Hold Me Tight

Hold Me Tight //Hiatus//
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Chapter 2

     Was she really going through with this? Just a second ago, she seemed to comply with no hesitation, but she thought it over. Losing her vampire half didn't seem pleasant at the moment. It wasn't even about the power she'd lose— she was afraid of losing herself if she went through with this.

     "Taemin, stop. I can't. " He halted in front of her, smiling all-knowingly as he turned to face her.

     "I guess someone's not as tough as we all thought," He tried intimidating her with that damned smirk of his.

     She lifted her knee toward his crotch, but he dodged this one. He learned his lesson earlier, "Didn't think so." She smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.


     The story of that night is best ended there, for both friends parted and went their separate ways to begin another day of their newfound lives. For Aerri, this meant going to a high school purely made up of humans. She had been attending this school for quite a few days now, but today would be the best day to begin the story.

     It started in dance class, the second class of the day. As per usual, the girls who had nothing better to do but gawk and comment on just about everything Aerri was doing. Today, their task was to find a partner. For many girls in the class, this meant getting asked by the guy they've had an eye on for a while now. For Aerri, this was just another unnecessary challenge. As of currently, she has no one. Take it literally— Aerri has no one. She's survived the past few days of the beginning of her new life without talking to anybody in the entire school. And she's okay with that until she's being urged to communicate with someone. Which describes this situation.

     The girls in class snicker as they pass by her, as if she were a pathetic loner. Aerri couldn't give a damn if she tried, but there wasn't much time to think about how she'd kill them with her powers one day because she was tapped lightly on the shoulder. She turned, finding a boy she's familiarized herself with, as he happens to have many classes with her.

     "Hi." He seemed to say in a huff of breath, pursing his lips rather shyly afterwards. She looked around, surprised such a popular boy would approach her in such a timid way. She found three girls staring, jealousy burning in their eyes. She also found several guys staring, their bodies had already been facing her as if they were to approach her themselves.

     "Hi.." Aerri wasn't awkward— no, her personality is quite vibrant but that 'Hi' strangely came out as more of a question then an answer.

     He bit his lip for a split second before speaking again, "Would you.. like to be my partner?" He flas

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Sokmien #1
Chapter 3: Are you a fan of Avril Lavigne too?! :o
Floqkpop #2
Chapter 5: Damn, ships are coming already, the struggle is real Dx
Thanks for the update! :)
pinKPOPcorn #3
Chapter 1: Cool first chapter