3: Meeting Him

Arranged Marriage

When we reached the front door Suho Oppa knocked on the door and a few seconds later it was opened revealing a woman, judging by her uniform I'm guessing she's a maid "Come in. Might I take your jacket?" "Yes thank you." I said taking off my sweater, I suddenly got really hot. Ah stupid nerves. "This way please." We followed the maid down a short hallway, we arrived at the door. The maid opened the door "Mr. Park, your guests are here." "Ah yes! Bring them in." I walked through the door into what I'm guessing the living room? I looked around at the faces; a woman who was sitting on the sofa stood up and walked to me, she was probably in her late 40's but was very beautiful. "You must be Hyeri, my name is Park SeRa.. Wahh, you look just like you're mother." She said. She had a motherly look in here eyes, that was familiar and somehow made me feel like I was close to her. "Ah ne. Annyeonghaseyo, Kim Hyeri imnida." I said as I did a 90 degree bow. "No need to be so formal dear." A man said, whom I'm guessing is Mr. Park. "I'm Park Chanhyun. Its been a while since we've seen you, you probably don't remember us." Mr. Park said with a chuckle. "Oh yes, I almost forgot. My son will be arriving shortly, he had an emergency at work I believe." Oh that could explain why I don't see a son.. "Thays fine." I reply in a small voice. "Come sit dear. I want to chat with you." Mrs. Park said pulling me gently to the sofa. Oppa and Mr. Park have already started talking about something else. "Now dear, I know it is still early but have you thought about the date for the wedding?" What should I say? I just found put yesterday.. "Umm no. I haven't.." "That's fine, I have." Woahhh, okay then.. "I was thinking in maybe a month or so.. it's kinda soon yes, but it'll be the perfect time of the year." Okay, I thought these things would take at least 5 months but yeah sure 1 month is perfectly fine, especially to someone I still haven't met yet. Okay, put on a smile. Be happy! Fighting! "Yeah! That sounds good. Its fine with me." I really hope that didn't sound pushed or fake.. "Okay great! Then how about May 7th? *I nod* good, next is a wedding dress." She seems more exited about this thing than me. Well her son is getting married, I guess I could kinda understand her.. "Oh that, I'll probably go with my friend..tomorrow." I'll drag Panda with me. He'll love it though. "Oh okay, great! Then you can leave everything else to me." I was about to ask her what she meant but before I could a deep voice interrupted. "Sorry I'm late, they mixed up some paper work so I needed to fix it." I turned my head and looked at a guy. He looks weirdly fa- heol, he's the guy from yesterday. He's the hot stranger! "Annyeonghaseyo, Park Chanyeol imnida." He said with a bow, he suddenly made eye contact with me. I could see slight confusion in his eyes. I was about to introduce myself but his mom was faster than me. "This is Kim Hyeri, your fiance." She said. "Ah okay." He said with sigh. He kept looking at me. Ugh stawp! saving anyone from having to say anymore the maid came in announcing dinner "Ma'am dinner is ready."
(At the dinner table) 
A few minutes after the food was served Mrs. Park interrupted the silence. "So me and Hyeri talked about it and decides the date of the wedding should be May 7th." You mean you did. But sure thanks for including me. I heard someone choke on something and cough. I looked up and saw Chanyeol taking a sip of water and hitting his chest. I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't like this set-up. 
(Fast forward, I'm too lazy to write the rest of the dinner scene. Just imagine Mr. Park and Oppa continued talking business talk while Mrs. Park talked to me about the wedding while Chanyeol and me just sit listening and only answering when we had to. It was awkward.) 
I lay in bed thinking about the night and dinner with my "future" husband and his family. The rest of dinner was quite awkward. Me and Chanyeol were quiet the whole time while his mom discussed all the details of my wedding. I tried to start a conversation with Chanyeol but he only nodded his head of gave a short 'yes' or 'no'. I don't think he likes me. But I don't really care, I stopped caring what other people thought of me a long time ago. I'm not very shy like a lot of girls. Like this one time I was at home and of course I sleep in the usual (boxers and tank top), and Tao came over and I walked downstairs in front of him just like that. He actually gave a little scream and covered his eyes like a little girl. He's used to it by now though. I'm not saying I'm like that with strangers but Tao has been my friend since forever so I'm comfortable with him. Anyways back to the present. I don't think he likes me but he'll have to get over it. I personally don't like him either very much, the first time I saw him I though he was gonna be sweet but then I met him again and he seems like a jerk. I guess it's something we'll both have to live with. This man. Is the man I have to spend the rest of my life with whether I like it or not, and I don't like it. I bet if mom and dad were alive this wouldn't happen.. "I miss you, Umma and Appa." I said as my tears slowly started falling, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.
(Time skip, next day) 
"Hey Panda! Do you want to go somewhere with me?" I ask Tao over the phone as I ate lunch. "Ooh, where? Shopping??" What is it with him and shopping, especially shoes.. "Haha yes, shopping." "Then yes! Are you looking for anything specific? Shoes, glasses.. shoes?" Again the shoes. "Uhh well yeah.. my wedding dress." I heard a slight squeal over the phone. "Hell yes then! I'll be over in 3 minutes. Love you boo bear bye~!" He hung up before I could say goodbye. I think he's more excited then I am. I better hurry and get ready, when he says 3 minutes he means 3 minutes. He always, always says what he means. (Time skip, sorry I'm skipping the shopping scene. I just don't like shopping very much. Look at the image if you want to see the dress..) 
"Okay so you found your dress! Yay! Lets celebrate with ice cream." Tao said after shopping. "Oh my gosh yes. I want ice cream." Okay hmm what flavor? Strawberry, coconut, or mint.. "I'll have strawberry please." I said to the waitress. After paying I sat down at a window seat. "Boo bear?" "Haha you're still insisting on calling me that?" Boo bear is some random nickname Tao made for me, since so many people thought we were dating or something, because we're super close, he'd tease me about it and he started calling me boo bear. At first I hated it but I don't really care now. "Yes I do. If you can call me panda I can call you boo bear." He said pouting his lips. "Alright panda. What is it?" "I was just going to ask you how your meeting went with future husband and his family? I never had the chance to ask you yesterday." He said eating his ice cream. "Oh you know.. it happened." He gave me a 'seriously?' look. "Well I guess it went alright. His parents seem really nice. I talked with his mom and she's decided the wedding will be in a month, May 7th." I started playing with my food. "She decided?" He questioned. "Yeah well, she talked and I kinda just listened. Haha. I was kinda surprised she wanted the wedding so early but it's whatever." "What about Chanyeol? What's he like?" I thought for a moment. I didn't really get to talk with him because he practically ignored me the whole time. "I don't really know. He was silent the whole time. To be honest he looks like one of those guys that are nice when you see them but when you meet them they're totally different. Ya know. He seemed cold.." "Really? From what I've heard about him from my friend is he's a super energetic person. Always happy." "Oh. Well I guess he just doesn't like me. Haha." If he doesn't like me I don't care. I'm not doing this for him but my brother. "That's impossible, whoever doesn't like you is stupid." Haha, sure.. "whatever you say panda." He just smiled in reply. "Hey, Tao! Is that you?" I suddenly hear a voice and look to my right to see 4 guys walking our way. Friends of Tao I guess. I thought as I turned back to my ice cream. "Oh hey guys. Wassup?" Tao responded. "We were out and happened to see you and decided to say hey. But I guess you're on a date." The one who had ..rainbow? colored hair said. I looked up at Tao and he at me and we just started laughing. "Oh waeyo?" The rainbow haired one said while pouting. I was about to say something but he beat me to it. "Were not dating, just friends. In fact she's engaged to someone else." He said gesturing to me. "Yah, whole world doesn't have to know." I said smacking his hand. "Yeah yeah, whatever." He said. "Hyeri-ah? You're engaged? Since when? Haha." One of them asked. I looked up at the one who asked "Oh Kyungsoo Oppa! Miahne, I didn't recognize you at first. How was your trip to Paris?" I said as I stood up and gave him a hug. He's a friend of Minseok Oppa, he owns a famous restaurant, as well as other ones around the world, and is the best cook I know, he's like a brother to me. "It's fine Hyeri-ah. And yes. But more importantly, you're engaged?" He asked with a slight confused look. "Eh, it's a long story." "Arraseo. Hey can we join you two?" "Sure!" I moved over so they could sit down. "My name is Kim Jongin. In case you were wondering." The guy next to Kyungsoo said. He, I must admit, is drop dead y. Ehem, excuse me. "Oh I'm sorry! I forgot about you guys!" "Its fine, my name is Oh Sehun." Said the rainbow haired one. "And I'm Luhan. " (A/N: muhahaha, got some kaisoo and hunhan here!) Woah they look alike. Except the hair.. brothers? "My name is Kim Hyeri." I said with a smile. "I'm Chinese though." Luhan said. Okay, not brothers then. "But Hyeri-ah, who are you engaged to? Hmm?" Kyungsoo asked with a small pout. But before I could reply Tao replied for me. "She's engaged to Park Chanyeol. That model, Kris hyung works with." They all looked at me in utter surprise. "Cheongmal? You're engaged to Chanyeol hyung?" Sehun asked. I flicked Tao on the head. "Stupid. And yeah, I guess so." "Woah, daebak. Chanyeol hasn't told us yet.. I bet he told Baekhyun." Jongin said. "Ah well it just happened yesterday. Its an.. arranged marriage." I said looking down. "Really? Wow. But why?" Jongin asked again. "Her brother, Kim Junmyeon owns Kim Enterprises." Tao said. That blabber mouth, he just can't stop talking.. "Yah I can answer for my self. And can you ever shut up? See if I'll ever buy you Gucci again." I glared at Tao. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I take it back!" "Nope too late." I say with a laugh. "Wait. You're Junmyeon's sister. I never even knew he had one." Luhan said. Oh that makes me feel loved. "So then, when's the wedding?" Sehun asks. I swear if it were not for the hair I would think it was Luhan. Or the other way around. "Umm May 7th.." "You mean next month?" I nodded slowly. "Oh well that's early." Kyungsoo said. "You must know him well though to be getting married so soon." Sehun said. "Aniyo," I replied "I just met him yesterday." They all again looked at me surprised. I felt my phone vibrate, so I pulled it out of my pocket. *Suho Oppa* hmm? "Yaboseoyo? Oppa?" "Uh Hyeri-ah, I'm just calling to say that the wedding is being pushed to onr week from now. And don't worry I've talked to Mr. and Mrs. Park about it and they agree." "Mwo?!" I said out loud. Dafuq, bro? "What do you mean one week?" "Ri, please don't get angry. I'm sorry. But a little over one week from now I need to go on a business trip to Japan and I'm not sure when I'll be back. It could be a week or it could be a month." Suho explained over the phone. "Ugh, Suho, you painted peacock." I growled. Not caring to hear what he had to say any more I just hung up. Ugh! One week? A month was bad enough. I was suddenly brought back to reality when Kyungsoo touched my shoulder, "Gwanchani? What was that about?" "Ah ne. Aniyo, just something unexpected happened." "Oh okay." I suddenly lost my interest in ice cream. "Uh well Tao, if you're ready to go, we should get going." I said, "Okay, see you some other time then." Kyungsoo said. "Ne, bye Kyungsoo Oppa. And it was nice meeting the rest of you." I said. On the car ride to my house Tao asked, "So what was that call about?" "Ugh, the weddings been pushed to one week from now." I lean my head against the window. "Oh." Was all he said back. Right now the only thing I want to do is go home, eat my emotions and watch my dramas. I've had enough of my life right now.

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