
The Road to Craziness

Hi guys, it's been awhile.... yea.... so anyway it's been a while and I think some of you guys already forgot about this story lol so if you can't understand this chapter, I think reading the previous chapter will help or better yet read the story from the start lol kidding aside, I just want to say thank you again to those who are still read this fic. It's been a month and I'm starting to have second thoughts on things but I just love Jihan so much so I can't asdkdksajdskl (sorry for not making any sense). Ahhh... I'm feeling very nervous right now. Maybe it's because it's been a month since I last updated? I don't really know haha. See you guys! Mansae! Mansae! Mansae!


Junghan's POV


"Is it in there already?" Jihoon asked as he pointed at my chest.


"Yup. Chan and Heechul shoved it in awhile ago." I answered.


In case some of you are confused, we're talking about the round buns. Jihoon ordered me to put it inside the gown so that I wouldn't look so flat chested. I didn't want to at first but Heechul and Chan attacked me from both sides so in the end......


I glanced down and saw that the buns are currently uneven so I quickly fixed my s.


"Junghan, here." Wonwoo said as he passed me a very small white board with a marker attached to it. I took it with a very confused expression.


"It's for communication." Wonwoo added but I still couldn't understand. He then rolled his eyes.


"Your voice sounds too deep so you're exempted from talking." Wonwoo explained again and I now understood. Except for the "your voice sounds so deep" part because what the hell, if my voice was deep for him already, how will he describe his.


"Oh.... What about Junhui?" I asked Wonwoo. Wonwoo rummaged inside his bag and took out two nameplates. The first one had 'The Forced Beauty' written on it while the other has 'The Silent Beauty'.


"Forced Beauty....?" I asked Wonwoo.


"Uhuh. We all know that Junhui won't talk to anyone for the heck of it and that he'll simply ignore them so putting this out will serve as a warning or some sort that Junhui will be a very mean though his concept is a bit cliche because arrange marriage don't happen now a days." Wonwoo explained and I nodded in agreement because things like those don't happen anymore, except in fanfics which reminds me of the one I struggled to read while talking to my mom. Yes, I multi-task. Got a problem? None? Good! It's about my OTP again of course entitled 'How To Break Up A Marriage' by fyeahkimjongin_ .

I then pointed to the other name plate.


"Oh, this one is yours." Wonwoo said and I scoffed.


The Silent Beauty. LOL.


"What? You are beautiful. Jisoo also said so awhile ago." Wonwoo said with a smile and my eyes widened


"What? You think I didn't see you two all kissy kissy out side the classroom?" Wonwoo added and my jaw fell down.


"You saw....?" I asked and Wonwoo laughed.


"Yup. Though I was kinda dissapointed that Jisoo went for the nose." He answered and I felt like a bomb exploded. I felt my face burn up out of embarrassment. Wonwoo must have seen it because he began to laugh.


"Anyway, since I'm such a great friend and mother, I'll simply let it pass this time but next time I'll tease you to death so get ready." Wonwoo said as he gave me my name plate and went to the opposite side of the room. I was left rooted at my place looking like a tomato.


I've already gotten over that frigging incident after chanting 'That was nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. It's normal between friends. Really.' a million times in my mind. Damn Wonwoo for reminding me again. Now I'll have to start all over again.


'That was normal. Totally normal. Normal. Not abnormal. I repeat, It's definitely normal.' I repeated inside my head over and over again.


I was so focused that when somebody tugged on my sleeves, I accidentally shouted.


"I AM NORMAL!!!" I shouted as I turn at the person and I saw the person clutch his chest in shock.


"I-is that so...?" The person said as he try to force out a smile. He then slowly took a couple of steps backward before totally running away which caused me to face palm.


Now I'm turning weird!


As if you weren't weird enough.


I am not weird!


Says someone who talks to his consciousness.


"Alright, places everyone! It's already 7:58! Go to your stations!" Prez Boo shouted but no one was listening causing him to stomp his foot and cross his arms. Jihoon saw it and decided to help Prez out.


"GO TO YOUR ING STATIONS NOW!" Jihoon shouted and everyone fled to their places including me of course.


I glanced at the table with all the food displayed on top. There are a bunch of cakes and cakes and cakes and things I don't know of though they all look very appetizing.


'How on earth did our class manage to bake all those things?' I asked myself but then I remembered that we have a very rare breed of pokemon that's most commonly called Prez Boo.


I saw Prez Boo walk with elegance towards the improvised stage infront of the room. I say walk with elegance but it's really just him walking weirdly as he sway his side to side with his head held high. He sat next to one of his bodyguard Chanyeol, who's currently holding a guitar.


Chanyeol started strumming and I saw Prez Boo swaying to the tune, opening his mouth after to sing.


I sat on my chair and infront of me was a round table covered with a silk cloth as white as snow. A sign with '10' written on it was placed in the middle. Next to the sign was the name plate that has 'The Silent Beauty' written on it which reminded me that I'm supposed to be mute. I think I'll be able to pull off the 'Silent' part. The 'Beauty' part......... Kekekekeke idk.



You look very pretty today.



But then again, you look lovely everyday.



I immediately slammed my head on the table.


"Aish...." I grumbled as I rub the sore part on my forehead but I don't regret doing what I did at all. If anything, Hong Jisoo is to blame.


"Miss, why on earth did you slam your head on the table?" Someone asked which made me look up since he was standing up. He looked at me with curiosity, together with 6 other boys peaking from from his back.


I was about to open my mouth because that's how speaking works but then I remembered that I'm supposed to be mute. I took the white board sitting on my lap and started to write something.


'No reason haha. What can I help you with?' I wrote and showed them.


"That kid assigned us in table number 10." A boy with a very deep voice said as he pointed to Jihoon.


He pointed to Jihoon so this means they're my first customers...? But what the hell, 7 people!?


I glanced at the other tables and saw that they each have one customer. Even Junhui.


What is life?


"Um, can we sit already...?" Asked guy who asked me why I banged my head on the table. It's good that he spoke because I almost forgot about their presence.


I nodded with a smile and they all smiled back. 'What kind boys.' I thought silently until the violent game of Trip to Jerusalem started since there are only 4 chairs available.


"Move your !" One guy shouted as he use his to force the one who got to sit first away from the chair.


"No way! I sat here first!" Shouted the guy who's literately being -ed away.


My attention was shifted to the two guys next to them who're also fighting.


"I'm older than you!" Shouted one guy to the other.


"Well I can speak english!" Answered the other guy.


"Ya! You cheated!" Shouted another guy who's holding another guys hand causing me to turn my gaze towards them.


"I did not! I'd still win even if we do a rematch!" Answered the other guy. Rematch!? What the hell!? Are they gonna fight!?


"4! 3! 2! 1! Who would be the strongest thumb!!!" They both chanted and that's when I realized what they were doing.


The guy with deep voice lunged his thumb towards the other guy's but the effort was futile because the opponent successfully dodged the attack. It was now the opponent's turn to do- Wait. Why the hell am I narrating their frigging game!?


I closed my eyes and massaged my temples because I think I'll end up with a massive head ache . I returned my gaze after and was surprised when one guy was quietly sitting on one of the chairs amidst the war happening right next to him.


He has the 'This happens everyday that I don't even care anymore' look until one of the six guys accidentally elbowed the back of his head. I heard him click his tongue and weird enough, the six guys suddenly stopped fighting and immediately knelt down. I say knelt down but they were more like pleading for their lives.


"Oh my god, we're so sorry!" Said one.


"Yes!!! Please don't kill us!!!" Added the guy who has a very high pitched voice.


"Sorry!" One guy said as he repeatedly bow. The other three simply looked scared.


I was really weirded out at first because what the heck, they suddenly knelt down while looking all scared but after seeing the malignant aura escaping from the boy sitting in front of me, I kinda wanted to kneel down with them.


"If you guys are that sorry..... THEN SIT THE DOWN." The guy said in a very commanding tone that reminded me of a certain small evil creature that really curses a lot. Wait a sec, they also resemble each other...?


"But there are only four chairs." Wined the guy with a very noticeable dimple.


"Then sit at each other for all I care." After hearing this sentence, the other six immediately found their place.... which was on the chair and each others lap.


I found it really funny because they were fighting awhile ago.


"Hey! I can't! Your 's too big!" Shouted the other one as he pushed the guy away.


"I do not have a big ! You're just so weak!" Defended the other guy.


"Yes you do! Remember that one time when you broke a pair of chopstick using your bu-!"


"Will both of you shut the hell up!" Shouted the scary guy from earlier causing the bickering pair to zip their mouths shut.


I saw the boy, yes, I just called him boy because I still don't know who they are. Ahem, so to continue, I saw the boy looking for a chair and I kinda wanted to offer him mine but the scary dude from earlier beat me to it. Well, he didn't really offer his chair. He took a deep breath and simply pulled boy down causing boy to end up sitting on his lap. I made me smile since he was so scary and murderous awhile ago but now he's like a kind giving friend. Sorta.


"So..... We heard that you won't be talking?" The not-so-scary-guy-anymore who looks very familiar asked. He somehow looks like... Um, like.....Jihoon?


I took the marker again and wrote.


'Yeah, my throat hurts so bad.' I lied.


"Oh, is that so? I thought you really were mute." One boy commented as he laugh. He has a very nice smile and I think it's because of the fullness of his lips.


It's really hard not knowing who's who so I decided to ask them their name.


'You guys are?' I wrote then showed them the white board after.


"Ah, that's right. But you first!" The guy with a very high pitched voice said and I swallowed.


Shoot! What name should I frigging give them!? I know that I'm not supposed to tell them my real name because Chan told me it's for 'security purposes'. Yup, security purposes my , but I forgot to ask him what to tell! God, I'm such an idiot.


Just tell them whatever.


A voice from inside of me said.


You think it's that easy!?


Yes. Tell them you're Susan for goodness sake.


Who on earth is Susan!?






"You look like you're having a hard time over there so I'll just name you." The guy who has a very noticeable dimple on his cheek when he smiles said and I actually felt relieved even though he just said that he'll name me.


"I want to name you Susan!" The guy with a high pitched voice said and I almost chocked on my own spit because what the hell is up with me being named Susan!? Can he read my mind!?


"Shut up, Jimin." The boy who resembles Jihoon said which made me feel relieved again.


'So the boy's name is Jimin.' I thought and I suddenly remembered my grandma.


"Why? Susan sounds nice!" The Jimin guy protested.


"Yea...NO." The dimple guy said as he look at the Jimin guy as if he was looking at something really weird. I found it really funny and it made me laugh in a muted manner of course.


It took me a minute to realize that they're starring at me as I laugh so I did my best to calm myself down.


How embarrassing.


"I got it!" One guy said with a smile which made me smile back. He has this very calming smile that makes me want to have hope on things that I've already gave up on.


Aish, now I'm turning emo like a certain guy who keeps texting another guy from the room next to ours.


"We'll call you Cheonsa!" He added while clapping his hands in excitement. They all nodded in approval and I felt a bit flattered though I'm actually fine with any name as long as it's not Susan. Don't get me wrong though, Susan is a very nice name.


"Fine, Cheonsa it is. Though I still like Susan better." The Jimin guy said which made the guy with a very deep voice laugh.


"I'm Namjoon." The guy with a dimple on each cheek said as he extended his right hand which I shook. He made the lip guy move out of the way because he said the his view was being blocked.


Note to self: Some good looking guys are very polite.


I saw the lip guy kind of stood up from Namjoon's lap so I thought he decided to just remain standing but what he did next surprised me because he sat down again. Except this time it was full of force causing Namjoon to yelp.


"Hi, I'm Seokjin." The lip guy from earlier said with a smile.


Note to self: Some good looking people are scary.


"Park Jimin." Said the guy who really wanted to name me Susan.


Note to self: Some good looking people who have big butts are persistent.


"Yoongi." The guy who resembles Jihoon, cooly said.


Note to self: 80% of the time, people who resemble Jihoon most likely have the same attitude as him.


"Nice to meet you. I'm Hoseok." The guy next to Yoongi said with a smile and I really like the way he smiles. So much that if they were to form a boy group, I'll be stanning him as hell.


Note to self: Some people want it all but I just want nothing at all if I ain't got you baby if I ai- I got to stop these note to self crap. It's just making me weirder.


So now you admit your weirdness.


I ignored the voice from my mind and moved my eyes to the guy next to Hoseok.


"Hello. I'm Taehyung." He said with a smile. He has this deep husky voice that you wouldn't even think of since he looks really cute. The kiddy type of cute.


'He also looks like he'd be really good at handling children.' I thought as I nod to myself but then he made a very weird face causing me to think otherwise.


I turned to the boy sitting on Taehyung's lap. He gave me a very warm smile so of course I smiled back.


"You're really pretty." Taehyung suddenly said which caused me to look at him. I didn't know what to say so I simply smiled back. I then returned my gaze to the boy who's sitting on Taehyung only to see that he wasn't smiling at me anymore and was glaring instead.


'Omo, did I do something to him!? But I don't remember doing something to upset him though! Wait. Could it be that he also wanted to name me Susan!?' I thought in panic.


"Ay, Kookie, don't be like that. You need to smile. Like this." Taehyung said as he stretched his cheek apart which I found really funny. I saw the Kookie guy's face slowly break into a smile.


"Jungkook." He muttered as he threw me a glance. I say glance but it's more of an 'I-don't-really-care-whether-you-know-me-or-not-since-I-don't-really-care' look which made me ask 'Whhhhhyyyy!?' Inside my head. He was just smiling awhile ago.


"May I take your orders." Jihoon, who appeared out of nowhere asked.


"Do you have potatoes?" Taehyung asked which made laugh because there's no way we have potatoes.


"We do." Jihoon said which made me stop laughing.


"Radish?" Taehyung asked again.


"Yes." Jihoon dead panned and I was actually shocked because a potato?


"You idiot!" Jimin suddenly shouted.


Finally! I thought I was the only one who found it very odd!


"If we're going to order, it should be carrots!" Jimin added and I almost banged my head on the table again. Take note, almost.


"I'll have a slice of Red Velvet Cake." Yoongi said and I've never been so happy in my entire life.


But you were happy when Jisoo kis-




"Oh! Me too! Me too!" Hoseok said in excitement. I saw Jihoon write it down on a very cute pink notebook that really suits him to be honest.


"Do you guys have Blue Velvet Cake?" Jimin asked out of nowhere and I think I saw Yoongi smile.


"No, we don't have those." Jihoon said while looking so done with life.


"He'll also have a slice of Red Velvet Cake." Yoongi said.


"But I said want some brmmmhmhmhmhh!" I didn't understand half of Jimin's protest because Yoongi covered Jimin's mouth with his hand.


"I'll have some green tea." Namjoon said.


"Oh yeah? I'll have some red tea then." Seokjin said as if ordering was a competition.


Jihoon turned to Jungkook since he's the only one who still hasn't ordered anything.


"I'll have some orange juice....." He mumbled and Jihoon nodded.


"I'll repeat your orders. 3 slices of Red Velvet Cake, One green tea, One red tea." Jihoon read.


"My potato!" Taehyung said as he raised his right hand.


"Uh, yes. And a potato. Anything else?" Jihoon asked as he raise one of his brow.


"That's all. Thanks." Namjoon answered with a smile. Jihoon simply nodded and took off.


The seven of them started talking to each other and I was actually quite thankful for it. Just watching them made me feel so very tired. They do the most random things out of the blue and I just feel so tired.




I slowly reached for my phone inside my gown. Inside the pocket of my pants to be precise. Yes, pants. There's no way I'll wear this gown without anything under.


I couldn't get it at first but after few more attempts, I successfully got it. I opened it from under the table.


From: Poop^^ Jisoo


How's it in your end?


Bathump! Bathump! Bathump!



Oh shut it, heart!

I was about to reply but then my phone got snatched away. I was so surprised that I almost yelled. Good thing I remembered that I'm supposed to be mute or else Jihoon would really kill me.


"'How's it on your end?' Who's this Cheonsa?" Hoseok asked after reading the message. I imagined reaching for my phone because it is my phone and because I just need to but I decided not to because what if these round buns inside my gown accidentally roll out and fell on the table? They'll find out and I'll die out of embarrassment. Though something tells me that even if the buns did roll out, they'll react like it's normal and Taehyung and Jimin would pick the buns up and they'd be like 'Cheonsa, your s fell out.' but I'm not taking any chances.


"Sunday, 10:20 am......" Hoseok trailed off and it caught the other six' attention.


"'I had fun last night'" Hoseok continued. It took me awhile to realize that he was reading the previous message that I got from Jisoo. They all gasped dramatically including Jungkook and Yoongi who both looks like they found some hidden treasure or something.


I waved my hands frantically because what the hell,they seem to have gotten the wrong idea! Jisoo said that because he really did have fun since my grandma visited.


Well, tell them that. They can't read you mind you idiot.


I was about to write on the white board but Hoseok started reading again.


"'You like it raw right?'" And they all gasped dramatically. Again. What the hell is wrong with them!?


Immediately took the marker and wrote rapidly.


'HE'S TALKING ABOUT MANGOES!!!!!' And all seven of them Ohhh-ed though Jimin looks unconvinced.


"Who is he then?" Jimin asked.


"Yes, who's he?"-Yoongi.


"An acquaintance?" Namjoon asked.


"Your dog?" Asked Taehyung causing Jungkook to laugh.


What the hell should I tell them!? Why the hell do they want to know!? Am I that pretty!? Lol. Kidding aside, Ottokae!?


'When you don't want to answer something, tell them it's a secret then wink after.' Heechul's voice rang inside my head and without any delay, I took the marker and wrote 'SECRET!♥♡♥♡' on the white board. I showed it to them while winking left and right. Wait, am I doing this right?


I saw Yoongi yawn so it immediately hit me that what I'm doing isn't working in the slightest.


"Tell us or we won't return your phone." Yoongi threatened with a smirk. Jihoon is that you!? So now you show your true colors!


Just tell them that Jisoo's your boyfriend.


What!? Hell no!!!


Just do it.




You won't see them after this anyway so why not make the most out of it?


But that's just wrong!


Then what is right?


I don't know! Don't ask me!


See? Just do it.


Like I asked from awhile ago, why!?


U gotta.




I took the marker and wrote the word 'BOYFRIEND' on the white board. I'm feel really giddy right now.


I slowly tilted the white board towards them.


"AHH!" Hoseok screamed and it surprised everyone here in our table especially Jimin and Seokjin.


"You idiot! I almost had a heart attack!" Jimin scolded though Hoseok wasn't listening since he's very busy laughing his head off.


"Yah! That wasn't funny!" Seokjin yelled while Namjoon on the other hand is doing his best to hold his laughter.


"Aish, just show it already!" Jungkook whined.


I found it really funny so I showed them what I wrote and they seem to be really interested with what they saw.They returned my hostaged phone in a very peaceful manner after and their orders arrived after so they began eating while asking me about the boyfriend that I don't really have like where we first met, who confessed first and more. My brain successfully convinced me in inventing different scenarios to answer all their questions though none of it really happened in real life and will just forever be my fantasy. *CRIES*


"He sounds like a very kind kid." Namjoon commented.


"He better be or I'll get angry." Yoongi added.


"No. We'll get angry." Jungkook corrected as he flashed me a smile. His attitude towards me changed when he found out that I have a boyfriend.




Pfft. Boyfriend.


I feel really happy when ever I mention the word boyfriend inside my mind thought I know that I'll need to control my feels because I might end up believing it and end up hurt after.


"Is he good looking?" Jimin asked which caused me to laugh very hard which caused the clip holding my bangs back to fall.


"You know, I almost grew my hair shoulder level because I just know that it'll look good on me but my pare-" Seokjin wasn't able to finish what he's saying because Namjoon interjected.


"We know, we know."


"Yah! I'm still talking yet you c-"


"Yes, yes. Your very pretty like a princess." Namjoon interrupted again causing Seokjin to roll his eyes in anger. I saw Namjoon with his victory smirk after. He seems to really like pissing Seokjin off a lot.


"I'll fix it." Jungkook suddenly said and it took me a few seconds to realize that he's talking about my hair. He extended his hands to reach me.


"Please refrain from touching something that's not yours." Somebody commanded from behind me.


Holy... why the hell is he here!? Isn’t he supposed to be busy hugging other people who aren’t me!?



We love you and ofc Joshua loves you too haha


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No Updates for awhile. I need to sort out my lyfe. sorry


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Jeonghan0126 #1
Chapter 30: Please update
Chapter 30: New reader here...^^
Your story is very interesting...
Hope you will update soon...
Hwaiting author-nin...v(^_^)v
please update! </3
Chapter 30: Update soon please :3
Chapter 30: Please update~
ijb1996 #6
Chapter 5: Am I the only one that finds the fact that wonwoo took mingyu's shirt and kept it in his bag to sniff really freaking weird
ygbbusan #7
Chapter 30: update soon authornim~
Chapter 30: Can't wait for next chapter !
lifesucksballs #9
Chapter 4: i wish i were the pizza guy
Jihaneylove29 #10
Chapter 23: I read this chapter and I imagine that they are (Jihan) a couple who hold a wedding ceremonyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Its made my day