Jonghyun's and L. Joe's Chapter

That Hot Waiter, is MINE

“Hello babe, happy birthday!”

Your jaw dropped. “Jong…hyun…oppa?”

He smiled. “You don’t want to accept my flowers?”

You shook your head. “Aniya…of course I want! Thanks oppa.”

L. Joe stiffen at his place. *He is my real rival, not that Chunji!* he thought silently.

“You want to come in? Teen Top is inside,” you smiled at him while holding the big bouquet of flowers.

He nodded. “I have another present for you,” he said then he winked.

Both of you went inside. Teen Top greeted Jonghyun and he did the same. Except for the fact that Jonghyun and L. Joe glared each other…which you failed to notice.

You put the big bouquet at a corner of your house and went to kitchen to prepare some juice.

When you come back, you see those guys chatting with each other. You smiled. “Here guys, have some.”

You put the tray at the coffee table.

Jonghyun sat next to you while L. Joe is in front of you. “Here’s my other present, hope you like it,” Jonghyun said and smiled.

You opened the envelope Jonghyun gave. “A theater ticket?”

He nodded. “There are two of it. You know you can always ask me to accompany you,” he said and winked.

You chuckled. “Alright.”

L. Joe sighed. “You can ask me too…you know…” he mumbled quietly.


After the small party was over, they all went home. You looked at all of your present that you got. “I received a lot. Be sure to return the same to them…”

Just then your phone beeped.

Jihyun-ah, I hope you have a happy birthday. Care to tell me which present you treasure the most? ;)

A smile formed on your face.

Of course I had a great and awesome birthday! You guys rock my world! ^.~ and it’s a secret… :p

Aww, too bad for me…have fun with the kittens! They’re so cute like you. ^.^

You almost squeal seeing the message.

The kittens are cute, but not me ; ; and I am playing with the kittens right now. They somehow remind me of you… :p

L. Joe smiled seeing the message. *Of course you’re cute, babo.*

Say ‘hi’ from me to the kittens. Say to them L. Joe say no biting its owner, or the gangster Joe will cut them! ==’

You chuckled at the text.

Aww, the gangster Joe is so scary ; ; tsk. tsk. How can you be so mean to the poor little creature? Haha ~

I don’t want them to bite you… kittens can be quiet scary at times, you know? Haha. You should sleep now, it’s getting late. See you tomorrow! ^.^

*I don’t want to stop from texting you…* you frowned.

Arasso…goodnight gangster Joe! ^.~

And the end! No more text message from him. You frowned. “It’s okay. I’ll meet him tomorrow…” you thought and smiled.

*Goodnight Byunghun oppa. You made my day, and my birthday a little bit happier.*

L. Joe smiled as he lied down on his bed. *Today was a good day. I got to see her smile often. Scratch that Jonghyun away, it’s a perfect day!*


You walked to school with L. Joe on the next day. You guys chit-chatted about things. You were callled by the teacher so you excused yourself.

“Byunghun oppa, I’ll see you during lunch!” you said and beamed at him.

L. Joe nodded. “Arasso… see you later then,” he said.

After you were out of Jonghyun’s sight, Jonghyun approached L. Joe.

“Wait a minute,” Jonghyun said while he put his hand on L. Joe’s shoulder.

L. Joe raised his brow. “Huh?”

Jonghyun put his hand down. “I need to talk to you.”

L. Joe puzzled. “Eh? About what?” Jonghyun smirked. “Stella.”

L. Joe formed a questional face. *Stella? Who is she?* “Stella?” he asked. Jonghyun nodded. “Yeah, Stella. Why do you looked so confused?”

*Stella…ah! Bingo!* L. Joe thought. “You mean Jihyun-ah?”

Jonghyun make a ‘duh’ face. “You don’t even remember her full name, how can you be so close with her?”

*That’s because she dislike being called Stella. Call me mean, I’m not telling you about it.* L. Joe thought and mentally stuck his tongue out to Jonghyun.

L. Joe smriked. “What do you want?” Jonghyun smirked back. “Back off from Stella. She’s mine.”

L. Joe was taken aback. Who was him to tell him to back off? *Bastard!* L. Joe thought.

“You sounded so sure about her being yours…you really sure?” L. Joe said and smirked at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun take a step back. “This is my first and last warning. Back off.”

L. Joe smirked. “I won’t back off. She’s not anyone’s. Nor you or me. Neither of us. You looked silly over here. Wake up, Kim Jonghyun.” L. Joe glared at Jonghyun.

Jonghyun smirked. “Let’s see who wins. I can’t wait.” Jonghyun let out a soft chuckled then back at glaring L. Joe.

“Oh how I am so excited! We’ll see…” L. Joe said.

With that, both of them walk the seperated way. 


Show me some love? ^.~

Comment! :*

Happy almost New Year Eve everyone! <3

Comments reply:

@KIMJAEJOONGLOVE : too bad it's him. Ehhe :3

@PurpleBerryJam : Your guess is right T^T lame cliffhanger...hahaha :")

@xxChaeMynniexx: Yess! it's him :') 

hahahahha. It's a very lame cligghanger right? You guys guess it right :3

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Iminthezone #3
youxo #4
Chapter 9: im reading this in 2018 and it hit me when you talked about jonghyun..... i miss him... nevertheless, i’ll still continue reading this :’)
Chapter 14: lol jonghyun married with me. haha
my username lol.
Smiles never leave my face when I read this! I just love it too much!
Thank you for sharing... <333
lol you put that thingy what says who reads your story XD.
I'm happy for l.joe and Jihyun are togetter. I wonder when do they marrie
-ximini #8
Cute fic!
timeofmylife03 #9
This is a really cute fic! Me likey :)