper a last look before turning away. Yes, Kai from the Kim family was indeed close to perfection but the reputation was tainted by the countless number of scandals he had with ladies of all professions. Not like you cared, really. 

Facing the high ceiling of your house you had recently moved into, you shut your eyes close as you drifted into a deep sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, it was the last day of your part time job before school started the day after. It was going to be a hell of a week. 


Cursing silently at the sun rays that shone through your curtains that disturbed your peaceful slumber, you sat up with some difficulty as you rubbed your eyes, deciding to get out of bed to get ready for your last day of the part time job. 

Brushing your long silver hair you dyed a few days ago for a change, you brushed your teeth at the same time, as you noticed the time on the clock ticking away quickly. After all, you decided that you did not want to be late on your last day of your part time job.

Slipping in into the black pair of sneakers, you ran out of the house, tying your hair up into a messy bun so it would be more convenient for you as you worked. Long straight hair does not suit the job of being a barista as it required you to make drinks while shaking cocktail mixtures and you disliked it when your hair gets into the way when you doing your job. 

Running into the club where you worked at, you heaved a heavy sigh of relief while having difficulty catching your breath as you noticed you made it on time.You weren't last for work on your last day at least. 

"Soojin ah, a cocktail mix for the table at your far left." 

You did not reply your colleague but instead nodded your head in acknowledgement while tying a knot behind the apron you had just worn. Shaking the mixture skilfully before pouring it into a glass, you had to admit you were pretty decent in your part time job as your admired the perfect colour achieved from the accurate amount of different liquids mixed into one. You brought it over to the man sitting at the far left, who was sitting alone but you noticed the numerous stares from different ladies on him. Looking closer as you were getting curious, you were slightly taken aback. You were certainly not expecting the Kai to be drinking the cocktail mixed by you, and also not when he was supposed to attend school the next day. 

 Short first chapter, hope you liked it! Please comment and subscribe!


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