Entangled Hearts Unraveled

Could You Love Me?
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Well, hello, guys! It's been a while, cough, cough—years, to be honest, hehe. Well, it does take me a while to come up with ideas, and as you know, you should get that feeling to be able to write something. I'm sorry if this takes me years, but, in my defense, I'm a beginner. This is my first time trying to write something, and I need to get into that feeling to pour emotions into what I'm writing, so it doesn't come out boring and emotionless. I hope you can bear with me, and I hope you enjoy this chapter until we meet again.   Jongin's revelation hung in the air; the cold winter night seemed to bear the weight of conflicting emotions, and his inner turmoil echoed through the room. Baekhyun, his loyal best friend, listened attentively. In response, he sat silently, absorbing the gravity of his best friend's words, concern etched on his face. The dim lighting in the room cast a glow, creating shadows on their faces that mirrored the complexities of the situation. Meanwhile, Jongin struggled to understand the turmoil within him—a mix of hurt, confusion, and frustration. Baekhyun broke the silence, his voice gentle yet filled with concern. « Jongin, this is a lot to process. Seeing Luhan with someone else has affected you. Do you think it's worth confronting Luhan about what you saw? Maybe there's an explanation, or maybe… » realizing the depth of Jongin's emotions, placed a comforting hand on his best friend's shoulder, «Jongin, sometimes emotions are messy and confusing. It's okay not to have all the answers right away. What matters is that you're sharing this with me, and we'll figure it out together.» Jongin nodded, appreciating the support. « I just don't understand why it bothers me so much. I shouldn't care about Luhan and Sehun's relationships, right? » Baekhyun sighed, « Feelings aren't always rational. Maybe it's because you care about Sehun, or perhaps there's something deeper. It's important to explore your emotions and give yourself the time to process them. » Jongin nodded, appreciating Baekhyun's understanding. «I don't want to go back to the days when I felt broken, Baek. I thought I moved on, but now... this situation is tearing me apart. » Baekhyun sighed for no time, « You've come a long way, Jongin. We won't let this setback define you. Let's take it one step at a time. Maybe there's a reason you feel this way, and we'll figure it out. » Jongin considered Baekhyun's words, realizing the need to address the situation. « You're right, Baek. I can't ignore this. I need to talk to Luhan and find out what's going on. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation. » Baekhyun considered this, then spoke cautiously. « Talking to Luhan might be a good idea, but approach it as a concerned friend, not someone accusing him. Ask him about what you saw and express how it made you feel. Communication is key in any relationship, even friendships. » Taking a deep breath, Jongin acknowledged, « You're right, Baek. I need to talk to him and understand. But what if it turns out that Sehun and Luhan are going through a rough patch? I don't want to make things worse. » Baekhyun placed a reassuring hand on Jongin's shoulder, and nodded, offering support, « Cross that bridge when you get there, Nini. Whatever the outcome, I'll be here for you. Whatever you decide, you're not alone in this. » As the night progressed, the two friends continued to discuss their thoughts and feelings. they delved into a discussion about love, loyalty, and the complexities of relationships. Baekhyun shared stories from his own experiences, emphasizing the importance of communication and honesty. Jongin, guided by Baekhyun's reassurance, started to gather the courage to confront the complexities of his emotions and the unfolding situation with Luhan. Meanwhile, Luhan found himself lost in a labyrinth of emotions. He cherished the moments with Minseok but couldn't escape the guilt that haunted him. The fear of hurting Sehun gnawed at his conscience. Luhan was in love; he truly was. He met Sehun in his junior year when he was an outcast, shy, and trying not to be noticed. Luhan first spotted Sehun in the basketball yard, captivated by his attractiveness. He used to go there just to watch Sehun play without knowing his name. One day, Sehun noticed him and smiled, and Luhan smiled back— that's how everything started. A few months later, Sehun cornered him at his locker and kissed him out of the blue. Initially shy and attempting to escape, Luhan found himself confessing to Sehun. They started dating, and Sehun, his angel, went to great lengt
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This is , am sorry :'(


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747 streak #1
Chapter 12: I voted for advancing the storyline. If Sehun finds out Xiumin is Minseok, it would be grief overload and that would not be good for him right now. I feel so sorry for all involved, even Jongin, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this heartache. You’re doing a good job, so glad I ran across this story.
cikihem #2
Zndjcjaj #3
Chapter 11: My gosh, what deception.
Kyoyanemesis #5
Chapter 10: When are you going to upload the next chapter?
Chapter 10: Welcome back. And thank you for the updates
Chapter 8: Hopping for more updates!!!!
Chapter 9: This is very interesting I want to know why Kyungsoo really broke up and who is Lu kissing. Hope you get some inspiration soon.
What is main couple?!
sekai or honhun???
Chapter 7: What she did is so disgusting. I'm so thankful I didn't read any of her stories. Use kaisoo to gain fame and then talk bout my babies urgh i hate her. Already blocked her as soon as I saw this tweet on twitter. She's pathetic.