Just A Simple Meeting???....Not Really!!! (Part 2) Revolting...

On-Screen COUPLE or Off-Screen COUPLE???

"How do you explain this?" asked SJ manager.

Both Kyuhyun and Hyun Heon remained quiet.

"How many times-" nagged the SJ manager but he was cut off by Kyuhyun.

"I know," said Kyuhyun, "You has reminded us alot of times,"

"THEN?" questioned SJ manager.

"But idols are still human beings," replied Kyuhyun, "We have our own feelings too,"

"But you should know your role in being an idol. You should have know it all along," said SJ manager, "You can't afford to make this silly mistake! What will your fans react after seeing these pictures? What will Mr Lee (Sooman) react?"

"So you mean that the pictures are not publishized yet?" asked Leeteuk, concerned.

"Lucky it is not!" replied the SJ manager, "We have received it just this morning by an anonymous person,"

Everyone gave a sigh of relieved.

"But," said the Hyun Heon's manager," We can't let this matter go on like this,"

"What do you mean by you can't let this matter go on like this?" asked Hyun Heon.

"For the sake of your fans, for the sake of the company, you must...you know, break up," said the SJ manager.

"Bwo?(What)" exclaimed Kyuhyun, "Waeyo?(Why) This is ridiculous!"

"In case all of you don't know," began Leeteuk as he stood up and took Sora's hand, "I'm marrying Sora, not for the show, but myself. I'm marrying her,"

At that moment, the Super Junior's manager nearly fainted because of hearing what Leeteuk had said.

"Is it the truth?" asked Sora's manager.

Sora just nodded her head firmly.

"There's no way you can break us up," continued Kyuhyun, "No way,"

"But do you know the consequences of it?" questioned SJ manager, "What if your fans attack Hyun Heon? Or what if Hyun Heon fans attack you? Things will get worse!"

"My fans will...will attack Kyuhyun oppa(brother)?" asked Hyun Heon, rather shocked to hear what the SJ manager had said.

"Yes," replied Hyun Heon's manager, "Although many people are fond of you and Kyuhyun being together in the show, but some of your fans opposed to it. Do you know this picture was sent by your fan?"

"My fan?" asked Hyun Heon as her eyes grew big.

"That person sent to us without writing his or her name but that person wrote that he/she is your fan," replied Hyun Heon's manager.

"I will explain to my fans," said Kyuhyun.

"Don't you get it?" SJ manager was yelling, "Its all a lose lose situation for all of us!"

"Who says its a lose lose situation?" said Leeteuk, "I'm marrying Sora!"

"Are you sure with your decision?" asked the SJ manager.

"Very sure," replied Leeteuk firmly.

"Kyuhyun ah," said the SJ manager, "The two of you have to break up, no matter what. Its a must,"

"What if I don't?" challenged Kyuhyun as he stood up.

"Too bad, then we'll have to do it in our own ways," said SJ manager.

"Then we shall do it in our own way too," said Kyuhyun.

"Cho Kyuhyun!" shouted the SJ manager, "I'm helping you right now! You know how the media exagerates! What if something happen to you? To Hyun Heon? Our company is held responsible!"

"Hyun Heon ah," said UG manager, as she patted on Hyun Heon's shoulders, "We're doing this to help you. Its your own good,"

Hyun Heon kept quiet about it and sat, facing down.

"I'm marrying Sora,' Leeteuk stressed on his point again.

"I won't break up with Hyun Heon," continued Kyuhyun.

"Thats for sure," both Leeteuk and Kyuhyun said together.

"I'm going crazy over here!" said SJ manager as he sat down on the chair and he continued, "As for Leeteuk, since he said he will be marrying Sora, that's acceptable in the company's contract but not dating,"

"What kind of contract is that?" snorted Kyuhyun, "How can we marry someone without dating?"

"By the way," said SJ manager, "I've forgot to tell you. After this show, all of you(Super Junior) will go to Japan for a fliming of a drama. Its not confirmed yet but most probably all of you will cast inside the show. If so, you'll have to stay in Japan for three months to half a year,"

"You arranged it so that we won't see each other. Is it?" asked Leeteuk.

"Its not me. Its the company," replied the SJ manager calmly.

Then Hyun Heon's manager turned and faced Hyun Heon, "By then, you'll be busy with your own schedule and preparing for Universal Girls next mini album. All of you will be busy from then. Will you have the time to date? We're helping the all of you,"

Hyun Heon did not reply her.

"We shall keep this matter aside first. I'm not intending to tell the company about it right now. The show is still running but I want the two of you to," SJ manager stopped for a while and looked at Kyuhyun and Hyun Heon, and he continued, "to stay away from each other. You get my meaning? Its for your own good,"

"From this moment onwards," said UG manager, "Better stay away from each other. We don't want to receive another shocking photos of you guys,"

With that, the managers walked out of the meeting room together, leaving behind the four of them.





Hey people! How is it? I think I've screwed this chapter up! I did it so badly...please forgive me!!! So sorry! :D


Again, I do not own this picture :D

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I have a new story called "City of Love,Seoul,Paris" and I hope everyone of you will subscribe to it and comment it like how you support my first story! Kumowo!


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Chapter 129: I love this story!! And I must say you almost made me cry when Hyun Heon was sent to the hospital, and mind you it's very hard for people to make me cry ^^ And I do hope that Hankyung oppa will comeback as a member of SuJu =D (Until now I'm still hoping >.<) Good job Author-nim!! This is by far the best Kyuhyun fanfic I have ever read =D
airamarie #2
Chapter 129: waaa :'(.finishedd!! good job # MsIndependentGirl! :D
KimchiCake #3
Chapter 128: OMG!! I LOVE THIS STORY!! Thanks for sharing it authernim ^^
Chapter 128: OMO!!! I really like your story authoe-nim or should i say i loved it ^^ it makes me laugh and cry at the same time... And it's so romantic!!! Kamsahamnida fo making this beautiful story
xinlee #6
I super love this story! You have no idea how many times I go back to read it! ;)
SuperjuniorELF15 #7
Chapter 7: Well i can't wait for your new story! Is it out yet?
SuperjuniorELF15 #8
Chapter 1: This is the best fanfic i have ever read i swear. Please write more it's superb! ^^
NoeRod #9
Chapter 129: I really really LOOOOOVED this too much. Gomawoyo author-nim! ^_^