☢ :: UN:RAVEL || Tokyo Ghoul AU || Apply Now


now playing: unravel
u n : r a v e l
tokyo ghoul au


it began to spread like wildfire. Year 2015, new years, there was countless reports about dead bodies appearing on corner of streets as the crime scene was too brutal for many. with the unknown mystery of the killers the days passed as more dead bodies began to appear until the ccg caame to inverstigate.
soon enough and made a public statement. of the fear that was soon to arrive.
it's year 2067, the infestation of ghouls wrosen and now the ccg will do anything to stop them.
we are not the enemy.

one. subscribe before applying for updates.
two. you do not have to know the series as i will upload information sheet to help.
three. there will be scenes of death and blood,
you have been warned.
four. please do not bash other applicants or else
you'll be rejected no matter how perfect your app is.
five. frequent comments are appreciated as well
as it tells me that you are alive
six. feel free to ask any kinds of questions that you
may have.
seven. you can apply twice, as a male and a female but do know that the possibility of both of your
characters getting chosen is very slim.
eight. if not picked please do not delete your application as your character might be seen in some parts
nine. six applicants will be chosen so a total of 7 with my character in this as well.
ten. don't forget to enjoy it and good luck :)
ghoul number.

ghoul number.

ghoul number.

ghoul number.

ghoul number.

ghoul number.

ghoul number.


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Chapter 2: this sounds so cool. i'm definitely applying for this. I do have a problem though, i can't see all the definitions in the information sheet
o. omg.
please, please update soon omg.