Whispers of Regret

Could You Love Me?
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Good evening everyone,

I am pleased to share with you a new chapter. I sincerely hope you enjoy it. I endeavor to update as frequently as possible, but crafting ideas and completing chapters can be quite time-consuming. This particular chapter took me 15 days to complete. I kindly ask for your understanding and patience as I work on future updates. Your support means the world to me, and I am truly grateful for your ongoing encouragement. Until we meet again, please accept my heartfelt thanks and affection. I love you all dearly.

  Jongin, crushed by the overwhelming swell of emotions, burdened by the weight and consequences of the revelations he had inadvertently unleashed, felt emotionally drained and utterly overwhelmed by the unfolding events. He trudged through the dimly lit streets, each step heavy with the burden of his actions. As tears streamed down his face, he meandered through the once-familiar streets that now felt alien, blurred into a maze of pain and regret as he wrestled with the aftermath of his choices. The comforting glow of the streetlights overhead was now harsh and unforgiving, reflecting the shattered trust he had caused. The weight of guilt pressed down on him like a leaden sky, like a suffocating and unrelenting blanket, intensified by Sehun's shattered expression, Luhan's conflicted gaze, and the palpable tension that hung in the air, echoing in his mind.  Arriving at his house with Baekhyun by his side, the weight of the events hung heavy upon his shoulders. Fumbling with his keys, hands shaking, he struggled to unlock the door, his mind consumed by the fractured relationships he had inadvertently shattered. Stepping into the dimly lit space, each step felt laden with the weight of the splintered relationship. The silence deafening within the house seemed to echo with the reverberations of a broken love, and a ruptured trust, the reality of what he had unleashed settled around him, enveloping him like a suffocating fog. The once soothing warmth of his house offered no solace, instead, it carried the heavy burden of destroyed relationships caused unintentionally. Collapsing onto the bed, overwhelmed by the guilt and sorrow, Jongin surrendered to his tears, sobbing his heart out. Baekhyun, sensing Jongin's distress, sat down beside him, offering a comforting presence. « I never thought it would turn out like this » Jongin whispered, his voice choked with regret, Baekhyun placed a hand on Jongin's shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of the pain they both felt. Heavy with sorrow, he ached for Sehun and Luhan, replaying the painful events of the day over and over in his mind. Tears welled up in Jongin's eyes until he finally drifted into slumber. Baekhyun found himself grappling with his own emotional exhaustion. After kissing Jongin's forehead and promising to check on him later, he headed home. Baekhyun, exhausted, worn out, and emotionally drained, returned to his own home where his caring boyfriend, Chanyeol, awaited him. Carrying the weight of the unfolding drama, he reached his apartment. The door creaked open, revealing a tired Baekhyun, his eyes reflecting the heaviness of the day. Collapsing onto the couch, he let the weight of the situation sink in. Chanyeol noticed the weariness etched on his boyfriend’s face and immediately sensed that something was amiss. He rushed to Baekhyun's side, placed a gentle hand on his boyfriend's shoulder, and sat beside him, offering a comforting presence. Inquiring about the source of his distress, Chanyeol said, 'What happened? You look drained,' genuine concern etched on his face. Baekhyun's response was a long, tired sigh. Baekhyun hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to share the distressing news. Realizing he couldn't keep the truth from Chanyeol, sighing heavily for what felt like the hundredth time that day, he finally recounted the events that had unfolded. Chanyeol listened attentively, his expression shifting from confusion to disbelief to empathy as he absorbed the gravity and weight of the situation. «I can't believe all of this happened,» Chanyeol finally said, his eyes wide with shock. Baekhyun nodded, feeling the weight of the day’s events pressing down on him. «I had to be there for Jongin and Sehun, but it's taking a toll on all of us,» Baekhyun admitted, weariness and exhaustion evident in his voice as he led Chanyeol to their room. As they settled onto the bed, Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun into a comforting embrace, and the latter sank into it. «You did the best you could. Sometimes, life throws challenges our way, and all we can do is support our friends through them. The truth can be painful, but it's unavoidable. We'll help Sehun and Jongin through this if they need us.» At a dimly lit bar, Sehun, moving in rhythm with his unsteady steps, found himself lost and drowning in a sea of emotions and sorrow. The pain of betrayal
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This is , am sorry :'(


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747 streak #1
Chapter 12: I voted for advancing the storyline. If Sehun finds out Xiumin is Minseok, it would be grief overload and that would not be good for him right now. I feel so sorry for all involved, even Jongin, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this heartache. You’re doing a good job, so glad I ran across this story.
cikihem #2
Zndjcjaj #3
Chapter 11: My gosh, what deception.
Kyoyanemesis #5
Chapter 10: When are you going to upload the next chapter?
Chapter 10: Welcome back. And thank you for the updates
Chapter 8: Hopping for more updates!!!!
Chapter 9: This is very interesting I want to know why Kyungsoo really broke up and who is Lu kissing. Hope you get some inspiration soon.
What is main couple?!
sekai or honhun???
Chapter 7: What she did is so disgusting. I'm so thankful I didn't read any of her stories. Use kaisoo to gain fame and then talk bout my babies urgh i hate her. Already blocked her as soon as I saw this tweet on twitter. She's pathetic.