
One Word
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"I was thinking..."


"Oh really? Of who?" The other girl smiled and tilted her head. "Do my eyes deceived me or are you pointing out to a particular blondie right across the love seats over there? Who, if I may add, was having a smooch with her boyfriend."


Rosé rolled her eyes at the older girl as the latter was merely focusing on nothing but her work. If it wasn't for the pretty lights or great choice of music, which the blonde haired girl mostly approved and chose, the rundown bar wouldn't be so indulging to Jisoo. Years going to and fro the place gave her an ample time to appreciate every little wonder even in the speck of dust cooping up by themselves in the corner.


"Hey, I don't dream about obviously taken women."


"Bollocks." She continued writing on her notebook, not minding her friend who was probably checking out the new girl who now frequents the place. "Rosé, you were practically drooling the moment she entered the room. I'm not making that up and you know it."


"I wasn't drooling! For your information, I was choking and the water wanted to come out from my lips like some girl hiding in the closet."


"The closet might have been comfortable then till you started thinking about women... in inappropriate ways." She threw her an easy smile. "And, bless my soul, that wasn't water. It was tequila."


"Huh. You're so perfect, aren't you?" Rosé almost sneered but Jisoo knew the girl was only trying to back. "Girls just can't help begging on their knees for you."


"Yeah because is my kink." She rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time for the night and reckoned it'll be better to finish what she was writing in her own room where there was no distractions.


She gasped in a way that made Jisoo laughed. "Are you writing that up for your new story?"


"I thought it was obvious? E.L. James is just my favorite writer of all times for creating such masterpiece. Saved humanity and the generation of bad romance and movie ." Sarcasm was dripping all over the place as she closed her notebook and stood up. "I'm going home."


"The night's still young, Jisoo." Rosé spoke as if the sun just set and wasn't close to the dawn breaking.


"As much as I would love to tease you, I would rather let you have the chance to try and flirt with someone you think you have a fair chance of winning."


The younger girl giggled and shook her head before giving her quick pecks on the cheeks. "Why can't you just stay and be the fun endearing heartthrob that you are?"


"Because I'm loyal and I don't play around." Jisoo checked her watch and clicked her tongue. "Also... I have a flight to catch."


"Be careful on going back to your country." Chaeyoung frowned as if some thought displeased her. "You'd be okay, right?"


"Why wouldn't I be?"


"Korea is a sensitive, conservative and--"


"If you say another word that rhymes with those, you should try being a poet."


"Nah. I'm good at ripping out my vocal cords every night."


"I wish that meant singing here and not what I think you'd do in your room once a pretty girl gets slammed on your wall. Which, now that I remember, was a wall we share." Jisoo waved her hand as Chaeyoung was the one who rolled her eyes this time. "Try not to break our apartment when I'm gone."


"You're moving out anyway. Who cares?" She talked while walking backwards. "Not your long line of desperate wannabe girlfriends. Think you'll be hooking up with one of them in a spur of moment?"


"Nah. I'm good." Her voice came out more like a response to her own thoughts as Chaeyoung trudged her way further away from her, not waiting for a reply. "And I'm pretty sure the love of my life wouldn't be fine with that."






=  =  =  =  =






"Are you okay? You look upset. Like you lost your eye candy."


"I so did not hear that from my parents I've been dying to see ages ago."



Jisoo scoffed playfully at the welcome greeting of her parents. It was probably embedded in their genes to tease each other so much but she has gotten used to it. It was what she would prefer over the cold shoulder they once did give her before when she confessed about her uality. Now... it was just all good and they learned to accept or they learned that having a daughter fawning over another girl was better than losing her totally.


Her mother was the first one to hug her then came her father who shared the same smile as Jisoo that must've made dozens of girls in love. It was obvious as it was a big help whenever she would smile and as quick as a snap, she'd get the girl. So it maybe all thanks to her old man who was now dragging her luggage to their van.



"I miss you all." Jisoo kissed her mom's cheek and also received a peck on the forehead from her dad. "But the last time I checked... you weren't just the lot to welcome me."


"Oh you know your brother. Always busy being cooped up in office especially now that he asked for a leave this Christmas break." Her mother said as they all got comfy in the vehicle. "And your sister wants to pass all the love but she'll meet us over dinner tomorrow. Taking care of your nephew does take a toll on her."


"Ouch. Gee... I really feel the love." They all chuckled with what she said though they all know she understood and was merely joking. Jisoo stared out the window and white snow filled every land her eyes could reach. It was bringing back memories of her childhood more than she would've thought. "Korea hasn't changed one bit."


"And you didn't too." Her dad glanced at her from the rearview mirror as her mom turned to look at her. A phone in her hand that the younger girl took a good measuring before taking it into her own hands. "I know that look, Jisoo. You should call the first contact in your umma's log and stop that frown from forming."


Her heart fluttered at the name because it sent that bittersweet feeling. Now the reminiscing entered a new level. She looked up at her parents, her mom who had a knowing smile. She returned it. "That's sweet, you guys. But, umma, I really want to taste your cooking again instead of a delivery from my favorite chicken place."


The older woman rolled her eyes at her and faced the road again, leaving Jisoo all alone to linger her thumb over that one name. "We'll pretend we don't hear any conversations if you call her now."



Jisoo smiled, feeling all grateful. She was still working out the reasons why her bestfriend didn't come to get her with her parents. The other girl did promise she would be the first one she'd be able to laid her eyes on at Incheon Airport. Yet there was no sign of the particular brunette.


Before her recent fear and urge to drop the phone to the side takes over, the phone vibrated with that trot song interrupting the silence in the van. It didn't look like her parents even minded and her mom stayed in her own position. As if they all knew it was her phone but it wasn't her call to take.



"Yobeoseyo?" Jisoo answered and for awhile she thought the other line went dead or that the person did for there was no reply for a good 10 seconds. "Jennie?"


"You don't know how it glad it makes me feel to hear your voice that isn't from a foreign number."



Maybe Jennie was doing some work, analyzing some cases her law firm was making her. Maybe she didn't realize it was actually her childhood friend who talked. Maybe she hitched her breath before talking or she just finished something that took her stamina out. Because Jisoo could tell she was a bit breathless and the latter's voice was also enough to give her a cardiac arrest at the moment.



"Well that technically happens when you're in your country's area of responsibility." Jennie's giggle echoed through the gadget and all Jisoo wanted to do was listen to her reply of gaiety but she kind of zoned out in the middle. She cleared and her bestfriend must have realized something was up. She paused for a bit and the words were tumbling out of before she could control it. "Where are you? I miss you, you know."



Jennie didn't say anything about where she was. She didn't explain why she wasn't there to fetch her. She didn't give a reason for Jisoo not to want to jump out of the car that instant or demand her dad to drive faster.



"I miss you too, Jisoo."



But the sincerity was enough to keep her calm and warm much more than the heater could do.






=  =  =  =  =






"It's super cold but if you think about the view and the company you have... well, won't you all be cozy?"



The guide was pretty much touring them but to Jisoo, they didn't really need much of that. Not when she was still familiar with everything around her. Though she understands that some precautionary measure was needed but it was funny to think it came to terms with Jennie who was rather getting cozy to their other childhood friend instead of her. Now if Nayeon came from Antartica or some isolated island, she'd stop fretting but she didn't and Jennie was practically clinging to the latter.



"We'll camp out. I've reserved the cabin up in the mountain." Nayeon turned to the two of them and checked her phone. "You two better chitchat about, I don't know, anime or old music? I gotta take a call then let's meet over there, okay? You guys know the way."



The other girl left them alone after whispering something to Jennie. Jisoo never felt so out of place when she saw the gummy smile she loves so much. But maybe that's what happens when you're apart for about two years that even your whole childhood and teenage years could easily diminish.



"How rude." Jennie finally faced her, eye to eye, after what felt like eternity. It's the first time they've been together, the first moment their eyes meet after a long time and Jisoo wasn't expecting a parade of trumpets and drums. But it was probably something richer than the silence they shared now. Jisoo let out a smile, not wanting to ruin the time they have with her current inner self who was stomping like a little girl begging for attention. "If my book gets published I honestly don't think anything can beat 'Maybe This Time' for the theme song."


"But there was something a bit wrong in that song, don't you think?"


"You're saying there's something wrong with our favorite song?"


"I mean..." Jennie had open and close as if she can't decide which were the right words to say. She looked down and fiddled with her fingers, a thing that hasn't changed. "It could've been better in some ways."



Jisoo ignored the nagging voice telling her that they weren't connected as much as they were before. That Jennie might not feel the same as she does. Of course, the brunette doesn't feel the way Jisoo does when she's been silently harbouring feelings for her best friend. She at least wants to see they didn't lose that bond she could be contented with but Jisoo can't attest to that anytime soon. Not when they're barely talking and agreeing with each other.



"Are you cold?" She asked, making Jennie look up. "Because I'm thinking of buying something warm."


"Oh. Oh! You don't have to!" Jennie then gave her a big smile that could fill the entire hollow space that occupied her heart. She searched her bag and when she was done, she tugged Jisoo's hands onto hers. "I always thought blue fits you but I know purple's always your favorite."


"Heol. It must be hard for you to search a combination of these colors for gloves." Jennie laughed and it didn't even register to Jisoo that she was infected by it.


"I made it, you silly." She nodded as if she was proud of herself as it was a perfect fit on Jisoo's hand. "You know I always want to create something. And I honestly think this was worth it for me to accidentally leave huge case files piled up by my desk."


"Hmm... Too wordy. Why not just say you were procrastinating just like usual?"


"Usual..." She pointed at her chest as if reprimanding her. "Is used when you do it so very often and that, my dear Jisoo, is not my thing anymore."


"Well what's your thing now?" Their eyes met while Jennie finished up putting the other woolen glove on her. She misses her and she knows she missed a lot of things. She doesn't know if they'll be able to catch up with time running as if on a marathon. "Other than knitting and surprising people for being spontaneous?"


"Hold up, Chichu. I have a plan. We'll enjoy this weekend together before I return you back to your umma." Jisoo hoped that together meant the two of them only but she can't be choosy. "Besides, being spontaneous is lovely. And maybe that's my thing nowadays."


"You're already lovely." Jisoo said in as a matter of fact tone and she wasn't sure if that caused the blush on her cheeks or the quick pecks that landed on them.


"I mean I'm trying to be spontaneous here." She started walking and Jisoo could only follow as their hands were entwined. "Geez... why do you have to be so cute? Careful on that before other people try to put you in their pockets."


"They've tried. No one succeeded though." She shrugged as it felt like they were going back to their own pace. "You wanna take a chance?"


"Don't dare me." Jennie smirked at her then looked away after a beat. "You might suffocate because I'll really try hard to fit you in."



Jisoo just laughed along as they started talking about life and things. Now that they were catching up and all, Jisoo knew to herself she wasn't a masochist but suffocating doesn't seem much of a worst case scenario. Because she thinks she'll fit well into Jennie just as their fingers did before and still do until now.






=  =  =  =  =






"Jisoo... this is going to be a New York Times Best Seller."


"You say that because you're my bestfriend and you love me."


"No, I say that because I can distinguish an amateur writing from a work of art." Jennie simply said as she continued reading on the manuscript of Jisoo's new story. "And this... this is a masterpiece."


"So you don't love me?" It was a playful jab but Jisoo doesn't think know if it's for her or for Jennie who might not have noticed, not when the other girl was still focused on reading. She started imagining Jennie burning holes with her eyes too intense on it. "Okay, yeopeo ahgassi. That's enough. You might burn it and I'm not even talking about you leaning so close to the fire."


"There's something about Penelope that I can't quite put but she's such a desirable character. How does Joe not get her intentions?" Jisoo chuckled as she walked over to Jennie who luckily wasn't falling on her back with the way she was sitting. "Please tell me you don't have a tragedy planned for her at the end. Because that's just sick-- hey! I was still reading that!"


She shook her head and kept the papers out of Jennie's reach. "Aren't you cold? We should get inside."


"What's it about you and cold?" The brunette squinted her eyes. If it wasn't because of Nayeon and her girlfriend inside the cabin, they probably wouldn't be freezing outside. They both thought the night sky was a better view than two flirty lovers. "You know the last time I remember you'd be the one pulling me once the sun sets and ask me to go lying on the ground."


"Wow. That was like when we were 9, Jennie."


The brunette stood up and seemingl

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Not going to accept requests for awhile. Sorry. I’ll finish those in my notes first...


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reveluv316 813 streak #1
congrats on feature
congrats!! on getting featured!
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reveluv316 813 streak #4
Chapter 17: enjoyed reading this chapter
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Congrats authy
Jamess #6
congrats on the features
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Congrats on the feature
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Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature!
congrats! haven't seen a BP fic get featured before! <3 Love it.