Reread !!! ( A/ N )

There be love . ( Editing )
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Hello ~


I have asked a close  friend on how I should improve this one-shot because I felt like it missed something .


I would like to thank her here again for her help  ~


Thank you , Juliza ~



I have written more moments and interactions between the three , chanhee , Byunghun and Niel so I hope you guys would reread it again , especially " Act II " because it has all the new moments  ..


But obviously reading " Act I " is advisable so you would get in the mood of the fic ~


Ehem .. so yea .. that should conclude this A/N .


Hope you like it and tell me what you think ~


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Rinininette #1
Chapter 2: Woaaaah today is the day I cry because of fics, this one isn't helping me xD
The story is beautiful~ They finally go find him TwT Stop the depression! Yayayay xD
It was a little confusing but I made my mind and I understood the story, just sometimes I didn't really knew when the flashback ended xD
Thanks for this story~
Chapter 2: Long time since i stop reading chunjoe's n now, here i am again..huweeeee
choi_syra #3
Chapter 2: I have two new blind friends this semester. Honestly they work even harder than me with normal eye sight. Such a shame.

Andyour diction sometimes confussed me, but other parts are romantic. I just dont get how Byunghun can be so emo. But this is also how I see ChunJoeNiel relationship.

I really love the plot though the thoughts that cross my mind...awww.....why is this all...sad?

But the ending is daebak. Thank you for writing this. (I thought Mizuki was Mizuki from the movie Kokuhaku, so that's how I picture ke ke)
nickmo #4
When did u want make this story??