The Ladies' Man



The guy grabbed the drink from you and gulped it down rather nonchalently. 

boy must have a good hold for liquor. You thought and brushed it aside as you turned away to carry on with your shift that wasn't going to end any time soon. 

Throughout the night, you noticed Kai sitting still at the corner of the table, staring blankly ahead while downing the numerous shots of alcohol. Thinking that he might have had a bad day that caused his excessive drinking, you decided to leave him alone. After all, you disliked poking your nose into other people's affairs and detested it when someone poked their noses into yours. 

Soon, your shift ended at 3am and you were at the back of the staff room, packing your stuff from the lockers as your co-workers tearfully bid you goodbye. 

"Soojin ah.... take care of yourself okay? Come back to visit." Hana sniffled as she dramatically pulled you into a bear hug. Hana was a kind, nice and cheerful girl. She was two years older than you were and though you would prefer not to have any interactions with your co-workers, the girl somehow managed to find her way to make you smile once in a while. 

"I will.." You flashed her a tiny smile before awkwardly pulling yourself out of her embrace and took your bag, preparing to leave. Walking towards the main entrance of the club, you noticed that Kai was also making his way to tje emtrance, though he was slightly stumbling. Looking at the state he was in, you didn't know how he was going to attend school the next day. 


Later that morning, you made your way to the academy drowsily due to the lack of sleep and it caused you to bump harshly into someone. Not bothering to apologise for your actions, you took a step foward to continue walking but was held back by the wrist by the person you bumped into. 

"You look familiar." the guy blurted out while clutching his head with a pained expression on his face amd you knew the reason why. "You're the bartender at that club!" He exclaimed, causing a few pairs of eyes to turn towards your direction.

"Shut the hell up, won't you." You quickly cut him off with a loud hiss. No one was suppose to know that you were doing a part time at a club, the school was not going to like that. One of the requirements to the scholarship was that the student was preferred not to be working or at the minimum, work at somewhere decent. You were pretty sure that working at a club would not be considered decent by the school and you could not afford to lose your scholarship.

"Why should I when you don't even apologise for knocking into a person?" The guy gave you a tiny smirk that irked you to the maximum. 

"I didn't know you were a person. Sorry my bad." You threw him a glare. 

"You...!" The guy tugged your arm rather harshly to turn you back but you swung it off. "Don't touch me." You hissed and stalked off as you decide that Kai was a complete jerk, an inhumanly good looking one. 


You settled down at one of the tables at the back row in the room for homeroom period. Closing your eyes to enjoy the moment of peace, you inwardly groaned when you felt someone's presence beside you as the person sat down comfortably on the chair next to yours. Snapping your head to your right to see who it was, you cursed the heavens for making him be in the same class as you were in. To make things worse, the homeroom teacher started off the day with the semtence you now dreaded the most, 

" I hope you like your current seating as this would be it for the rest of the year." 

You swore you had the best of luck. 


"Are you not going to apologise?" 

"I already did, didn't I." 

"You weren't sincerely apologising for knocking into me." 

"I was, it up." 

Kai was seriously testing your patience as it was running thin rapidly.

"Is everything okay at the back, Kai-ssi?" 

"Yes, Mr Song." He gave the teacher a polite smile. 

You eyed him with annoyance and hoped that a knife would magically appear so you could throw it at his handsome face.

"Oh, and you were late this morning. May I know the reason why?"

"Something came up in the morning so I had to settle them before I made my way here." Kai smoothly lied. 

"More like you were too busy drinking and couldn't wake your sorry up on time for school." You muttered under your breath but it a point that Kai heard you.

"So you are that bartender yesterday." 

"Didn't you already know." 

"I wasn't sure but now I am." Kai grinned. 

"Wouldn't the school be glad to know that one of their scholarship students was working at a club?" He added on. 

You swore you never met someone who was a bigger douche than he was. 


Second chapter! Please comment and subscribe! 


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