Chapter Fourteen

Planned to Be

Hi Readers, 

Happy NEW YEAR! 2018 passed by so quickly. I am sorry I took so long to upload. 

I have been a little busy in the past few months. 

I hope you all had a lovely festive season. And I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year. 

Here is the chapter Yoona finally finds out.

Thank you to all my subscribers for your continued support. I really really appreciate it. 

All the Best. 


Chapter Fourteen 

Yoona busies herself after landing another customer lead. The afternoon starts to pass by and the staff in the office leave one by one. Most of the other staff were busy preparing for the Shim wedding to be held tonight in the function hall. Her blinds are left open this time, and even then, the sunlight starts receding, replaced by colours of dusk.

 Yoona stays behind, typing away on her computer, insisting that she needs to complete work in order to keep her mind off things. She is working on the itinerary for yet another wedding. Feeling drowsiness starting to rise to her head, she rubs her eyes and tries to continue. A few lines later, the fields in her itinerary table start lacking coherence and sense as she closes her eyes for incrementally longer moments.

The lack of sleep catching up to her after the many sleepless nights, she gives in and lays her head between her folded arms on her office desk. She is in such a deep slumber that she has no idea of the visitor in her room.

Changmin stops at the threshold of her office, finding her in such deep sleep that he cannot bring himself to disturb her. So his hand stops just short of knocking on the glass door. Instead he mimics the motion in the air, and retrieves his hand which is still clenched in a fist.

Tonight is different, he is dressed in a tuxedo, for tonight was important. It is the night which others know as his wedding, his big night. But to a few others, it is actually the launching event for the expansion of SM weddings to the overseas market in Hong Kong.

Taking cautious steps into the office room, he silently apologises for intruding. As he approaches the table, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a message card from their cafe (as printed on the front of the card). He gently places the card next to her hand, just out of reach of her fingers. He heaves a sigh and takes a careful look at her peaceful expression. There is no sign of the uneasiness in her resting features and there is a softening of his own features.

He turns around, finding her shawl folded on the couch opposite her desk. He retrieves it, and once again drapes it gently onto her shoulders. And with that he takes his leave out of the room.


The function hall of SM wedding was successfully transformed into a fantasy-like venue created from the inspiration of the scene in the movie ‘the little mermaid’. In the centre of the ballroom, just above the dancefloor and the tables surrounding it is an indent in the ceiling and hanging from it is a canopy of wisteria – almost reminiscent of the famous Ashigaki attraction in Japan.

At the front of the hall, the backdrop of the stage is lined with layers of soft white chiffon. Projected onto the curtain is a photograph of Changmin and Yeonhee – where they are looking back at the camera under the rain.

On each of the 25 tables that are lined with fine linen tablecloths are ornamental bare trees entwined with vines that replicate the wisteria – but are actually white paper cranes hanging from fake branches as the centrepiece. These are surrounded by tea lights floating in small glasses of water. To accentuate the plain beauty are small jars accommodating small posies of white and pink peonies.

 The pink and white lighting create a romantic vibe. This combined with the soothing piano music that Yuri was playing in the background sets a magical mood as if entering a fairy tale.

The guests trickle in to their assigned seats (as organised by Yeonhee personally).  They are welcomed by Tiffany at the reception table where they stamp their fingerprints on the blank tree and sign their name as part of a guest book.

Sooyoung is taking charge as everything runs smoothly, she checks on the staff as she communicates through her earpiece.

There is a guest who walks through the door which surprises her. She widens her eyes and he nods at her, walking directly towards her.

“Why are you here?” Sooyoung asks confusedly.

Siwon gives a charming smile and a clueless shrug.

“The boss asked me to be here?” he says, showing her the email in his inbox asking him to attend the wedding. Sooyoung frowns.

“But that doesn’t make sense… it’s not his wedding.” Sooyoung thinks aloud. But then she stops herself and shakes off the odd feeling (but cannot seem to do so successfully). She points Siwon towards the direction of his allocated table (from the email).

It is not until that other members of staff started turning up (including the other wedding planners, and staff from other departments Jessica, Sora, Jonghyun, Chen etc) that Sooyoung started to panic. She pages through the earpieces to her team

“Does anyone know why our staff are invited?”

People who were within seeing distance turn to Sooyoung and shake their head cluelessly. What further confuses her is the appearance of past clients that greet her warmly.

“I’m very excited.” They tell her before walking to their table, leaving behind a confused Sooyoung.

However what really throws her off balance is the fact that there was one full table that has yet to have any guests arrive. But as she slips behind the scenes to the bridal room to find answers, she breaks into a mini run with her heels. Meanwhile she dials Yoona’s number, after a few rings and no pick up, she hangs up and tries dialling again. Just before she presses the call button, she bumps into Boa and Yunho just outside the bridal room. The two smile at her pointedly.

“You must have a lot of questions” Yunho says almost reading her mind. Sooyoung panics and looks at Taeyeon who is currently touching up Yeonhee’s makeup. She shrugs at Sooyoung in the mirror. Sooyoung quickly looks round to locate the bride. And to her relief, she is dressed in her wedding dress, as if ready to go. Sooyoung heaves a sigh of relief.

“Breathe” Boa says soothingly, in an attempt to calm the frightened wedding planner. She pats her calmingly on the arm.

“Can someone please tell me what is happening?” she says, trying to keep her cool and control over the pronunciation of her sentence. But the stress is evident.

Yunho joins Boa’s side and places a hand on Sooyoung’s shoulder. He leans down and says to her

“Don’t worry, this is all going according to plan.”

“No it isn’t” Sooyoung denies. “Not according to ours.”

“Not yours. Ours” Yunho reaffirms her.


Yoona awakens to the vibrating of her phone on her desk. It takes her a little too long to open her eyes and register her surroundings. By the time she had opened her eyes, she had missed the call (and does not realise she had one).

She straightens herself up, leaning her head back to stretch her neck a little. The shawl falls off of her shoulders. Shocked, she sits up straight and pulls the shawl from behind to it. She wonders quickly whether it could be anyone… but cannot work out whether it is. Until she spots the foreign (but familiar looking) message card on her desk. She immediately reaches for it. But she does not need to ask or think to know who it is from. After all only one other person she knows is a regular.

Opening it up, she scans the message.

‘Sometimes things aren’t as they appear’

Scrunching her eyebrows together, she rereads the message again and again. She ponders for a second and stands up abruptly as a thought hits her. It can’t be! She thinks and repeats.

“Please don’t let there be something wrong with the wedding” she says as she starts making her way to the wedding hall.

She takes her phone with her. Just as she makes it out of her office and into the lobby, her phone vibrates again. It is text message from Sooyoung and a previous missed call. Her heart sinks a little. Then she quickly opens the message,

[um Yoona I think you need to be here]

She breaks into a run towards the wedding hall.

As she reaches it, she can hear Yunho’s voice through the speaker. It seems to be going well as she hears laughter from the crowd in response to one of his overused jokes.

When she enters, she finds a rather tense Sooyoung waiting for her. She has her arms folded and as soon as she spots Yoona, she quickly hurries towards her.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yes. Well not exactly” Sooyoung says as she pulls her along. “Apparently this is part of a company event.”

“A what?”

“You didn’t hear me wrong.”

“So they’re using this wedding as a promotional event? Like they’re broadcasting it?”

“Well, you’re half right. Mr Jung (Yunho) called us here. He asked us to sit through this and we’ll understand.” As the two walk, Yoona realises the weird composition of guests – familiar faces of past clients and four tables of staff under the SM weddings company.

At first Yoona is perplexed but as the facts grow on her, she gives Sooyoung a look of panic.

“Exactly what I thought. But apparently, we’re guests tonight. So you’re sitting with me.” Sooyoung says as she continues to lead Yoona.

“I can’t be here.” Yoona says, halting in her steps. There is a desperation within her eyes, a pleading. Sooyoung bites her lips in concern and apology. There is a sadness in her eyes.

“There was a request from Mr Changmin for you to be here.”

“That’s exactly why I can’t”

But Yunho’s next part of the speech, breaks through their conversation.

“Welcome to the launching party of SM weddings expansion project”

There is a confusion in Yoona as she fails to accept it. She swings around almost unstably as she questions Sooyoung with widened eyes. But Sooyoung only indicates for her to take a seat.

“I only found out half an hour ago. I freaked.” Sooyoung shows a pained smile. At another urge, Yoona loses strength and lets Sooyoung guide her to her seat.

“I would like to thank everyone here today, from my honoured guests, potential partners, potential customers and also my wonderful team. Whom I cannot thank enough for putting this night together.”

Throughout the whole speech, Yoona is reeling and so are the staff members especially those who were involved in putting this wedding together. They are all struggling to ground themselves. There is also an element of betrayal of the company that nobody was told. Yoona can feel concerned looks being shot towards her and Sooyoung but she cannot bring herself to look at anyone. She is too tired to care.  

Yunho turns to the team and addresses them directly. The spotlight shines on Sooyoung and Yoona’s table who helped put together the team.

“Here what you see tonight is a result of the effort of this team. Whom I’d like to thank. They had no idea this was not an actual wedding.” there are gasps of shock and laughter. Yunho initiates a round of applause. The team still look rather dumbfounded but join in on the applauding as well. But all Yoona could feel was a horrible plummet of her heart into her stomach. As if the whole world had been a lie to her.

It is not until the uproar died down that he could continue. “only a few staff knew of this project.”

Feeling the scrutiny directed towards him from the staff table, he turns to them and explains himself “I know I am sorry I have put you all in an awkward situation. I promise I will make it up to you!”

“You better!” Kyuhyun yells. And the staff all coo in unison for support.

“This was for the credibility and to show you their actual potential. And look what they produced.  So what you see here tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is not a one off for show. It's what they always did and will do." Earning awe from the seated guests. “This team and the rest of my staff is the reason why I have so much confidence in our upcoming expansion into Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Tonight you will see what they do. IN the future they will create more and inspire more.  And tonight you get to see more of what we do. They put it together thinking it was just another wedding.”

Yoona sinks back into her chair, loss of energy. There is a pulsing in her head and a light-headedness. The waiter serves her a glass of water and she takes it without second thought and downs it, allowing the water to quench her thirst and hopefully to drown out what was happening.

Yunho continues on with his speech.

“Just a few days ago, I was asked by one of my employees if I was expecting.”

There are sideways glances to Kyuhyun who blanks his face of expression. But he too is expectant of the upcoming answer.

“What you may ask?” the guests burst into laughter as he makes a meaningful pause and takes a pointed look at Kyuhyun. “He asked whether the mother is Boa.”

Then Yunho turns to Kyuhyun again before answering face on “Yes it is.”

The attention of the staff table turns to Boa as people laugh and gasp in shock. Boa almost chokes in the middle of taking a sip from her red wine. But she gracefully uses a napkin and wipes herself frowning at Yunho and urging him to continue on and to dispel the misunderstanding he was creating.

“My long time best friend and business partner. Kwon Boa is the other half of creating this expansion project. I consider this as my new baby or second child to answer you, Kyuhyun.”

Kyuhyun takes the blow, closing his eyes and nodding as he admits defeat.

“Before I move on, I would like to introduce my new partner, after endless persuasion had come over to help me. Mr Shim Changmin, our newly appointed CEO” Yunho gestures at Changmin at his table who stands up and bows at the crowd in a few directions. When he faces Yoona, he manages to catch her attention before bowing. He does not miss the look of anger, hurt and betrayal she conveys through her expression. There is a fleeting constricting feeling in his chest which he is unable to ignore. But there is too much attention on him at the moment to react. So he decides to find another opportunity. 

“and his assistant Lee Yeonhee who you will be able to see as part of our fashion show in a moment. Changmin will be looking after the company while I will be away from time to time. And to the staff, sorry, neither Changmin nor Yeonhee have any intention of marrying yet.” Yunho stirs some laughter from the crowd, some people laughing very sarcastically. There are slight disgruntled sounds coming from the staff who were involved in preparing the wedding.

“She was his assistant?” Tiffany asks almost in shock.

“Wait, so they're not dating?” sunny asks after weighing out the possibilities.

“I’m guessing that’s how it is.”  

Finding it a little difficult to breathe properly, Yoona heaves a deep sigh. She taps Sooyoung on the arm to get her attention. Sooyoung asks her with a questioning look. Yoona gives her an assertive look before excusing herself.  

Her legs seem to want to give way, but she manages to make it safely outside before having to lean on the stair railing to support herself. She tries to catch her breath as her mind reels through the truth that had just been revealed. Unable to control herself, tears start escaping her eyes. Her vision becomes a blur as she lets the tears collect in her eyes. When she hears the doors opening and closing behind her that she cannot identify who it is – whether it was a member of staff, a guest or a friend. The blurred figure continues to approach her – almost cautiously.

She blinks once, finally allowing the tears to fall straight off, revealing the person. It is a moment of fight or flight as her mind becomes frozen for a moment.

He stops, leaving a two metre distance between them. He puts his hands in his pockets and looks down almost solemnly. 

“I’m sorry.”

Yoona purses her lips, turning her head slightly to the side so that she does not have to face him. She takes a deep breath after sobbing. Thinking of an appropriate response, she faces him squarely. There is an undisguised pain in her eyes.

“You know that that’s not going to fix anything right?”

“I never imagined it would turn out like this.” He says very tentatively.

“Well it did. And you can’t really change anything. Like the fact that you lied. This whole thing was a lie. ” She tries to glare at him. He does not say anything more and lets her speak.

“Did you have fun watching us run around for you? You think it’s funny? Toying with our emotions like that? How do you expect us to be alright? How do you expect ME or Sooyoung to be alright?”

 “I’m sorry I hurt you like that. And put you and your team through all of that.” He says quietly.

“and I’m sorry” She snaps back. “I’m sorry I invested too much into this wedding. Too much trust in you.” She looks at him with a pained expression. And there is an ache in Changmin’s chest at seeing it. He takes a step towards her. But she takes a further step back. He looks back at her tearfilled eyes helplessly.

“Forget it.” She says firmly. Then she chooses to look away from him through her next words. “Some things cannot be repaired after the damage is done.” She says quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. Then she turns away and leaves. All Changmin could do was to give her space and watch her leaving figure as she disappears into the distance.   



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Hi everyone, I'm back (earlier than expected) Chapter 16 is up. Brand new poster and all.


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Chapter 16: Just came to this site after a long time. And turned out, you already published 2 chapters.
Thank you for updating.
I really enjoy reading this.
Chapter 15: It's been awhile.
Thanks for the update...
neverendingfangirl11 116 streak #3
Chapter 1: interesting~
sarahcharm #4
Chapter 14: exciting and interesting...waiting for the next update...
Eagerly waiting for next update...
Outstanding work ..
In love with this beautiful story as well as this beautiful couple...
ilovetakumiusui #6
snsdyoonaislove #7
Chapter 14: NO :(
ayufi91 #8
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating this
ayufi91 #9
Chapter 13: *u
ayufi91 #10
Chapter 13: Where are i dear author nim