Breakfast rush

breath taken away




Key moved thought his kitchen so fluently. he knew where everything was, and where everything went. in 10 minutes he has finished breakfast for all 5 of them. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Key yelled from the kitchen, the 4 boys running to the table.

"Thank you umma!" taemin said with a big smile.

"hurry up we'll be late for work!" key said while choving toast in taemin's mouth. Minho and Onew eating as quickly as they can to finish before the diva could start nagging at them. Jonghyun, sat there eating as slow as he could. He liked seeing the diva mad, He found it cute. Jonghyun walked closer to the blonde rapper and key turned around he could scare him. 

Feline eyes staring at jonghyun as he trying to run out of the kitchen as fast as he could. Key threw chopsticks at him as he was trying to walk out of the door.

"What do you want now jjong?" Key said in an annoyed voice. 

"I just wanted to come see you... Plus, you look cute with that apron..." Key's face started to turn a dark shade of red from embarrassment. "Get out! Go get ready!" He took the broomstick once more and choked him out of the kitchen



When everybody had finished they're breakfast, key practically threw them out of the kitchen with a broom." Key started to wash the dishes when jonghyun walked in. Key was wearing his pink apron. Jonghyun found it y. Jonghyun and key were keeping a secret from the other 3. they didn't want to risk the other 3 telling the news about anything.

Taemin would sometimes walk down the hallway to hear some kind of moan coming from key's room. But he never bothered to see what it was. 

Jonghyun walked back in the kitchen, slowly and quietly. He approached the rapper, but he turned around before the lead singer could scare him.

"what do you want?" key said in an annoyed voice.

"i thought maybe you need help... and you look cute in that apron..." key started ti turn a dark shade of red in embarrassement. "get out! go get ready! we'll be late!"

The diva took the broomstick once more and choved the lead singer out of the kitchen. When he finished washing the dishes he also went to get ready. 

"taemin" he said in a soft voice.

"yes umma?"

"do you have everything?"


key shook his head in disagreement. "look on the counter, i think something there belongs to you" key pointed to the object on the corner of the counter.

"Wait where is my---"

key smile as the maknae ran to the counter and grabbed his cellphone. He turned to key and tried not to make eye contact as he blushed. "maybe you should check before you say you have everything" he smiled at the maknae.

"sorry umma..."

"go put your shoes on!" key yelled as the other 3 were getting in the car. Key was having a day off, so he wanted as much time alone as he could. He desided an hour after the others left to go shopping. Amber was also having a day off. She didn't usually like shopping but she'd go on occation to make key happy.

"2 hours of shopping!" amber yelled when they finished.

"i'm never going shopping again!" she added. "well at least we got lots of cloths" key said in a low pouting voice. "that your probably gonna wear, for like 2 weeks then throw it in the back of your closet and never look at them again" amber said sarcasticly. " i will not!" key yelled




first chapter done!


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sorry that it's so short, ill try to make chapter 2 longer


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Chapter 1: hahahaha... it's so funny. i like the way key nagging. the real umma :D
can't wait for the next chapter