This is conflicting

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

Jensetter [8:03]

It’s a beautiful day and I can’t stop myself from smiling~


Baechu unnie [8:05]


Is that you?


Jensetter [8:07]

It’s a beautiful day, the sun is up, the music’s playing~


Baechu unnie [8:08]

Wtf Jennie


Jensetter [8:11]


Baechu unnie [8:11]



Jensetter [8:13]

Silly unnie 😆

I'm Jennie!

I have always been Jennie!

Who else would I be? 😹


Baechu unnie [8:13]

You are scaring me Jennie

Are you okay...?


Jensetter [8:14]

Never been better


Baechu unnie [8:15]


Wtf is going on?

Is someone threatening you?

I'll get you out of there


Jensetter [8:17]

Wise men say 📢 Only fools rush in 📢 But I can't help falling in love with you 📢


Baechu unnie [8:18]




Jensetter [8:18]

Tell them I wish they have the bestest day ever! 😊



Baechu unnie [8:20]


Jensetter [8:22]

I feel like covering that song suddenly. Are you in, dear my unnie?

It's so beautiful isn't it? I can't stop singing it!


Baechu unnie [8:23]



Jensetter [8:24]

Take my hand, take my whole life too~

For I can't help falling in love with you~


Baechu unnie [8:26]

Jennie, you know....

These days I'm very concerned about your mental health....

You are not nitrous oxide, are you....?


Jensetter [8:26]

What's that? 😊


Baechu unnie [8:26]

laughing gas


Jensetter [8:27]



Well then I sure am!


Baechu unnie [8:27]

That's not okay Jennie


Jensetter [8:28]

But I can't help it!

It's me in, not the other way around

And I wouldn't have it any other way 😊


Baechu unnie [8:28]

What do you mean?


Jensetter [8:29]

She is so beautiful 😭

Whatever she says makes me either laugh my lungs out 😩

Or burst all my uwus 💘



Baechu unnie [8:32]


Jensetter [8:32]

It's Jisoo 😻


Baechu unnie [8:34]

JISOO???? NO WAY???? 😱


Jensetter [8:34]

Also don't act like I fall in love easily


Baechu unnie [8:34]

You do fall in love easily


Jensetter [8:35]

No I don't!


Baechu unnie [8:35]

Yes you do...


Jensetter [8:36]

Maybe I do. So what?

I love deeply and fall quickly

But this is different

I don't think I will fall into something senseless this time


Baechu unnie [8:37]

Why? 😴


Jensetter [8:37]

Because she loves me too

I can feel it


Baechu unnie [8:38]

Everyone loves you 


Jensetter [8:38]

No one loves me

Except my fans

And you if you feel like it


Baechu unnie [8:39]

You have thousand admirers

How can you say they don't love you?


Jensetter [8:40]

Because they had to say it for me to believe them


Baechu unnie [8:40]

Your point is?


Jensetter [8:41]

I don't just want them to tell me

I want to feel it


Baechu unnie [8:41]

With Jisoo you do?


Jensetter [8:42]


I feel like I've known her forever

I can feel what she's feeling

Only by looking into her eyes

She can do the same!


Baechu unnie [8:42]



Jensetter [8:42]

Really really


Baechu unnie [8:43]



Jensetter [8:43]

Yes? 😊


Baechu unnie [8:45]

Are you talking about the you she knows since yesterday

Or the you she doesn't really know



Jensetter [8:46]

Both! What difference does it make?

Also she knows enough about me!


Baechu unnie [8:47]

It makes a big difference

She can't love both


Jensetter [8:48]

Why not? 😕

Both are me!


Baechu unnie [8:48]

She doesn't know that


Jensetter [8:49]

Yeah... but....


Baechu unnie [8:50]

Do you really think she likes you when she would ditch you for the celebrity you?


Jensetter [8:50]

She wouldn't

She said she wouldn't


Baechu unnie [8:50]

What if she would?


Jensetter [8:51]

Doesn't matter

It's still me

Isn't that even better?

It means she would like me regardless of which version of me


Baechu unnie [8:51]

Depends on which part of you she likes


Jensetter [8:52]

The right part


Baechu unnie [8:52]

You seem certain


Jensetter [8:52]

I am

And you are making my head hurt

I just wanted to cover a song

But now you made me overthink


Baechu unnie [8:53]

Seriously Jennie

You need to think about it

Do you think she will like that you lied to her?

Pretending to be two different people


Jensetter [8:54] 

Leave me alone


Baechu unnie [8:54]

You know what to do Jennie

Gotta go now

Don't disappoint me


Jensetter [8:55]

Yes mom




Jennie went to eat breakfast with a heavy heart. Joohyun was good at conflicting her. She waited downstairs for Jisoo to join her. She knew Jisoo was already awake because she texted her. Seemed like she was getting ready as they spoke.


Jichu 💗 [9:20]

This room really is huge


Jensetter [9:21]

You should eat


Jichu 💗 [9:21]

How do you know I'm not eating right now?


Jensetter [9:21]




Jichu 💗 [9:22]

We can do that?



Jensetter [9:22]

We totally can

Tell me what I'm feeling


Jichu 💗 [9:23]


I can't do that Jendeukie

I need to see your eyes first


Jensetter [9:23]



Jichu 💗 [9:24]

You are hungry


Jensetter [9:24]



Jichu 💗 [9:24]

You should eat


Jensetter [9:25]

You first


Jichu 💗 [9:25]

I was on my way to have breakfast anyway


Jensetter [9:25]


Text you later?


Jichu 💗 [9:26]




Jennie heard footsteps coming closer to her and turned her face to the source of the sound. She put her phone quickly in her pocket and stood up to offer the chair next to her to Jisoo. Jisoo sat down with red cheeks witnessing how sweet Jennie was once more. This made Jennie feel even more confused. She wanted Jisoo to like her or did she? At this point she didn't even know herself which one of herself she prefered Jisoo to like.

"Good morning sunshine." Jennie greeted her, shrugging her negative thoughts off. She could think about that later.

"Nyongan." Jisoo greeted her with a smile.

Jennie chuckled already a second after Jisoo opened . She was an odd one.

There was a buffet in front of them. Jennie put kimchi and an eggroll on Jisoo's plate like she knew what the other girl liked to eat and she actually knew.

Jisoo thanked her shyly and the two started eating.

"Here take a straweberry, you love them right?" Jennie took the strawberry and reached for Jisoo's mouth.

Meanwhile the blush on Jisoo's cheeks got deeper but she didn't want to be rude, so she opened with squinted eyes.

The sight was adorable to Jennie. She continued eating happily and hummed a melody.

Jisoo smiled, watching Jennie eating cutely. Totally not what she expected.

"You live here alone?" Jisoo asked her suddenly. After all she still needed to know more about Jennie for the book. She put a tape recorder on the table and looked at Jennie for confirmation.

Jennie nodded yes, indicating she was fine with being recored before she grabbed an avocado sandwich. "I do."

"What about your parents?" Jisoo kept digging.

Jennie frowned and the sandwich left a bitter taste in .

Jisoo noticed the change of expression and felt guilty for asking but she had to.

"Kicked me out when I turned 15." She told her nonchalantly.

"Oh." Jisoo felt very bad. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." Jennie took another bite of her sandwich. "I would have to tell you sooner or later right? So just keep the questions coming if it helps."

Jisoo ate the eggroll awkwardly. "Why did they...?"

"Because I couldn't become the lawyer they wanted me to be." She rolled her eyes. "Their expecations suffocated me. I thought if I told them it changes things for the better but my father went nuts. He told me a daughter of his would never join the entertainment business because we are the kind of people who get entertained. We don't entertain others."

Jisoo didn't say anything and listened attentively. Signalling Jennie to keep going.

"So I told him, then I might not be a daughter of his." She said with cloudy eyes. "And then he hit me square in the face."

"." Jisoo blurted out before she noticed. She quickly covered embarrassedly with her hands.

"A big one." Jennie giggled, giving Jisoo a reassuring smile. "Afterwards I had no place to go. I stayed over at my friends places until they collectively became sick of me."

Jisoo seemed to get mad as Jennie kept telling her story. 'Their loss.' She thought.

"What about your mom?" She asked carefully.

"My mom...? If you think my father is an , then my mother is.... a spitting dragon." Jennie shuddered at the mere thought of living with her mother. "If I went to her she would have turned me into a puppet."

Jisoo didn't really know who her mom was. She should have researched more. All she knows is that she was a shareholder of CJ E&M. It's very hard to obtain information about her.

"I was lucky that a manager from YG Entertainment scouted me after seeing me performing on the streets of Seoul." She said more cheerfully. "They let me sleep in the dorm of the building. There was also breakfast and dinner for free. The YG cafeteria is amazing."

Her voice turned less cheerful with sadness evident again. "But then I had to train for like 6 years. I thought I would never debut until it happened..."

Jisoo sipped a glass of water. Even listening made her feel exhausted. She wonders how Jennie must have felt. "I heard many rumours about that. Can you say anything about the controversies?"

Jennie smiled bitterly. "I'm no bully if you are talking about that."

Jisoo shook her head furiously. "I'm not accusing you of that...! Just can you tell me your side?"

Jennie leaned back in her seat. "...There was this Mr. Lee he was very mad at YG, so he made up stories about all of us. I guess I seemed like an easy target which I was. YG thought it was a good idea to delete every article about the accusations but that meant he also deleted the ones that told the truth. Not smart in hindsight. Korea hated me before that anyway. They were just waiting for a reason to jump me, hence the debut got delayed a lot."

Jisoo scoffed unamused. "Well, now they love you. You proved them wrong."

Jennie grinned. "You think...?"

"Totally!" Jisoo exclaimed ecstatically. "Look at you! A rich, beautiful, talented and successful CEO and artist."

"That's enough for today," Jennie's cheeks reddened. "I have a schedule now, I will be back soon. Make yourself at home."

"That's cool." Jisoo smiled. "For now that's enough for me to start writing."

"We can continue later." Jennie waved her goodbye.


Jennie sure seemed busy. To have to rush out as soon as she finished breakfast, also an important note. She always works. A very hard working person. How could anyone think she is lazy? Do they even know what that word means? Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.

She went back to her room to get her notebook and then headed for the library to start writing.

She is going to share Jennie's story with the reader. There is still so much to do. She needs to interview Jennie more, she needs to gather every magazine about her, visit places that are close to Jennie to understand her better and so on. Visting her childhood home would be hard tho since it didn't really sound like a home to her.

She spent hours reading every magazine about Jennie. They way the younger spoke in interviews was so heartfelt, Jisoo loved it. Then she stumbled across an important piece of information. Jennie Kim is dating Kim Jongin. Huh? She had no idea. Then why was Jennie flirting with her? The black haired girl slapped herself. It was just in her head. She kept reading and didn't even notice Jennie already returned. She was so enchanted that Jennie had to shake her shoulders to get her attention. 

"Hellooo? You still there?" Jennie asked cheekily.

"Yeah!" Jisoo blushed. "Sorry."

Jennie took a seat beside her. "Reading something funny? You kept smiling?" She asked knowingly.

Jisoo avoided her gaze. "Nothing."

"Sure." Jennie said teasingly. "Any new questions for me?"

Jisoo did have some but she started with the one that wouldn't stop bothering her.

"Kai from EXO. Do you love him?"

Jennie was caught off guard but she quickly regained her composure. "Of course. He is my boyfriend."

Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows. "Really?"

"Yeah. Why?" Jennie asked a little nervously.

"Um... it's just that from all the interviews you gave... you seem a little... off talking about your relationship? I don't really know how to describe it but you don't talk like yourself when you are asked about him." She observed. "Maybe it was just my imagination..."

Jennie bit her bottom lip.

"Do you want to speak about him? We should mention your relationship in the book right?" Jisoo asked already getting the tape recorder ready but Jennie suddenly stood up.


"No?" Jisoo asked surprised. "Why no?"

"No relationship talk. No relationship in the book." Jennie said like a whiny kid.

Jisoo rubbed her head. "Are you sure? Is that okay with your manager?"

"Very sure!" Jennie rolled her eyes. "He'll survive it."

"Okay...sorry then." Jisoo sounded apologetic.

"I'm tired." Jennie said simply and walked away.

Jisoo felt like she messed up. Jennie must be upset. She shouldn't have been so nosy but she just expected this to be a happy topic compared to everything else she asked her.

She sighed and took her phone out.


MC Chu [18:18]

I think I messed up...

I made her angry 😖


Jendeuk 💗 [18:24]



Are you sure?



MC Chu [18:25]

I was too nosy

Must have been annoying

I'm so annoying 😔


Jendeuk 💗 [18:25]

You are not!


MC Chu [18:25]

I think Jennie#2 would disagree


Jendeuk 💗 [18:25]

She would be stupid to


MC Chu [18:26]

She has the right to

I was just surprised she had a boyfriend


Jendeuk 💗 [18:27]

Are you disappointed? 😉


MC Chu [18:27]


I totally thought she was flirting with me lol



Jendeuk 💗 [18:27]

Did you like it?



MC Chu [18:27]

Don't be ridiculous!

I like you Jendeukie


Jendeuk 💗 [18:28]

More than her?


MC Chu [18:28]

I think so


Jendeuk 💗 [18:28]

You think so?


MC Chu [18:29]

I mean yes! Of course!

I just admire her as an artist!

Like I'm totally a fan now

I could never see myself with her!


Jendeuk 💗 [18:32]

You could never see yourself with her....?


MC Chu [18:32]

She is this baddass CEO

I'm this booknerd

That's unlikely right?


MC Chu [18:37]


You still there?


Jendeuk 💗 [18:38]

but didn't you say that's not what she is really like?


MC Chu [18:39]

Of course not

But that's how everyone sees her and will see us

How she will see us

Besides she doesn't like me!


Jendeuk 💗 [18:39]

Why are you so sure


MC Chu [18:39]

She has a boyfriend duh


Jendeuk 💗 [18:39]

You can't know

You know how the showbiz is

PR everywhere


MC Chu [18:40]

Well then she lied to me

I hate liars


MC Chu [18:49]




Jendeuk 💗 [18:52]



MC Chu [18:52]

You wouldn't lie to me right?


Jendeuk 💗 [18:55]

of course not chu....

MC Chu [18:55]


Because I want to fall in love with you if you let me...

A relationship is built on trust


Jendeuk 💗 [18:56]



MC Chu [18:56]

Can we?

I feel like we are ready



*seen by Jendeuk 💗*

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1128 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
573 streak #2
Oh featured!
2076 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 813 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 813 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2076 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1112 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍