Fire In The Hole!?

The Road to Craziness

Jisoo Hong in this chapter looks like this lol hahaha he's so handsome:



Junghan's POV

This is it. Today is the day that I man up and dress as a woman who's about to get married or something along those lines and I'm very happy and excited. Not.

The room is really busy right now since everyone's excited for the up coming opening of the marriage cafe. Everyone except me and Junhui of course but there's no backing out now.

"Cheer up already." Heechul said with a smile as he glided the reddish colored lipstick on my lips but I only stared at him in return. He hasn't asked me about whether I tried what he suggested the other day and I'm quite thankful for that.

My parents were home last Saturday night and so was my grandmother but Jisoo still insisted in sleeping over which was fine with my mom, dad and grandma since they said that Jisoo's already part of the family which was also fine with me since I you know, like him but sometimes I feel that my parents wants Jisoo as their son instead. Heck, my grandma thought Jisoo was her grandson.

Jisoo and I were chatting in the living room when I tried out a frigging pick-up line and unfortunately my grandma heard it. She began laughing at my face together with my mom and we all ended up doing a pick-up line battle. Me and dad versus Jisoo and mom. Grandma was the referee and of course we lost since come on, it's my momzilla we're going up against.

Heechul already did my make-up and I'm already wearing the wedding gown specially made for me that's causing my back to itch like hell. I've been trying to scratch the itchy area on my back but my frigging arms couldn't reach it. I was about to ask help from Heechul but he was already at the other side of the room. I then glanced at Wonwoo but saw that he was busy being friendly with Mingyu outside the room so being a very good friend that I am, I decided to not disturb their friendship time together.

I glanced at Chan but he was busy fixing a table. Junhui who looks like a really elegant princess right now is busy reading his book and Prez Boo is doing his so-called 'Proper Voice Vocalization' though all I hear are random farm animal sounds. I didn't bother asking Jihoon since he won't be able to reach it. Kidding.

"Guess I have no choice...." I mumbled under my breath.

I stood up, went towards the back of the room and started rubbing my back against the wall.

"Ahhhh~ so good." I moaned in satisfaction. Even though the wall isn't really that helpful, it still was able to reach some of the itchy parts so for that I am grateful.

"Pretty lady in a wedding dress over there. What are you doing?" Somebody asked from the opened window while chuckling and I almost had a heart attack but then again I'm already used to it.

I didn't look at him since I have more important things to do and rubbing my back up and down against the wall is one of them.

"I'm mating with the wall. Can you not see what I'm doing?" I said in a very sarcastic tone but Jisoo just laughed again.

"Come here, I'll scratch your back for you." He said so I immediately turned towards him since my back really could use some proper scratching right now.

I turned and saw him wearing casual clothes. It's very simple but it's enough to make my heart go boom. His hair was styled and man does it suit him.

I stood there at my spot staring at him for a few seconds.

"No need to stare. I already know that I look hot. No need to drool." He joked and I immediately wiped my mouth since I really might be drooling.

"I am not drooling!" I protested as I make my way towards him while he gave me a smirk that almost made me choke on air because come on, how can you not?

He's wearing casual clothes since his class would be doing a hug booth where in you'll need to pay just to get a frigging hug. You could also have a picture taken with them but you'll gonna need to pay again.

'What idiot would pay just to get a hug?' I thought but then my rude mind answered : A lot of idiots. Including you actually.

"Whatever you say." He said with a chuckle.

I reached him very easily since he was just a few steps away. I was about to face the other direction so that he'll be able to scratch my back without any difficulty but he stopped me by placing both his hands on each of my shoulders and pulled me close. Locking me in place as he look at me.

"What!?" I asked with a scowl and in irritation since I really really need to have my back scratched right now but he simply looked me in the eye and smiled. . It's this smile again.

The itch in my back disappeared immediately.

"You look very pretty today." He said as his smile reach his eyes and for a moment, I forgot how to breath. It's like everything around us disappeared.

"But then again, you look lovely everyday." He added with a soft chuckle and I just don't know anymore. We simply stood there while looking at each other.

I was actually waiting for him to add 'Kidding!' or 'Joke!' or whatever to take back what he said but why isn't he saying anything!?


What the hell is happening right now!?


Is he really saying this or is it my brain dubbing what he said!?


Is this really happening!?


my heart!


The Cheesiness is killing me!




"Fire in the hole!" Chan screamed which made me snap back from the internal conflict that I was having. I immediately looked at Chan to see what he's up to since you just don't randomly scream 'Fire in the hole!' When you're not throwing a grenade or something but I soon found out why because a very round bun hit me square in the face.

"What the hell!?" I said in surprise. I then took the bun and glared at Chan menacingly.

"Jihoon told me to tell you to put that inside!" Chan said as he ran outside the room while laughing. He must have known that I'm planning on chasing and hitting him.

"Hold this for me would you." I said as I give Jisoo the bun. I then pulled my gown up and readied myself for battle because my pride wouldn't just let Chan get away with throwing a very annoyingly round bun in my face.

I took a step which was supposed to be followed by another step since that's how running or walking works but Jisoo pulled me back.

"So you're leaving here with this thing?" Jisoo said as he look down at the round bun sitting on his hand, acting all sad which made me chuckle.

"You could come inside here you know." I suggested while laughing and he gave me a smile.

"Do you want me there with you?" He asked and I was taken aback.


Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump


'What type of question is that?' I thought since he could have rephrased the question into something else and not make it sound like he's actually ARGH!!! This kid.


Ba-thump Ba-thump Ba-thump


"Of course! You're my best friend remember?" I said trying my best to smile though I felt a sting in my chest. He also answered with a smile though somehow it's different from his usual smile since it also show something that I can't explain.

"Yeah." He then took a deep breath and entered the classroom. Why he suddenly looked down all of a sudden, I don't know.

Way to go Junghan! You ruined it. You killed it!

I forgot about my battle with Chan because of Jisoo's sudden weirdness today. What he's been doing today is really different from usual but it might just me thinking that.

"Since I'm your best friend, I can do this right?" Jisoo said as he cling to me from behind. His voice sounds different from awhile ago. Different from his usual cheerful one that it suddenly worried me.

"Are you okay?" I asked since he wasn't usually like this. I tried to turn around but he stopped me again. I felt him rest his head on my right shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just let me stay like this for a bit." He answered and I mumbled an 'Okay' though I'm actually really worried. Even though he told me he's fine, he doesn't look like it at all.

Sir Ren entered the room with a blank expression on his face while holding a bouquet of flowers.

I wonder who gave him that.

The whole room suddenly got silent and Sir Ren started speaking.

"Good Morning every one. As we all know, today is the start of the fund raising event and I would like to congratulate you guys because your efforts could truly be seen just by looking at our room. Remember to have fun later on because that's what really counts." Sir Ren said with a smile. He then remembered that he's holding a bouquet of flowers and glanced at it. I think I saw him smile for a brief second until his blank expression returned again.

"Who want's this?" Sir Ren suddenly said as he raise the bouquet and Prez Boo immediately raised his hand.

"I want it! I want it!" The Prez chanted which made Sir Ren laugh in amusement. Sir Ren gave it to Prez Boo though I can see that he seems hesitant on giving it. Like he doesn't want to but in the end he still gave it. Prez Boo took it and pretended that he won an award by waving to his imaginary fans.

"I would like to thank the Academy for this award!" Prez Boo started as he wave his hand. Jihoon simply shook his head as he watch Prez Boo while Sir Ren exited the room after with a very sad expression.

I don't understand though. If he want's it, why would he give it to someone else.

"Because he probably feels like he doesn't deserve it or something." Jisoo said from behind me which surprised me. I must have said what I was thinking of out loud again.

"Poor Sir Baekho though." Jisoo said as he remove his weight away from me.

I wanted to ask why Sir Baekho turned poor but I remember that Jisoo was acting very weirdly.

"Are you sure your alright?" I asked him again but he gave me a smirk.

"Oh, is my wife Junghan Hong worried about me?" He teased and I almost chocked on air again because of the Junghan Hong part. I smacked him on the shoulder. 

"Wife my ! I'm being serious here!" I said with a scowl. He gently pinched the tip of my nose and smiled.

This guy's mood changes too fast but I'm glad he's back to normal now.

"I'm all better now thanks to you." He said which almost made me smile but I held it back and did my best to maintain the scowl I have.

"What are you talking about? I didn't even do anything." I reasoned out but he simply smiled again and this time my scowl cracked and a smile slowly formed in my face.

I just can't with this guy. I just can't.

"If only you knew." Jisoo said with a smile as he took a step closer and I being the surprised idiot that I am, took a step backward which resulted to me loosing my balance. Good thing Jisoo was fast enough to pull me back.

It all happened so fast that I wasn't prepared when my body jerked towards him. I only realized what's happening when my face was already a few inches away from landing into his so I did all I can to stop it and thankfully, my body responded in time and it stopped.

'THAT WAS SO FRIGGING CLOSE!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!' I thought in relief because damn that was close. I thought this only happens in movies. Heck, we almost kissed!


Do you know what you just did?


A voice suddenly said.


Let me tell you what you just did you FRIGGING IDIOT. That was a once in a lifetime chance on kissing him and getting away with it because it was an "accident" but what did you do, huh? You prevented it from happening you STUPID IDIOT.


A voice nagged from inside my head and for the first time, the frigging voice actually has a point which made me mentally slap myself.

! What have I done!? That was a once in a lifetime chance that will never ever happen again because it's a once in a lifetime chance!!! Aish, now I'm even repeating myself!!! I have always wanted to atleast touch his lips before I die because damn, they look so very soft, yummy and juic-Wait! The point is that I blew it! ARGH, a chance like that wouldn't happen anymore! Aish, I feel like shouting right now! Crying even!

"Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself!? What's wrong!?" Jisoo asked frantically because I probably look like I'm about to cry any minute now but I simply shook my head.

'The once in a lifetime chance.... It will never ever happen again.' I thought which made me feel like .

"Fire in the hole!" Someone shouted and something hit the back of my head causing me to jerk forward. Again.

I was so surprised that I wasn't able to do a thing. The next thing I knew is that I'm on the ground laying on top of Jisoo.

"Omo, are you guys okay!?" I heard someone say from behind me. I immediately turned my head towards the person speaking and saw that it was Heechul. I suddenly remembered that Jisoo was still under me so I immediately stood up though I didn't want to.

"I'm fine." I answered after helping Jisoo up.

"I'm fine." Jisoo added.

"I am so very sorry!" Heechul said as he bowed though he doesn't look sorry at all based on the smirk he's sporting on his face.

This idiot.

"It's okay. We weren't hurt anyway." Jisoo said as he gave Heechul a smile and then I saw it.

Holy Jamless Jimin. (I got this from my grandma btw. Isn't she cool?)

I immediately tried to reach Jisoo's face to remove the frigging kiss mark on his cheek. I must have accidentally placed it there when I fell on top of him. Heechul must have seen it too because he immediately shouted which caused me to halt.

"Omo!!!" Heechul said in delight as he gave the very confused Jisoo a mirror. Jisoo took it of course and slowly looked at his reflection.

'NOOOOOOO!' I screamed internally while remaining calm on the outside because wouldn't I attract more attention than before and be buried in more than before?

I simply stood there and waited for Jisoo's reaction with eyes wide open which is more nerve-wracking than a frigging exam to be honest.

. What am I gonna do!?




What the hell does nothing mean!?


Nothing as in nothing since it's an "accident" remember?


Ahhhh, right! I'm such a genius!!!


You were the one wanting another chance yet here you are panicking when it was given to you. IDIOT.


I ignored the rude comment given to me and did nothing. Nothing at all since it really was an accident. I simply waited for Jisoo's reaction though Heechul beside me wouldn't stop elbowing my side while giving me a very smug smile so I elbowed him back.

"Ouch!" Heechul dramatically said as he rub the area I elbowed. I simply rolled my eyes because I didn't even hit that hard.

I figured that I shouldn't be worrying about Heechul and his dramatic self and instead, focus on the real problem which is standing infront of me.


Hong Jisoo who's face is currently in the shade

Oh.My.God. Is he blushing!? No. That's not possible.

He slowly turned his gaze towards me but when our eyes met, he quickly averted his.


That was weird.

I have never ever seen Jisoo like this before. He was the type person who looks people in the eye without averting his for even a second that you might actually find it creepy but then his eyes have this certain charm that would make you want to stare at it more. To think that something this simple could cause him to act like this.....

Without thinking, my feet led me to where Jisoo is. I circled my hands around his waist and leaned close to him.

"Oh, what's wrong? Aren't you happy? You got a kiss from your beautiful wife right?" I asked with a smile and Jisoo turned into a deeper shade of red.

"Want me to place another one here?" I joked as I tapped his lips gently. He seemed really surprised and speechless with what I did which made me laugh.

I don't know how I got the courage to say all these things since I've never even tried doing this before but right now is different. Seeing Jisoo all red made me want to make him turn redder. It's like a switch flipped inside me and I’m loving it.

Oh my God, does this mean I'm a ert!?

"Jisoo! Vice Prez Seokmin is calling us! Oh, hi Jihoonnie~!" Soonyoung whose at the door said while waving frantically at Jihoon.

Wait. Jihoonnie.....?

I turned to look at Jihoon who looks ready to kill right now. He seems to be looking for whoever called him Jihoonnie because I saw him scanning the room looking all dark and murderous. I guess he doesn't want being called like that. Heck, he doesn't even want to hear people calling him cute, pretty, adorable and all other words synonymous to the word beautiful.

"Jihoonnie~!" Soonyoung called again and this time Jihoon saw him. I was waiting for Jihoon to yell a very loud curse from across the room because as I have said before, he really looks like he could kill right now but some unknown reason, the moment he saw Soonyoung, his furrowed brows unfurrowed and his face visibly relaxed.

Soonyoung saw Jihoon looking at him so he resumed waving frantically again. Not knowing what to do, Jihoon decided to simply wave back. It made me laugh a bit because it's like seeing a mother cheering for her child who just started school.

I returned my gaze at Jisoo and our eyes met. I almost forgot about him because of Soonyoung. I then remembered that I was in the middle of making Jisoo flustered so I gave him a sly smile. I slowly moved my face close to his and placed one of my hand at the back of his head. Jisoo's eyes widened at my sudden action.

He broke our eye contact and directed his gaze towards my lips and this time it was my turn to be flustered because now I could feel his breath against me.

I heard my heart beat echoing inside my head.

'. This is getting out of hand!' I thought in panic.


Do it.


Just do it.


Kiss him.


I couldn't take it anymore so I ended up forcing a laugh because I really felt the urge to kiss him right now but I know that that is just wrong in more ways than one.

"Relax, I'm just kidding!" I laughed fakely while clutching my stomach.

"Y-you are?" Jisoo asked and I tried my best to laugh again.

"Of course I am!" Not.

'Junghan Yoon what were you thinking!? You almost did it! Are you out of your mind!?' I scolded myself

"You got me there. I thought you really were about to kiss me." Jisoo said. he sighed in relief after laughing a bit.

'I thought so too.' I almost to said but it's good that I didn't.

"Though I'm all up for it." He joked with a wink which caused my face to turn red.

Does he even know what he's saying!?

"Aish, you idiot! Just go already! Soonyoung's calling you! You'll get scolded!" I said as I push him out of the room.

"And who's fault is that?" He said as he let himself be pushed towards the door.

"Yours." I dead panned and he chuckled. I managed to shove him outside the room and was about to turn back but he turned to face me.

Holy Jamless Jimin. Again.

I lunged forward to remove the frigging kiss mark that I almost forgot about. It's good that I saw it before he left because there's no way I'm letting him go without wiping it off.

"Oi, what are you doing!?" He asked as he successfully dodged my hand.

"Isn't obvious!? I'm removing the kiss mark!" I said as I try to reach it again but Jisoo of course successfully dodged it without difficulty.

"Aish! Stay still, will you!?" I commanded but he grabbed my wrist and yanked me forward.

What the hell!?

Using one hand, he scooped my waist and pulled me closer.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I tried asking but Jisoo didn't answer and simple stared at my eyes in return. I was about to ask him again but nothing came out of my mouth.

I saw his gaze fall to my lips and now I really feel like I'll faint any second now even though he did the exact same thing awhile ago. He returned his gaze back at my eyes which caused me to swallow. 

'What on earth!?' I thought as he slowly move his face closer. I could hear my heart beat ringing inside of my ear like a drum. It was so loud that I fear that he might be able to hear it.

'Calm down Junghan, he's just trying to pay you back with what you did awhile ago. Keep calm. There's no way he'll really kiss you. He's just messing wi-!' My thoughts were interrupted because Jisoo swiftly kissed the tip of my nose.


I wanted to scream because What the hell, he actually kissed me! My nose actually but still, What the Hell!?

"Now we're even so you don't need to remove it." Jisoo said as he laugh. I simply remained motionless because of shock.

"Jisoo Hong!" Soonyoung called from the other room.

"See you later Junghan Hong." Jisoo said and winked. He then waved goodbye while I simply waved back and went inside the room after. Still in shock of what just happened, i made my way slowly inside.

"What in the actual hell, happened.....?" I said under my breath and Heechul suddenly poped up beside me.

"What the hell happened to you? You look like your life force got out." He joked and I simply laughed hollowly. Heechul led me to the round table where Jihoon and the rest were seated.

"You're aim ! You should have just let me do it!" Chan told Heechul as he cross his arms.

"Yes, your aim was off!" Wonwoo added.

"I told you to just push him, but you have to make things more complicated." Jihoon complained while playing with the familiar round bun.

"My aim was just right! Right Junghan?" Heechul asked me and I simply stared at him because right now I can't seem to understand anything.

"See? Silence means yes." Heechul said with a smirk and Chan rolled his eyes.

Jisoo kissed me.


Correction, he kissed your nose.


I touched the tip of my nose that's been feeling warm ever since I entered the room.

Jihoon, Chan and Wonwoo saw it and  copied what I'm doing.

"Something wrong with your nose?" Heechul asked as he took a tissue and tried to wipe my nose but I quickly blocked him. He was clearly surprised because I shielded my face by doing a giant X with my hand though he isn't the only one because even I was surprised with my sudden action.

"What the hell!? You could have simply told me to stop. No need to go all ninja assassin on me." Heechul said while looking at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" Jihoon suddenly asked me but I simply remained quiet because there's no way I'm telling him anything.

"Kiss." Junhui whispered from beside me and my eyes grew wide.

How the hell did he know!?

I turned to look at him but he was still reading the book that he's been reading since awhile ago.

'It must have been my imagination then.' I thought but it was suddenly proven wrong when Junhui looked at me and gave me a smirk.

Not knowing what to do, I placed my index finger infront of my mouth as if to say 'Don't tell anyone, please!'. Junhui looked up and seems to be giving it some thought which made me nervous because I knew that if he tells the rest about it, it'll be made into a big deal. Specially now that Kim Heechul, the king of all mischievousness is here.

I pressed my hand together and gave Junhui a pleading look and thank goodness he responded with a nod which really made me feel relieved of course.

"Hey, what are you two signaling about over there?" Heechul asked and I immediately tried to think of a response but to my surprise, Junhui was the one who answered.

"Girl talk." Junhui said as he gave me a smile. 

"Oh, can I join?" Heechul excitedly asked. 

"No." I immediately answered and Heechul's smile dropped.

"Ay, just because you two are girls for two days...." Heechul said with a scowl. He began bugging us into telling him what we were talking about but we wouldn't tell so he decided to just let it go in the end.

"Thanks." I whispered to Junhui and he simply smiled at me in return. 



Hey guys! It's been awhile and have you seen the acoustic version of Adore U? The JIHAN feels are just overflowing XD

I was in Hong Kong last tuesday and wednesday then at China on thursday. The strrugle for WIFI is REAL but it's all fine now since when I reached the airport, what awaited me was the acoustic ver!!!!!! And i just knew that Jihan moments would be scattered everywhere in the vid.

I haven't been updating for a while and you guys could blame JUNJOU ROMANTICA SEASON3  school for it so yeah....

Anyway, next time someone tells you Jihan ain't real, show them this frigging family picture lol:

I just wanted to show this to you guys because it made me feel like crying though i really cried:


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Thank you!
No Updates for awhile. I need to sort out my lyfe. sorry


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Jeonghan0126 #1
Chapter 30: Please update
Chapter 30: New reader here...^^
Your story is very interesting...
Hope you will update soon...
Hwaiting author-nin...v(^_^)v
please update! </3
Chapter 30: Update soon please :3
Chapter 30: Please update~
ijb1996 #6
Chapter 5: Am I the only one that finds the fact that wonwoo took mingyu's shirt and kept it in his bag to sniff really freaking weird
ygbbusan #7
Chapter 30: update soon authornim~
Chapter 30: Can't wait for next chapter !
lifesucksballs #9
Chapter 4: i wish i were the pizza guy
Jihaneylove29 #10
Chapter 23: I read this chapter and I imagine that they are (Jihan) a couple who hold a wedding ceremonyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Its made my day