Chapter Eight

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Kyuhyun halted in his tracks in surprise. He had just entered the music club room for his lesson with Yesung, early as usual, to find Yesung already in the room. He was currently talking with a girl much smaller than him, and Kyuhyun noted that she was indeed a regular member of a club. They were both holding sheets of paper, and included in their conversation was Ryeowook, who was also holding papers.

Kyuhyun placed his bag down and sat on one of the couches scattered around the room, not wanting to disturb his hyung until it was time for his lessons. He pulled out his PSP and started playing, glancing every now and then to the trio who were still deeply immersed in their talk.

A few minutes passed by, until Kyuhyun's alert ears heard the sound of a chair scraping the floor, and he looked up and saw Ryeowook sitting down in front of one of the club's baby grand pianos.

A few experimental notes filled the air, and Kyuhyun immediately stowed away his PSP, hoping for a performance from his hyung. His wish was granted as Yesung's voice filled the air, singing along to Ryeowook's music.

Singing a song of a man yearning for his lost love, Kyuhyun sighed at how perfect Yesung's voice complemented the meaning of the song. He was utterly content at sitting there watching his hyung sing, knowing that the moments like these were what made all those waiting worth it.

That, and all of the moments Yesung had looked up at him, an adorable smile gracing his features, or even the times when a still adorable frown would form on his face, looking unhappy at whatever one of his friends had told him, or even that time when...

Oh all right, all of the time that he had spent with Yesung made everything worthwhile.

Yesung had just finished the first chorus of the song, and Kyuhyun was a little bit surprised when the girl Yesung had been talking to started to sing. Her words were that of a woman longing for her lost lover as well, and Kyuhyun wondered at the fact that this song really was a duet.

The girl sang solo for the second verse up to the second chorus, and Kyuhyun grew even more puzzled.

However, as the song reached the bridge, Yesung and the girl started singing together, voices blending effortlessly, and Kyuhyun relaxed.

This is it.

The song came to an end soon, and Kyuhyun was the first one to clap for the amazing performance. Surprised, Yesung looked at his direction, and smiled widely upon seeing his apprentice.

Making his way over to Kyuhyun, amidst all the clapping and words of encouragement from the club members, Yesung had a brilliant smile on his face as he looked up at Kyuhyun.

"I should've known you'd be here! You always were early for our meetings."

"Yeah, and I'm really glad I'm early today. You sounded amazing, Hyung." Kyuhyun said, a happy smile on his face and voice dripping with sincerity.

Yesung laughed, pink staining his cheeks as he thanked Kyuhyun for the praise. "Oh, by the way, I think you haven't met Luna before?" Yesung said, gesturing towards his partner for the song.

Kyuhyun shook his head, and Yesung called Luna to gesture her over. Luna immediately excused herself from her group of friends and made her way over to the two males.

"Hey, Luna, this is Kyuhyun. He's the one that I've mentioned before, my mentee."

"Oh, the one who was recruited for the concert?" Luna asked, a wide smile appearing on her face.

"As per Yesung hyung, yeah." Kyuhyun shrugged. "Cho Kyuhyun." Kyuhyun held out his hand for a handshake, and Luna took it.

"Park Luna. I'm a sophomore here, but don't call me noona, all right?" Luna warned him lightheartedly, before letting his hand go. At Kyuhyun's nod, Luna waved at them cheerfully. "All right, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Kyuhyun, good luck on the concert! We'll be seeing each other there."

Kyuhyun waved at the retreating girl, and then turned to Yesung for clarification. "She's going to perform at the concert as well?"

"Yeah, we'll be having a duet." Yesung confirmed and the took a swig at his bottled water.

"That's nice." Kyuhyun commented, feeling pleased at hearing that his hyung was going to perform as well. "Wait, are you going to sing that song? The one earlier?"

"Yeah, it's a good song, right?"

"It is, but..." Kyuhyun hesitated and Yesung frowned.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Yeah, erm, don't be offended, all right?"

"Yeah, sure." Yesung said. He was used to receiving criticisms, after all, having been performing on stage for a long while now.

"It's just that... the song is nice, and you and Luna both have great voices, it's just that... it doesn't sound much of a duet?" Kyuhyun said tentatively and saw how Yesung's frown deepened.

"I mean, individually your voices are really beautiful, but it sounds even more so when you sang the bridge, when you're singing together. Your voices complement each other really well, and I just wish there were more parts in the song that you guys sang together. It seems a shame that your harmony wouldn't be focused on that much." Kyuhyun explained, hoping that his hyung wouldn't take offense at his words.


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Pilika-LastHope #1
Chapter 16: awwcute
389 streak #2
Chapter 16: Babe!!! You're not going to update this piece?!? How dare youuu 😭😭😭

I want the next chapter button 😭😭😭
389 streak #3
Chapter 12: love love love love this chapter sooooo much! The best! <3
389 streak #4
Chapter 11: I see that Yesung's mother really likes Kyuhyun XD
389 streak #5
Chapter 10: Yesung forgot about Hyukjae because of ice cream just .... XDDDDD
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Chapter 8: Why Hyukjae bit Donghae? O____o
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Chapter 7: I knew it! XD~
389 streak #8
Chapter 6: I think I know who Yesung's friend XD~
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Chapter 4: Huo! I knew it! Finally Kyu found his soulmate #cough LOL
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Chapter 3: I love Hae here!