

Jiyong will never admit it out loud how much he loves to slowdance with Seunghyun. But Seunghyun knows.

They are just getting back from morning jog when the rain starts to fall, in a drizzle at first. Seunghyun starts to run, pulling him by the hand, trying to take him out of the rain. But Jiyong, he takes his time letting the man to part from him until they are an arm’s length away with their fingers entwining.

Seunghyun stops running and glances toward their fingers. A warm smile curls on his lips at the sight. The smile quickly turns to an amused one though as he looks at Jiyong. ‘What?’ he asks with a raise of an eyebrow as the rain starts to come down harder around them.

Jiyong just shakes his head before stepping into Seunghyun’s bubble and wraps his arms around the taller man’s waist.

It takes a few moments for Seunghyun to comprehend Jiyong’s action, before he grins widely in understanding and holds Jiyong’s smaller frame tightly against his own.

Everything is wet around them, but Jiyong is blissful enough to care about how the water is starting to soak through the back of his hoodie, or how goosebumps are forming on his bare arms. With a contented smile on his lips, he just rests his head on Seunghyun’s shoulder.

Seunghyun chuckles a little at his adorable dragon before moving his arms up around Jiyong’s shoulders to hug him tighter. He then starts to hum to himself and moves them both slowly in circles. It takes Jiyong a few seconds to place the tune, but when he does, he smiles and buries his face into the crook of Seunghyun’s neck. “You’re such a corny er.”

“You love it,” Seunghyun immediately retorts, a smile twitching at his lips. Jiyong nods wordlessly against Seunghyun’s neck.

They stop moving after a while, despite the fact that Seunghyun’s still humming softly. Jiyong’s hands slide up the back of Seunghyun’s shirt slightly – not a ual maneuver, just to get that little bit closer. He can feel his lover shivering slightly at the contact. “Do you want to go back inside?”

Seunghyun looks up and around the empty parking lot, blinking a couple of times when he gets a droplet of water in his eyes. He shakes his head then, gripping Jiyong that little bit tighter for warmth as his clothes start to cling to his frame. “Do you?” He asks Jiyong back.

Jiyong lifts his head, looking up into Seunghyun’s eyes and kissing his lips once, so softly that Seunghyun barely aware it’s happening until it’s over. “No,” he answers.

Seunghyun chuckles before leaning down to kiss his lover’s forehead. “You’re such a corny er,” he mimics in a high-pitched voice, and Jiyong laughs.

“Shut up,” Jiyong mumbles, before pulling Seunghyun’s head down so that he can kiss the taller man again, deeper this time.

And when they eventually pull apart, Jiyong’s eyes are closed and his lips are still parted a little as raindrops hit his forehead and slide down his face to the slope of his chin. Seunghyun thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s seen in his entire life.

Instead of telling Jiyong that though, he just starts to hum softly, picking up on the tune he lost somewhere in their kiss, and he starts to sway again slowly. A hand clutches at the back of his wet shirts, and a smiling Jiyong buries his face in Seunghyun’s neck and closes his eyes, murmuring a couple of soft, heartfelt words against the skin.

Seunghyun will never admit it, but he also loves to slowdance.

- fin 

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Chapter 1: it's cute!
gtopbaby #2
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh too cute too adorable!!! <3
miyabiii #3
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhh running to jump into a cloud of cotton candy ... and swim through a pool of wonderful chocolate ... totally love this
Chapter 1: Wow that's so cute OMG gtop are just so adorable
Chapter 1: Oh that was cute and *explodes in a puff of feels*
Chapter 1: I thought it was beautiful.