Goodbye old life

The Day of the Storm

(Mei pov)

"Wow~ look at all those cakes!!" I grinned looking at all the lovely deserts spread out in front of me. I pouted looking at my tattered wallet. 

"No mei. This isn't what we are here for" I slapped my hands on my cheeks feeling the sting from my palms awoke me from my daydream. That's right how could I forget time to go.

*1 week ago*

"Mei we need to tell you something" i looked at Mrs and Mr kang, the people who worked in the orphanege. "We are sending you to your reletive, your grandfather" 

"Why? I thought he didn't want me... that's why I came here" my eyes widening in confusion.

"Well we received a letter from your grandfather and he has requested your presence and we can't refuse your family"

I nodded my head and left to get ready for my trip i knew there was no point in answering back, it's every kids dream to leave the orphanage. Who the hell is this grandfather! I've never met him! what does he want?

*present day*

I sighed and skipped away from the beautiful shop. It would have been nice to buy a cake for the kids. They deserve that much. I walked out of the alleyway and saw the busy airport in all its glory, a few girls my age or maby a bit older walked past me the sound of there heels clicking against the floor beneath them basically called out for attention.

So carefree. What if they got followed or chased? You can't run in those ridiculous shoes. They looked at me and whispered to eachother Mocking my army boots and leather jacket. Sorry im not a princess. but I won't need to be rescued by anyone. Obviously those brats have never been to the east side of town, they wouldn't have lasted a second in the orphanage. I turned my head and ignored there sly remarks.

I'm just in time to catch my flight. I looked at the ticket In my hand. At least no one will know me there. At least I won't be known as the girl who killed her parents, I held my head up high refusing to get depressed.

I gripped my bag tight and made my first step towards my new life.

(Authors pov)

"Hyungs~" sehun sulked as his big brothers were wondering off without him

"Yah! Hurry up you little baby we are going to be late" suho was dragging his friends with him he hated being late for anything. It was totally his fault he fell asleep and couldn't wake up in time but he blamed the other's anyway.

Little rain drops began to fall and a slow rumble of thunder could be heard in the distance 

"Shoot I think a storm is coming, better hurry" D.O. ran next to the leader helping him drag sehun, the youngest tryed to keep up as his brothers ran pulling his arms there backs turned against his sulking face.

(Chen pov)

Where are they? We were supposed to meet ages ago! I'm hungry I bet the baby fell asleep again. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, my back rested against the trunk of the large tree we all assemble under. Just as my stomach growled a low roll of thunder sounded off in the distance,

ohhh a storm is near he grinned wondered what the storm would bring with it.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 22: Update if u can ^3^
flower99 #2
Chapter 22: what just happen?!
Chapter 21: Thank you for the update! Please update again! This is a very good story! \( ^_^)/
kathyxx #4
Chapter 19: Yay an update! I think the shadow is sawako?
grce88 #5
Chapter 18: Love the chapter. Pls update soon!
grce88 #6
Chapter 17: Great storyline. Hope you update soon
Omg i really like the storyline and your writing is awesome!!~ cant wait for more~ xx
sounds interesting! I look forward to reading it author-nim!
taorislyuckkaisoo #9
Chapter 11: Mei fighting and author-him you did a wonder ful job with your story