
One Word
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This has been requested by so many so I won't mention particulary who. I listened to A Little Braver by New Empire to set the mood. You could listen to it too. (: 

Go read Chapter 47 (Answer) before this though so you'll understand if you just clicked this randomly.










"Jisoo? Are you in there?"



If it was any time or the past Jisoo, Jennie wouldn't have asked at all. She wouldn't have knocked in the first place because the door would be kept open. She wouldn't be unsettled and unsure of herself, changing her footing every now and then.


If things were just the same as before, Jennie would've probably sang that particular song from Frozen. She would have just waited for the door to open instead of knocking again and not getting any response. That fact alone was rare to happen and yet she was standing in the hallway that seperates her best friend and boyfriend's room.



"Can we talk?" The brunette tried again and she lost count of how many times the other girl locked her out... for the span of two weeks. "I know you're in there--"





The said girl turned around to see Jin coming out from his own room. It took her about three seconds before she tried a smile to the handsome twin. He walked closer to her and Jennie misses Jisoo even more. He dropped a kiss on her cheek and appraised her face.



"Noona said she was going out somewhere. Meeting Soojoo or something like hanging out with her?" He watched as his girlfriend's face dropped even more. "It's nothing to frown about really, Nini."


Jin held her hand and slightly pulled onto it. "Come on. Why don't we go to my room instead? We can watch reruns of your favorite tv series in Netflix? And some milk ice cream? If that helps?"


Jennie felt a lump on . Here is her boyfriend trying hard to cheer her up because his twin was ignoring her. Because his twin started acting out like this when Jennie pursued her for answers. Because Jennie wanted to know for a fact if Jisoo didn't feel the same way as her.




The way that she should be feeling for Jin instead of Jisoo.




"Yeah. Okay." She thought of kissing him but that mere thought made her a bit sick in her stomach not because she's disgusted, no. It's because kissing Jin directly in front of Jisoo's room didn't feel right despite of the latter being not there. Or so Jin said. "I want some love sick series though."


Jin groaned but the smile was on his lips. "I can't get my way out of this, can I?"



He chuckled as Jennie passed him and went towards his room. He stared at his sister's room, not entirely sure if his feigning worked on Jennie. At some point, she must have doubted him and now he doubted himself too. Jin wasn't sure if he can keep up this acting that Jisoo wasn't inside and simply ignoring Jennie because Jisoo asked it from him as a favor.


He doesn't really understand much why. He can't seem to question her about it because Jennie and Jisoo are like this thing... are also like two peas in a pod that you can't seperate. They must have shared and talked secrets that no one can intrude in.


So he didn't give it another thought for now as he was sure the two would be fixing whatever conflict they have. He just have to support and trust that his own twin knows what she's doing. Just like how Jisoo have always done for him.






=  =  =  =  =






The knocks on the door ceased after awhile. The vague sounds of footsteps sounded further away and with a shut of another door, Jin and Jennie were surely locked up in their own world. A world that wasn't meant for Jisoo to crave and cry about.



But she did.



She cries again. After too many days and nights... Jisoo cries again. It how it seemed to be a routine for her now.


Jisoo felt the tears running down her cheeks and wonder if they'll ever run out. She wonders if she'll be able to make it stop because she was usually more put up and in control of her feelings. It doesn't matter how grave or how sad things in her life happens but it never came close to this point.


It never came close to making her feel so helpless at night. Never came close to make her too fragile as if a bit of hurt, no matter how scarce or miniscule it is, can already wreck her and break her apart into little pieces from those larger ones. Never came close to have her suffocating that even if she knew preventing herself from crying would stop it all... it felt like doing so would stop her breathing and kill her more.


It's always silent in her room these days. It's always silent other than the slight noises living creatures from the outside of their house make. It's always silent but then it wasn't as she could faintly hear her own sobs. She could hear them even when she tried to keep it down and low because it'll cause worry to her family. It'll cause her parents to question her about why the hell would she be asking for swollen eyes in the morning for. It'll cause her brother to think and worry and question not only her but also himself. And she can't have that.



Jisoo can't have them asking her questions when she herself don't want to accept her answer.



Jisoo can't have Jin thinking she's in love with his girlfriend. She can't have him thinking that he took something from her when it wasn't hers to begin with. When Jennie wasn't even hers in the first place.


She'd cried and get irritated at the tears, at herself then at her actions because she could've done things differently. Then she'd cry again because despite knowing that, Jisoo knew she wouldn't have the guts to do things the other way. She knew she'd have a greater regret because by then she would have hurt too many people she loved.


So why not let herself be the only one who's hurt and broken? Why does she have to drag someone into her pain when she can just take it all to herself? Why does she have to kill someone else's feelings and emotions when it's better if she's the only who can die alone in it?


Sometimes Jisoo wished she wasn't so... indecisive. People would've called it selfless. Jennie would have if they were still talking and she could imagine her best friend scolding her for it. She could imagine Jennie telling her that she should keep some things to herself and not give it away. Because Jennie cares about her and she could see through her. Because Jennie doesn't want Jisoo to be alone and the brunette won't ever do that.


That's why she had to be the one to make the call about their stand in her pining over Jennie or their friendship, relationship or whatever others would call it. That's why she rarely answers the calls, responds to the frequent messages, barely looks Jennie in the eye when they see each other... because her best friend could tell. She could tell what was up but Jisoo isn't prepared if Jennie would realize how much of a lie she fed to her.


A small part of Jisoo didn't want to lie. She didn't want to do what her mother expects her to do. She didn't want to do what was best for her twin. She didn't want to do what she did that caused her heart to burn as if the fire of the love she felt was left unattended and it grew in tenfold. It grew and grew and when it wasn't able to be tamed down, it was only chaos and casualties to her mind and heart.


Her phone rang and she couldn't pick it up, wasn't in a state that should be heard by anyone. The mere contact photo of Jennie alone set the longing and agony inside her to be harsher, rougher to another extent. She let the call die down again because Jennie shouldn't care about her right now.


Jennie shouldn't be disturbed when her time's preoccupied by her brother. She shouldn't be talking attentively to Jisoo when she should be focused on Jin alone doing god knows what that still makes her clench her fists at the thought. Jennie shouldn't be with her even when all Jisoo wants is to snuggle close and be enveloped in the warmth that her best friend only provides.


Jisoo made her choice. She chose this, she chose to suffer. She chose to be called stupid by other people who might be expert in love. She chose this over happiness and love with Jennie.


She convinces herself it'll get by. She convinces herself that even if it hurts, it'll lessen with time. She convinces herself that she did the right thing.


But somehow that part of her, however little it is, wants to do the wrong thing for at least this time. She dreams of doing it and ending the pain once and for all. She thinks she's becoming despicable but the idea remains tempting.




To have Jennie for herself was wrong but god does it feel so right despite its consequences.






=  =  =  =  =






"You two have to talk."


Jisoo sent him a dubious look as if what he said was absurb. "Jennie and I talk, Jin. We're best friends. That's what we do. As a matter of fact in long hours. It can be pretty tiring chitchatting and all. You remember saying you don't like it when girls talk all the time? That's kinda my major mood right now."


"But this is Jennie. You guys don't just talk. I can see it. She misses you, Noona. Yeah, I don't like all the gossip that girls do but..." Jin ruffled his own hair as his sister only read from her book. It's a different one. Like Jisoo had hundreds of them to finish before she decides to do something about the elephant in the room. "You like talking to her, spending time with her... anything else that you two always do. You love Jennie."



Jisoo halted from her reading and glanced up. His stance was still relaxed and she doesn't know if she wanted to throw her book and scream at him or kneel down and ask for forgiveness. Jin was her twin and he oblivious to what she feels strongly for his girlfriend.



"I love a lot of people. It's just that I'm not in the mood to make conversations with them right now."


"No . You two don't even have to talk. You can just sit beside her and try..." He took a sharp intake of breath because the blank stare and lost in thought instances Jennie has these days pains him. "I don't know what problem you guys have--"


"You don't. That's why just drop it. It's for your own good." Jisoo cut him off but she showed a smile once she looked up at him again. It was the usual smile he could see from his sister but it felt off. Just like the past days. "I'm trying to finish a book here. I told you not to disturb me, remember?"




"I'll deal with Jennie, okay? Don't mind it. It's just a best friend thingy."


"Well that best friend thingy is worrying her boyfriend."


"Well go ahead, lover boy. Comfort her and keep her warm at night. Pretty sure she'd appreciate that."


"Why are you being an ?" Jin couldn't take the indifference Jisoo was making him feel when she pertains to Jennie. "Don't hurt her anymore, Jisoo. I mean it."


"Seriously? Choosing her instead of your own sister? Your own twin?"


The other twin huffed and crossed his arms, clearly showing displeasure to his sister's actions. "Don't make me choose. I'm pissed at you right now so... you might not like the answer."


"Ever thought of asking me who'd I choose if it was between you and Jennie?"


"Yeah of course. That's obvious." He rolled his eyes because it was dumb of him if he doesn't know. "You'd choose Jennie, I know."


"I'd choose you, Jin. You're my brother and I chose you." She stood up and made her way around him who was blocking her from leaving the living room. "Blood is thicker than water even if we try to deny or hate it. Remember that."


"Please, Jisoo noona." Jisoo was close to getting away but her brother chose to plead to her. His eyes were sincere and his face, that familiar expression was enough for her to know that he's asking for a favor. "I just want Jennie to be happy again and that won't happen if you continue whatever you're doing."


"Aren't you scared? What if the thing that makes Jennie happy makes you feel the opposite?"



Jin furrowed his eyebrows at her. Jisoo was using such a serious tone that it somehow felt like he wasn't part of something that Jennie and Jisoo were. That he's missing something completely yet even if he wanted to find out... it won't be possible.





"Thought so." Jisoo gave him a smile and ruffled his hair. "You make her happy. It's your job now since you're the boyfriend. You should even enjoy your alone time now that I'm not taking it up with these bffs only ."


"You make her happy too. If it's you... I don't mind sharing her with you."


"You don't mean that." She glanced back, her jaw tightened because it was obvious Jin was persuading her. He would've said anything but those words were too much for Jisoo's ears to hear. They were offered like a glue for her broken heart to be put back into its place. "Tell me you don't mean that."



It's been so long. Jisoo has been missing Jennie for a long time that the reason she forbids herself to see the latter was because she doesn't know what she's capable of doing. She wasn't sure how much of control she had in her. She doesn't trust herself to stick to her words when all she could think about is breaking it over and over again.


Jin shrugged and Jisoo hates him at that moment. She hates him because just how could he treat Jennie like something they could share. He literally has her within his reach, a capability Jisoo would die for, and if it was up to her... she would be selfish and greedy for the brunette. She wouldn't think of sharing her time or smiles or affection with anyone else. Jisoo hates Jin in that moment because he had no idea what those words trigger, what those could possibly mean yet he still threw it at her.



"You might regret this, Jin."


He offered her a smile that Jisoo avoided because she would've to return it and she can't fake one right now. "Noona... I've known you for years and you can't do anything that will make me unhappy."



Jisoo didn't answer to that. She only shove him a bit and shook her head. She didn't exactly try to comfort him or say things that are so... Kim Jisoo.


Because if she did, she'll think again and she doesn't want to think. She just wants to feel something else other than what's been dragging her to the ground and tearing her apart. She just wants to feel better even for just a fraction of an hour, a day before the next weeks coop her up in guilt.




She just wants Jennie and this time... she doesn't want to think about Jin or anything else.






=  =  =  =  =






"Did you know? That--"


"You're talking to me now?"



Jisoo half expected Jennie to snap at her but it wasn't until those eyes with silent anger burned into her own orbs. She expected the shouting like how their fights always happen. But this wasn't a fight and, clearly, she can't argue back because Jennie has all the reasons to be angry at her. Her own reasons were shrunk into minimum in terms of its validity as Jennie stared her down.



"Well yes of course. I'm your best friend, aren't I?"


"You didn't act like it for days. Why do it now?"


"Come on, Jennie. I was just busy and all. Besides, you know I'll come back to you when all's over."


The brunette appraised the look she sported on her face. "Why come back now then? Did you settle everything already? Or maybe you didn't and you just feel bad for me. Is that it?"


"Look, Jennie--" Jisoo stood up to follow the latter but it was like she was a volcano on the verge of exploding. "Are you okay?"


"You ignored me for days, Jisoo! Yeah I know I did something bad to you and maybe to Jin too! But I was confused about my feelings and the least I wanted was for you to hear me out! You didn't and, instead, you pushed me away!" She was breathing heavily that it shut Jisoo up because talking back would only make it worse. Because talking back will stop her from hearing how Jennie was desperate for her in some ways too. "I needed you, my best friend, to understand and help me with what I'm going through but you just shut me out! How the hell am I supposed to be okay?!"



The black haired girl had her hands out as if she was surrendering herself to Jennie. The outburst took her by surprise because she didn't expect her actions to affect her this much. Angry, yes. Hurt and disappointment? Jisoo wasn't prepared enough for that.



"I'm sorry. I know it was a move--"


"A very big one!"


"Yes and--" She pressed her lips together and Jennie tilted her head at her. She can't help it when the words gave her the urge to laugh despite the situation.


"You can laugh? Kim Jisoo, you can laugh right now?"


"I'm sorry but you have to understand that your choice of words was just--"


"It's just me using superlatives!"


"Yes but that kind of superlative is a bit..."



The tension in the air was disrupted by the bubble of laughter that escaped Jisoo's lips. Jennie didn't seem amused at all but the blush on her face was enough sign that she realized that vocabulary slip of hers. She shook her head and dropped into the bleachers. It felt good to scream when they're practically alone in the field so that's what she did.



"God I hate you!"



Jisoo sat beside her, carefully maintaining a close yet not completely invading Jennie's space. She watched as the latter hid her face in both of her hands. She waited for awhile and when she heard some sniffling, all thoughts gone and she had an arm wrapped around Jennie's shoulders.





"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me all this time?"


"I don't." Jennie glared at her and she almost gulped. Almost. But she softly chuckled because the other girl was still cute. "But it was hard for me too. I can't tell how much but... it was a difficult time."


"I miss you like crazy, Jisoo. I don't think you're even aware of that or that you feel the same when you didn't even care to tell me how you're doing." She sighed and laughed bitterly. "Right. I forgot. You didn't talk to me too. Did you forget that? Do I have to remind you?"



She can't reply how much she wanted to hear that. How much she imagined that what Jennie is to her is remotely close to how she is to the brunette. Jisoo wonders if the ache in her chest will ever cease because she can feel it too much. It was calling out for the other girl to plead, to be noticed... to be returned.


She misses Jennie so much. She wants her so much. She loves her so much. But she won't say it, can't say it.



"Jennie... I really am sorry. I just needed some time off and you might have needed it too. I think we both know what you were trying to say that time and I just..."


"Needed space from me?"


Jisoo chuckled again but she bit her lip as their eyes met. "That awfully sounds like we're the ones in a relationship."


"Not that awful." Jennie monotonously said before a slight smile appeared on her face. She leaned her head onto her shoulder. The heave of breath made Jisoo think Jennie felt relieved by the contact between them. "I understand it though. I thought about it and I had it coming. It was my fault too."





They stayed silent together and it already meant a lot. Jisoo was once again comfortable and the fear that things won't ever be the same slowly starts to lessen. Being with Jennie was just so simple that they're like puzzle pieces that would fit eventually even if they've been apart and misplaced for so long. Sometimes it makes her think that Jennie could be like her twin too because they both have and know each other too much like twins do.



"I'm still mad at you, you know."


"I know."


"Good. And?" Jennie trailed off and the grin she has on her face must be duplicated on the other girl.


"And I have to make up for it." She faked a sigh and kept shaking her head. "God... I wonder how much it'll cost me."


"You had it coming." Jennie parted from her and she gazed up with those tearstained cheeks. Jisoo wiped the remnants and pinched the chubby cheeks. "You have to take me to an amusement park or something. We planned that ages ago."


"Why go to an amusement park when you can't even fathom those rides?"


"Oh so you don't want to make it up to me?"


She laughed at the threat because it wasn't threatening at all. Especially when it's said by Jennie who was looking more like a kid as seconds pass. "God I miss you so much."



Jisoo jumped down from one level of the bleachers, not noticing that Jennie didn't follow her immediately. She stared at the brunette and she took her all in because as much as she tried to calm her beating heart... all it does is push her to lock the other girl in her arms as long as she can.


"Really?" Jennie didn't sound so sure as if Jisoo wasn't sure at all when she said it.


"Did you really think and believe that I won't miss you?"


"Of course I didn't." She replied and she let out her hand which Jisoo held onto. She could fool herself that her heart beats faster at the thought of Jennie getting out of balance and injuring her ankle. But it's definitely a lie because all of her aches with just holding onto Jennie's hand. "I know you do."


"Confident, huh?"


"But you didn't talk to me for days. I got a little worried."


"Of me not missing you?"



It was almost impossible. There was just no way that Jisoo wouldn't miss her. Jennie had nothing to worry about and it intrigued her as to why the latter would ever worry about it. She was still missing her in this moment that they were together that she stands corrected when she thought it was stupid to use that phrase before.



"Of me missing you than we both ever thought I would."



Jennie squeezed her hand and she returned the favor. She saw the intensity in those brown orbs and it made her wonder just how long she could take it before her own confession bursts out of . Jisoo wondered if Jennie thinks of the same things.




'I miss you. I want you. I love you.'




Because at this point, their tightly entwined hands don't seem seperable at all.






=  =  =  =  =






"I don't want this day to end."



It was good, great even. Spending the day with Jennie was like a breakthrough to her darkest days. It wasn't hard to fall back into their own pace after about another three days. But even without counting down the time they have and spend with each other, Jennie and Jisoo are bound to be with each other.


That's what nags Jisoo all the time. Even when she tries to deny it, even when Jennie looks perfect with her brother and even when she scolds herself more than she wanted to... a part of Jisoo was so sure they're bound to each other. It was getting harder to let her feelings show.


Jisoo was getting cold, she doesn't easily get cold but as the days were nearing to December... she needs all the warmth she could get. Fortunately for her, Jennie was still holding onto her hand and sending the fluttery feeling she doesn't push away anymore. Spending time in the playground should just be for kids but it's like they never grew up that Jisoo could still feel like she's falling for the first time. Just like ages ago.



"It's getting dark, Jennie. You should be getting inside your house."


The brunette gave a glance to their hands, her thumb rubbing circles on the latter's skin. "Don't you want to come in? We can do a sleepover and--"


"I think I just want to rest up. It's tiring, you know." She didn't say the words but Jisoo was far from tired. She was very much alive than the days she spent reliving every choice she made in her life. Every action she decided to pull that lead her to be this miserable yet happy in her love's presense. "I should let you go now. What was that favor you said?"



She could remember Jennie asking if she Jisoo could do her a favor a day after they made up. The glimmer in her eyes when she asked for it wasn't something the older girl will ever forget. The lump in didn't fade even when she gulped hard because her best friend was giving her that same look again.


Jennie's eyes trailed to their still entwined hands again but instead of letting go like Jisoo expected her to, the latter pulled it up and drop a long kiss on the back of her hand. Brown orbs searched Jisoo's own lamenting ones. Because as much she felt alive in that moment, the dread of how much she wanted this, how much it was the most perfect thing in her whole life... it was killing her as seconds pass.



"Can you close your eyes? It'll be quick. I promise."



She asked softly, too softly that Jisoo wouldn't have believed it if she didn't see her lips move. She saw it because those plump ones were the receiving end of her gaze. Her heart made her aware of what was going to happen but her mind didn't seem to work fast enough. She's kind of glad it didn't because it feels right not to think about anything right now.


Jennie came closer, their breaths almost mingling with each other. And Jisoo knew she should have pushed her away. She knew that Jennie leaning her face closer to her was the very reason why she should be pulling back.



But Jisoo didn't.



Instead she begged in her voice full of vulnerability that only the brunette alone can bring out. "Jennie..."



In that short silence, Jisoo begged that Jennie stops torturing her heart. She begged that Jennie stops putting her dreams too close to reality that she might never want to wake up. That she might as well die in that moment.


She felt soft warm lips meeting her as if they were scared to scar her. As if she could be blown away to bits and pieces if they touch. Her eyes fluttered close in an aching burn as she tried hard to reject the image. As she fought to convince herself that this wasn't happening.


That Jennie was kissing her and that out of everyone, including her own self... Jennie chose to be with her even in the shortest time they were allowed to have.






The black haired girl was tearing up when she pulled away and it worried Jennie. It was wrong. It was barely a kiss, almost a peck but their lips did touch.




But it was cheating all the same.




It was everything but good. It was terrible and yet her heart haven't felt so calm and sure. Her heart never tried to get the best of her head but this time it did.



But the realization of what it all actually meant came like a wrecking ball to the brunette once Jisoo's body started trembling in silent tears. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jisoo, but I just really--"



Jennie didn't finish the words as lips clashed onto hers in desperation and as she tasted the pained longing against . Jisoo held her closer, tighter as if not feeling her against her skin would be the end of the world. She moaned as her back hit the hard wall but it wasn't the impact of that which hurted her. It was the thought alone that Jisoo wanted this, wanted her... wants her in ways that are scarier and more cruel than her own.




And god does Jennie wants her in ways she never wanted anyone so bad in her life.




Jisoo kissed her as if it was the first time she ever discovered the art of kissing, letting cover every inch that it could reach. She tasted her warm cavern as if she was done with the cold and that was the only thing that could keep her warm, that she would never want to leave at all once she got enough. Yet Jisoo was kissing her as if she'll never get enough and if she ever did... she'll come back again in the same place just like how kisses went from her neck and back to her lips.


She could feel herself being exploded into oblivion as their bare skin meet and their eyes took in of their own reckless state. They didn't say words, too scared that if they do... they'll start saying things that weren't the ones they wanted to express. They were just there.














It was all they needed like the oxygen could be taken away, like the land could be shaken and broken, like the seas could be dried up, like all the catastrophes could happen yet they'd still be left wanting and missing each other. Their kiss only a touch stronger, their touch only feels braver and their feelings only burns brighter.


Instead of stopping, they only pause. Pauses in between of kissing and taking deep breaths. Pauses in between of taking in each other's faces and touching other places. Pauses in between of walking and stumbling with both of their feet and words. Pauses in between of getting to know each other and memorizing each other in intimate ways they wouldn't be doing in the first place if they took the time to stop.




And they didn't stop.




They didn't want to do that. Their bodies didn't want to. Their feelings didn't want to.


Jisoo and Jennie didn't stop even when they seem to understand what just happened after the first time. They didn't stop because they just came with each other's arms wrapped tightly, anchoring them to reality when they reached their high. They didn't stop... because they can't spare the time for that when they're all over each other's warmth, finally sharing it more than they ever thought they would.






=  =  =  =  =






"So Soojoo said that maybe I should just take a chance this time."


"On her?" Jisoo prevented the wide smile on her lips as Jennie was always competitive with her other best friend. Now it just sounds like plain old jealousy. "Just who does she think she is?"


"She said to take a chance with you despite all the bad outcomes."


"Did I mention that I think she's really smart and a beautiful human being? You should listen to her more often."



Jisoo laughed heartily and positioned her body to face Jennie instead of the ceiling. The sheets drooped low but instead of pulling it up, her fingers slowly roamed on the younger girl's upper arm. "I think you're the smartest and most beautiful person."


"Why don't I find that line dumb and stupid when it comes from you?" She was glad for the wide smile but she was even more thankful for the meaning kiss the latter gave. "What is it?"


"That wasn't dumb and stupid." Jisoo hated to ruin the moment but testing the water was needed. "But this might be."


"We're dumb and stupid?"


"You have to admit... this wasn't the smartest and right decision we made together."


"I know." Jisoo waited for it. She waited for Jennie to say it was all a mistake. That it was just an in the moment thing. That it didn't mean anything to Jennie as it meant everything to her. The younger girl looked her in the eye, determined and focused as she soothes Jisoo with her caresses. "It's dumb and stupid, I know. But it gets us together. Maybe it's the right decision after all."



Jisoo felt tears surging up as if she didn't let them fall earlier as she felt Jennie through a

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Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature!
congrats! haven't seen a BP fic get featured before! <3 Love it.