Confession Time

"Please Don't Forget Me Hyung!"


"What is it Ricky?"
"I'm cold..."
"Haha oh i see."
The boy then wrapped his arm around the cold boy.
A few minutes later.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course i do!"
Ricky closed his eyes and kissed L.joe's cheek.
"Im glad to hear that, because i love you too hyung!"
L.joe pulled Ricky in for a kiss, they practically kissed pastionately kissed for about 5mins.
All of a sudden L.joe shut his eyes and fell back on the couch!
"Hyung!?! Hyung!?!??!........HYUNG!!!!"
L.joe wasn't breathing...
Ricky quickly opens his eyes to find himself in a hospital.
He put his hand on his forehead. 
"That was a horrible nightmare."
He gently put his hand on his heart and closed his eyes.
Lets face it he thought, it's obvious i can never get over him.....if i love him so much, whatever makes him happy...should make me happy too.
His heart was acheing.
The door opened and Changjo appeared.
"Ahh ricky your awake"
"Does your cheek really hurt?" changjo said as he gently touched the bruised cheek.
"No, i deserved it anyways.."
"HOW??!?! You don't deserve any pain at all!! If i werent here right now id go kick that selfish rapper in the as---"
"'s okay. Him punching me in the face gave me a wakeup call. A wake up call i needed. Plus it's no biggie...everyone loses it sometimes right?"
Changjo hugged ricky.......with that embrace ricky just smiled and gently hugged back.
That's it no more being sad, no more depression....this isn't me. ricky thought! How selfish am i to take out my depression on my members....
I need to apologize and ......confess....
Back at home,
Ljoe was out on the balcony thinking.......He felt horrible.
the flashback was like a terrible nightmare.
Cap came out to join him.
"No need to say it, i know i  screwed up."
"Yeah...yeah you did.":
"I hate myself! I can't control myself....i just............."
"You still love him don't you..?"
"................................yeah i try to forget but he never leaves my mind."
His heart started to hurt.
"Then you need to get your act straight and show him that! Because every night hes crying over you, he freakin loves you back! He feels like
you don't give a about him anymore SO either you SHOW HIM that you still love him, or not. Its up to you, 
but ask yourself he worth it? Are you sure your in LOVE with him."
"Cap hyung, your right."
"I know."
"Alright....i'll do it."
'All this time..............i i really screwed up this time.'
In the morning, Ricky was released from the hospital. They said the bruising will go away within 7-10 days, but to also make sure to put ice on it.
"RICKY!!!" the members all cheerfully shouted as they saw him walk through the door.
He smiled at the outburts s were giving him.
"Ahh welcome back~ How is the bruise? Here go sit down while i get you some ice." Cap said
Ricky went to go sit down. Chunji followed ricky and sat down right next to him.
"Oh my gosh poor baby! Do you want anything!?! I'll get it for you!" Chunji cried as he hugged the injured boy
"Its okay Chunji im fine" he said sweetly at him.
Chunji's eyes sparkled at the 'all of a sudden loving Ricky'
"o-o-okay" he stuttured
Chunji went back to his room and then Niel came over.
"Yo! So....umm uhh.........." niel didn't know how to start up a conversation instead he
"Haha umm im gonna go help cap get the ice okay! Be right back!!" he nevously said while walking away with a red face.
Ricky just smiled and looked at the balcony door. He realised Changjo and L.joe werent there.
He had hoped they were not fighting.
"HOW??!?! You don't deserve any pain at all!! If i werent here right now id go kick that selfish rapper in the as---"
Echoed through ricky's head from yesterday.
Ricky got up and went out onto the Balcony to find a L.joe starring up at the bright blue sky.
The rapper turned around and was shocked.
Both were shocked actually. They didn't speak for awhile, until L.joe  broke the silence with..
"Ricky, sorry. I didn't mean to hit you it's just....." he clenched his fist.
Ricky just moved next to the rapper and said
"It's okay, thanks to that punch it gave me a wake up call."
"L.joe theres something i want to confess...."
"wh-h-what is it?"
He turned to face L.joe.
"Hyung........remember how we use to be together...?  I miss those memories.....but, i just want to let you know..that i'll always love you, and that im okay with you being with Chunji
because..if you really love someone you wish for thier happiness first and....i'm sorry for interfering with your happiness. To tell you the truth i cried everyday when you would always 
hang with chunji, and always wrap your arms around him like you did to me. But i realized i have to move on....but....can yo do me a favor..."
Ricky started to clenched his shirt where his heart was and it seems he was about to burst in tears.
"Hyung....please don't forget me..."
L.joe was speechless no words can form.
"Hyung! It hurts.....i know your with Chunji...i get that but....I feel as iff you erased me from your whole life! Like im not worthy of yout time! Please don't forget me!
I feel lonely, i feel forgotten and im miserable! even if were not in a relationship we can keep our friendship right? Please hyung....please....."
Ricky turned his head with a red face as tears fell down rapidly. L.joe just stood there.......his heart hurt....he looked at the crying ricky.
"Hyung please don't forget me" was still ringing in his head.
L.joe slowly walked towards ricky.
He wrapped his arms around ricky from behind and he began to cry as well.
Ricky turned around and looked at the tears that fell from his eyes.
he paused but manage to get enough courage to speak
"how could i forget you? .........the only reason i hooked up with chunji is because i....was jealous..."
"jealous??" ricky said.
"Yeah, because you were always with Changjo and..."
L.joe was scared....
"GAHH i cant believe this all this time you!....Grrr I went through this pain for not---"
"Im sorry Ricky!" The rapper started to cry.
"Sorry won't cut it! Why did you get with him in the FIRST PLACE?!?!"
"....because you left me, so i decided to leave you.."
" went to i thought in order to get my revenge id hook up with Chunji."
"Ricky i never knew you cried yourself to sleep everynight....i mean im so sorry."
The bruise on his face made him worsen.
"Im a monster.......i dont deserve you, please don't love me."
Ricky was getting angry.
Ricky punched him in the side of the face, but not hard enough to knock him out.
"There now were even...."
"You punch me i punch you."
"But......Haha......your right. I deserved it."
"Yes you did, but i think i deserve to be who i want to be with."
"And who is that?"
"YOU, you BABO!"
"Look, now you dont have to feel bad about punching me, cause now you have a bruise comming your way too."
Ljoe just smiled.
He didnt care the bruise couldnt overpower the joy inside.
He was so happy he.................
L.joe pressed his lips onto Ricky's....Ricky was shocked! He tried to push away but gave in...
The two boys kissed ....for a long time.
Tounges Dancing.
Moans were made.
When l.joe let go...
"Ricky i'm sorry! I ...did'nt want to but.....i lose my cool very quick...i just ....i just couldnt share i wanted to hurt you instead. I feel awfu----"
Ricky was tired with these apologizes.
He grabbed ahold of his face and kissed once more.
"Ricky.....can i confess something to?"
"what is it?"
"when i was with Chunji all i could think about was just you."
"How is that possible!? Your so weird hyung. If you love someone why did you be so MEAN to them"
He coughed fakely.
"I don't know......i guess if i gave you the impression that i moved on, you would have felt the same pain i did when you left me."
"I never left you, and i never will."
" I love you." 
Ricky couldn't believe it.
"wh-what did you say?"
The weather was somehow overwhelemed with joy with the scene, it started to cry to.
In fact it was pouring with joy.
"Ahhh the rain!"
Ljoe tried to pull Ricky inside.
Ricky wanted to stay back.
"Come on Ricky were gonna ge sic--"
"Thats the first time you said .....
"I love you?...well your gonna be hearing more of that from now on."
the lovely boy...was happy...he started to happily cry along with the rain.
"your mine, and i wont ever let you go..ever again. understand."
The two boys went inside dripping wet.
Ricky hugged his hyung from behind. He was happy.....very happy! His heart was beating fast.....and in his head
" i love you" echoed in rickys head while hugging him.
"Im so happy .....hyung....despite the fact that you did this in a attempt of jealousy....i can see pass that...i was just worried you forgotten me....and the 
fact that you never stopped thinking of me..
just makes me forget about this bruise....Hyung....i love you."
L.joe wasnt the only one who was happy.
The Hyung hugged ricky tighter and kissed him so sweetly.
The two were back together! But....
When everyone heard this...Chunji was devestated.
"WHAT!!! .....This is bullcrap! i wanted ricky!!!" Chunji cried.
Everyone was surprised at his outburst/confession
"Well too damn bad! His mine,.....MINE MINE MINE!!!" L.joe shouted while he hugged ricky.
Ricky could only smile so widely at him.
Changjo was kinda upset...but he was very happy that Ricky was smiling again...and that him being depressed was gone now. Knowing that ricky being happy...made him feel happy to.
Cap and Niel just smiled and looked at ricky.
" Haha well....with that being said,..were glad to see our Ricky smiling again" Niel said as he smiled at him.
"But you know whats funny?"
"shut up niel!"
"But......then again Ricky...."
"were super glad!"
"yeah! now you dont have to be all moody at us!"
"well in the meantime .....all teen top activities are being heldback....due to your heal up quick~"
"yeah get better~"
The other memberes knew how the drama started and how it ended.
They all laughed and Ricky was Happy again; All of this mayhem was just because of jealousy and revenge Since that day,Ricky told L.joe to calm his and to not get
so Jealous over him hanging out with other members...or any dude. Because ricky..L.joe is the only boy he needs.
Meanwhile........a few nights after the confession....
Ricky and L.joe were sitting on the couch watching Tv.
Everyone else was sleeping.
The two were sharing a blanket and.......
"Gosh...i missed this so much."
"Hmm?" L.joe said.
"I miss my hyung...i mean...."
L.joe looked in ricky's eyes.
"me too."
The two kissed.....then his hyung put his hand under Ricky's shirt.
"I also miss touching you ricky...."
Ricky's face turn RED as hell!
L.joe stuck his tounge in rickys mouth and slowy moved his hand up his shirt.
"Oh god...i miss your too!"
L.joe took off his shirt and ricky couldnt help but stare at his slender lover.
Oh ricky couldnt keep it away..he miss touching his hyung as well!
L.joe started to take off ricky's pants.............
"W-w-wait! What if someone comes out?" he spoke while l.joe was going for the zipper
"They won't" he said smirking.
L.joe pulled down his pants and started to penetrate ricky....
He slowly moved in and Ricky was getting hard.
As l.joe was getting in deeper Ricky's grew louder....
When he got in deep enough he started to push in and out and graduatly moving faster.
"Ahhhhh HYUNG!!!....Deeper!!"
L.joe did what he was told.
"OH god RICKY!!!!"
Ricky was clenching on to the couch and closed his eyes.
"ricky....." L.joe slowed down.
He kissed him and ricky's eyes opened.
"I love you" L.joe softly spoke while gazing into his eyes.
"I love you too..."
The two continued.
When they were done....l.joe fell on top of ricky panting.
"Ricky ....your is so hot....i want do you again...and again if i wasnt so tired." l.joe said....exhausted
"Hyung.......your so good."
"Haha, your so cute. ....I love you"
"keke i love you too"
In the morning............
The lovers cleaned up their mess and went into the kitchen to eat breakfest...
L,joe looked at rickys cheek and frowned....
Ricky looked at Ljoe's cheek and smiled to.
"Haha why so sad? We both got bruises."
the two of them then laughed together.
"Hey...hyung......isnt it weird how all the members fell asleep at the same time?"
L.joe tried to look away but lost and confessed.
"Okay okay.......i drugged them." he said as he shook a bottle of sleeping pills in the air.
"HYUNG!!!! You planned this from the start!! Did you only do this to have your way with me!" ricky said as he put both hands on his hips.
"No! I just wanted to be alone with you! I just couldnt control myself......Your so cute and ...your body is so soft."
The both of them went silent for a minute.....
"Bahh hurts..thanks to you.." ricky said while cutely pouting.
"haha im sorry" l.joe said as he kissed his forehead.
Ricky and L.joe happily ate breakfest and all of the sleepy memebers didnt hear nor saw a thing~
Misunderstandings and Jealousy and revenge got the best of their love but in the end.....their yearn and memories brought back the relationship they had.
Their love is stronger than ever......revenge is one thing....but hurting someone you love is another thing. So from now on.l.joe tried to keep his cool
while ricky was there to help him~........................................................................................Their passion and body communication was strong too! Keke~
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Re-writing the whole story!


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ilabya28 #1
Chapter 4: WAAHHHH~~~~ CUUTE! AND SWEET! aw rickjoe is so perfect together ^^ and lol chunji XD
Chapter 4: lol...rickjoe...when its them im dead...
hottest_kissme #4
Chapter 4: LOLOL ljoe was being jealous of ricky with changjo the whole time?!?! LOLLL it was sooooo sad before and i thought ricky would kill himself soon
but then it just turned happy happy <3 omgg srsly the best fanfic everr so funny yet sad yet sweet, and also lots of <3
but i thought changjo really liked ricky...poor changjo gets nobody...or does he end up with chunji? LOL how can chunji like ricky too...LOL
you made me cry in the first chapter...L.Joe's a weird way of showing jelaousy v.v<br />
my poor ricky baby D':<br />
ahahaha the two of them have bruises xD<br />
and the last chapter was hot :DDD
WOOOOOO! that was a great story<br />
-dies- oh jeez >_< LJoe-ah that bad boy, drugging people and screwing Ricky-ah. And Changjo-ah, being so sweet to Ricky-ah. And Chunji-ah confessing to Ricky-ah!!! Kyaaaaa~~~~~~~~ I love this! Please update soon ^^
Ricky forgives him? After all this pain? I hope he'll treat him better now... but I'm glad that Ricky is happy again.<br />
L.joe drugged them? 0_0 *omg* he is such a bad guy xD <br />