Chapter Four

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Donghae slightly jumped at the loud voice that suddenly rang through the hallways. Turning, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Kyuhyun... was Kyuhyun actually grinning while running towards him?

"Hey," Kyuhyun said, slightly out of breath when he reached Donghae, and Donghae was able to confirm that Kyuhyun really was grinning.

"Who are you and what did you do to my friend?" Donghae asked, when a thought struck him and he got all excited. "Are you an alien who decided to possess Kyuhyun? If you are, please feel free to have Kyuhyun's body!"

"That's just too much Donghae." Kyuhyun deadpanned, the usual sarcasm missing and the grin mysteriously still not leaving his face.

"All right, all right." Donghae laughed. "So, what's up? Any good news?"

"I've finally found him!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, almost looking like he was bouncing on the spot, his face brightening up even more than before.

Donghae gaped. "Wow." A few seconds of silence passed, with Donghae needing a few moments to take in the good news. "Congrats Kyu!!! How did you find him? When? Where?" Donghae asked, excitement filling his voice as well.

How could he not share his friend's excitement over this? They've been trying for months, months, to find Kyuhyun's singer, and every week that passed without positive news was starting to wear Kyuhyun down. Donghae had spent all his free time at school spying on the second-years, trying to memorize their schedules so that Kyuhyun could check all of them out as they leave their classrooms after the bell had rung.

So far, they were not able to see even a glimpse of the mysterious singer. Even Donghae was starting to think that the mythical singer might not be in this school after all.

But now...

"Well, remember those students who keep on bugging me to join the music club?" Kyuhyun started and Donghae nodded.

"Yeah, the organizers for the school event this Christmas?"

"Yep. You see, while you were practicing in the dance club earlier, they showed up again to convince me to join them. I walked away from them, naturally, and then I stopped in front of a room to put my PSP away." Kyuhyun took a deep breath. "I was just about to scare away those students permanently, when suddenly someone began to sing. Turns out I accidentally stopped in front of the music club room. I ignored it, at first, but then another voice began to sang… and it was him. It was him, Donghae, the singer that I've been looking for."

A smile, which Donghae had been unconsciously suppressing while listening to Kyuhyun, began to show itself once again. "That's just fate." Donghae said, conviction in his voice. "But wait," he paused. "Did you see his face? Are you sure that's him? And what's his name?"

"I didn't see his face, yes I'm sure, and I don't know."

"But Kyuhyun! How did you not see his face? And why didn't you ask for his name? Couldn't you have had those people from the music club introduce you to him?" Donghae asked, a little frustrated at his friend's answers. He was so close!

"He had his back to me while he was singing, he never turned around and that's why I didn't see his face." Kyuhyun explained. "I didn't ask for his name because I wanted him to be the one to introduce himself to me, and I didn't want to be introduced earlier because..." Kyuhyun trailed off.

"Because...?" Donghae nudged Kyuhyun.

"I wasn't prepared, all right?" Kyuhyun exclaimed, pink dusting his cheeks.

"Awww, were you feeling shy?" Donghae crooned, unbelieving what his eyes were seeing. Kyuhyun acting all shy and adorable? Now that's a first!

"Yah! As if you're one to talk!" Kyuhyun scoffed, trying valiantly to recover from his blunder.

"And why did I get dragged onto this?" Donghae laughed. Which, in hindsight, he should've realized was a mistake.

One does not laugh at Cho Kyuhyun. For any reason, at all.

"Who was the one who got too shy and awkward in front of his crush that he actually forgot to introduce himself? One who had the chance to actually get to know the love of his life and blew it away?" Kyuhyun commented snarkily and Donghae wanted to slam his head into the nearest wall.

Why, oh why, did Kyuhyun had to remind him of that?

"I know, I know that was stupid of me! You don't have to remind me." Donghae sulked, giving himself a few moments to recover from the disappointing reminder. "Anyway, what are you planning on doing then? Now that you at least know where your singer can be found."

"Well, I, for one, decided to learn from your mistakes." This earned him a light scuff on the neck from Donghae. "Yah, I'm just being smart here!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, getting away from Donghae. "Anyway, I agreed to be join the music club, as long as he gets to be my guide-slash-tutor." Kyuhyun smirked. "They agreed in a heartbeat."

"...yeah, you really are the smart one between the two of us." Donghae said, shaking his head. Obviously, a name and an introduction was simply not enough for Cho Kyuhyun. He was also able to secure future, not to mention frequent, association with his beloved singer.

"'Course I am. Always has been."

"Wanna have a dance-off?"




"Thought so." Donghae shrugged, a grin forming at his lips. Score one for him! "Hey, introduce me to your singer, alright? You have to!"

Kyuhyun looked down at his slightly shorter friend, whose excitement and innocent grin lighted up his whole face, making him even more gorgeous.

Kyuhyun knew that they may be unpopular among their peers, but that did not stop several students from looking their way whenever they pass by. As conceited as he was, Kyuhyun knew that they weren't all looking at him alone.


"Why not?" Donghae protested, wanting to stomp his foot in frustration. "We've been looking for him for ages, I wanna know what he looks like!"


"But Kyu..." persuasive words continued to flow from the brunette, which consistently received negative responses from his taller friend.

Seriously though, Donghae thought, why didn't Kyuhyun want him to meet the singer? His friend's just being all kinds of selfish this time!


Several students were milling about the room, some holding a musical instrument and practicing, some merely chatting with the other club members.

Not wanting to draw attention to himself (he didn't want to be disturbed when he could be looking for his singer), Kyuhyun slowly eased the door open, and closed it just as gently. He plopped down on one of the comfortable-looking couches that were stationed throughout the large room. Placing his bag on his side, he sat back and surveyed the room with renewed enthusiasm.

Not spotting the singer, he merely shrugged and glanced at his watch. He was a little early - alright, he was way too early for their meeting, but he didn't want to be late. First impressions and all.

Relaxing back onto his seat, Kyuhyun let his eyes wander on the members that were currently in the room. A small group of students were practicing their harmony at one side, several were holding guitars, and a lone girl was practicing on a baby grand piano situated at one corner.

Kyuhyun whiled the time away watching the musicians at work, not realizing until that moment how much he had actually missed his previous' school's music club. He wanted to get up and get an instrument himself, but he restrained from doing so, not wanting to miss his tutor's entrance to the room. Every now and then the door would open, a member entering, and Kyuhyun would immediately shift his attention towards it, only to look away again in disappointment.

Half an hour passed, and Kyuhyun's excitement only grew. His heart would beat faster whenever the door would open as their meeting time grew nearer.

The door opened yet again, and Kyuhyun snapped his eyes towards it, hoping that it was finally his tutor. It wasn't.

It was, however, the gorgeous black-haired student that captured his attention so many months ago.

Aware that he was staring, but unable to help himself, Kyuhyun watched as the black-haired student walked confidently into the room. Kyuhyun could feel his heartbeat increasing just a bit as the other student walked around, aimlessly at first it seemed, until he turned and eyed Kyuhyun's area. When the black-haired student started to walk towards him, Kyuhyun berated his heart for beating so quickly. He had to remind himself that this student wasn't the singer he was looking for – Kyuhyun had to stop being so attracted to him.

Kyuhyun was so busy having an internal conversation with himself that he didn't at first realize that someone was talking to him.

"...lo? Hello?"

Kyuhyun blinked at the hand that was being waved in front of him. Recovering himself, he replied. "Oh, sorry. Yes?"

"Is this seat free?"

Looking up, Kyuhyun stared at the gorgeous face that was so close to him, single-lidded eyes looking inquisitively at him. Blinking, Kyuhyun stammered. "Erm - yeah - yeah, it's free."

"I'll take this, then." Those dark eyes curved into a smile, and Kyuhyun felt himself getting even more charmed.

As the other student sat comfortably next to him, Kyuhyun fought to keep his nervousness down at having the other so close to him.

Now's not the time to be getting a crush, Kyuhyun thought desperately.

Fighting the urge to fidget, Kyuhyun glanced at his watch. His heart lurch in renewed excitement when he saw that their meeting was to begin in just five minutes. Temporarily forgetting the student beside him, Kyuhyun took to watching the door like a hawk, expecting his tutor to come in anytime now.

Several minutes passed, and only girls went through the door.

Twenty minutes later, Kyuhyun was beginning to frown. It was already past their meeting time, and there was still no sign of his tutor. He agreed to being Kyuhyun's tutor, he couldn't have backed out now, could he?

Sitting back and starting to worry, Kyuhyun noticed the black-haired student beside him sitting up straight and surveying the room. His face turned to left, right, and left again, before looking down at his phone.

Sighing, Kyuhyun decided to ignore his seatmate and focus on his own problem. He was now starting to regret his rash decision of not asking for the singer's name when he had the chance, how would he be able to find him right now?

"Excuse me."

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Pilika-LastHope #1
Chapter 16: awwcute
398 streak #2
Chapter 16: Babe!!! You're not going to update this piece?!? How dare youuu 😭😭😭

I want the next chapter button 😭😭😭
398 streak #3
Chapter 12: love love love love this chapter sooooo much! The best! <3
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Chapter 11: I see that Yesung's mother really likes Kyuhyun XD
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Chapter 10: Yesung forgot about Hyukjae because of ice cream just .... XDDDDD
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Chapter 8: Why Hyukjae bit Donghae? O____o
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Chapter 7: I knew it! XD~
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Chapter 6: I think I know who Yesung's friend XD~
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Chapter 4: Huo! I knew it! Finally Kyu found his soulmate #cough LOL
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Chapter 3: I love Hae here!