This is the Batmobile

it started with nudes (don't let it end)

“We have to tell Jisoo unnie!“


After inspecting the CEO's phone the bickering duo found out something interesting.

“I can't believe Jennie unnie is Jennie!“

“I can't believe Jennie unnie isn't Batman!“

The two blurted out at the same time.

Chaeyoung sighed before she rubbed her temples.

“Is that really what you got from it?“ She asked disappointed but not surprised. The two really thought differently.

“Yeah.“ Lisa replied with a nod of her head. “That's also what you meant when you said Jennie is Jennie right?“

“No Lisa.“ Chaeyoung denied. “I mean Jennie is Jennie.“

“Even if you emphasize her name like that I don't get it. Who else would she be?“ Lisa questioned.

Chaeyoung facepalmed herself. “The rich Jennie is the nudes Jennie! They are the same person!“

“Wait... WHAT!?“ Lisa's jaw dropped to the floor in slow realization.

“Yes! It was so obvious we are dumb dumb! But honestly you could never imagine texting with a celeb right? It's the surrealism that made us and Jisoo unnie blind.“ Chaeyoung concluded.

"Are you sure we should tell her? It will hurt her." Lisa claimed unsure.

"We have to." Chaeyoung said firmly. "It's our duty as best friends."




Once Jennie tucked Jisoo gently to bed Jisoo suddenly opened . "Jennieee?" Jisoo asked lying comfortably on the soft mattress. "I need to say Jendeukie goodnite. Can yu gif mee my phoeen...?"

A slight glimmer crossed Jennie's eyes as she gave Jisoo a tight hug instead. 


"She already received your message and wishes you the same. Sleep now." Therefore Jisoo's closed her eyes with a nod.

Jennie was about to do the same when she noticed her phone wasn't in her pocket anymore. She must have forgotten it in the bar. That's bad. Very bad. She quickly rushed down. When she asked the bartender about her phone he told her the white haired man already picked it up. Mino.

That's good. At least no one else has it. Wait...! The nudes are still on the phone! Panic overcame her face. God forbid she would let that guy see them.

"Hey you there!" Chaeyoung and Lisa walked towards her with folded arms, trying to act intimidating.

"We need to talk." Lisa gave her a weird look that just confused Jennie. Was that supposed to be a glare? Jennie could do a better one in her sleep.

"I'm kinda busy right now." Jennie stated. "Lost my phone."

"We know." The two attempted to tower her. Those twin towers are way taller than Jennie but that wasn't a hard feat to achieve. "We found it."

"Oh." Jennie murmured. "Good. Can I have it back?"

Chaeyoung pushed it in her hands roughly.

"What's up?" Jennie put the phone back in her pocket.

"We saw your messages." Lisa answered shortly as if Jennie should know what that meant.

"You opened my phone?" Jennie frowned.

Chaeyoung cleared . "...We happened to find your phone, Lisa clumsily let it drop, the fall made the code type itself and open an interesting series of messages, we didn't want to look but the sun from outside blinded us, meaning the phone was the only safe spot we could lay our eyes on. When you see words you read them automatically and once the sun set we already read it all." Lisa gave Chaeyoung a proud nod for that incredible lie.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "You couldn't have lied worse if you tried."

"Yes she could!" Lisa tried to be a supportive half but that only earned her a hit from Chaeyoung's elbow on her shoulder.

"Anyways," Chaeyoung scoffed. "You would know about being a good liar, wouldn't you?"

"Burn baby burn." Lisa cheered and earned herself another hit from Chaeyoung.

"I was going to tell her." Jennie lowered her head.

"Going to tell her you catfished her? Played with her? Made her think you are two people?" 

"It's not like that!"

"Really? Because that's exactly what it looks like."

"I know what it looks like... But it just happened. I never intended to take it this far. I never lied to her. I never said it's not me."

"But you didn't say it's you either. That's not lying but keeping crucial information for yourself."

Lisa agreed with Chaeyoung. "You don't have to worry about that anymore. We are going to tell her."

Jennie's eyes widened. That would make it even worse. "No! Let me do that please!"

"You had enough time for that." Chaeyoung judged. "Were you ever going to if we didn't confront you?"

"Iwas." Jennie stammered out. "I swear I was. I really like her, I do. I didn't mean to hurt her, it hurts me too. I simply didn't want to ruin what we had.  Would she keep talking carelessly with me if she knew who I was? She is the only one I can talk about absolutely nothing for hours and still feel like we spoke about rocket science in amounts to how deep it appeared to me." She lifted her wavering gaze and met Chaeyoung's eyes. "I thought that was already enough but once I grasped her hand I never wanted to let it go... So believe me when I saw I have no intention of hiding from her anymore. I was really just waiting for the right moment."

Chaeyoung stared into Jennie's brown orbs intensely before she sighed grumpily. "One day. You have one day before we tell her."

Jennie gave her a relieved smile. "That's enough! Thanks!"

Although Jennie was smiling on the outside she was panicking on the inside. Is this the end? Will Jisoo leave her? She wouldn't blame her if she did...




The next day the group planned to go kayaking after having breakfast in the hotel. Jisoo texted her Jennie during breakfast and that made Jennie's phone next to her respond. Jisoo looked at her confusedly but Jennie quickly pretended to have gotten a call from her mother. Chaeyoung and Lisa just watched the scene tensely. Following that almost slip up a cab brought them to a kayak store. Jennie simply bought two instead of renting them.

Kayaking is something that Jennie would often do as a kid. The water here in New Zealand is beautiful and screams to be ridden or driven in. When she was young the waves on the beach scared her and made her run away. Kayaking showed her the waves could also work in her favour. This is how Jennie explored the coastline with her homestay family when she first arrived here. That's also where she now is forced to tell Jisoo the truth. Once they were alone she would. She had to. In advance she asked the younger ones to take a boat with Mino while she would take one with Jisoo. Without proper guidance you will flip upside down while kayaking, that's why she will guide Jisoo and asked Mino to guide the other two.

The maknaes and Mino already drifted off. They were very fast and so not in sync. A mess. Jennie wondered if they will return in one piece.

While Jennie went to get a kayak Jisoo put on her orange swim vest. 

"Jisoo? Oh my god it is you! Hi!" A familiar deep voice greeted her. She turned her face to see the nice librarian. "Is this where you were going on a business trip huh? Pretty nice."

"Jinyoung! What are you doing here?" She gave him a friendly hug.

"I'm going to the Murakami fansign!" Jinyoung told her excitedly.

Jisoo's face suddenly beamed. "Murakami is here?! What!?" Haruki Murakami is only Jisoo's favourite author. She read like every book of his thrice.

"The one and only." Jinyoung confirmed. "Hey... if you want to come with me I have a spare meet and greet ticket. My friend Jaebum ditched me." He chuckled.

"Seriously!?!" Jisoo's excitement shot to the roof. Then she thought about Jennie. "...I would love to but I'm kinda busy now. Thanks for the offer though. I appreciate it."

Jinyoung smiled. "You have my number Jisoo. If you have time after all you can give me a call."

Jisoo nodded. "Bye Jinyoung."

"Bye." He waved to her and walked along the coast.

Jennie came back with a kayak. "Who was that?" She asked moody.

"That was Jinyoung, a friend." Jisoo answered.

"A friend?" Jennie cocked an eyebrow. "Just a friend?"

Jisoo giggled. "He did ask me out before but yeah just a friend."

He asked her out? Why didn't she tell her? She means her other her.

"Is he bothering you? Did he follow you here?" Jennie crossed her arms and stared at his distancing back.

"No, no. He's going to a fanmeeting. He's a nice guy really." 

"They always seem nice at first..." Jennie mumbled quietly.

With a pout the by an inch smaller girl secured the kayak on the shallow water. She put her paddle behind her seat and offered Jisoo her hand to guide her to her seat.

"Don't you have motion sickness?" Jisoo asked concerned.

"I used motion sickness patch again. Look." Jennie pointed to the white patches under her ears, reassuring the elder. Jisoo grabbed Jennie's soft hand tightly. The feeling warmed not only Jennie's hand but also her heart. 

"Place your legs into the kayak." Jennie told Jisoo and helped her carefully inside. "Great." She cheered her on, making Jisoo smile. "Now shift your weight and over the kayak." As Jisoo followed her instructions Jennie found herself staring at her asset. She quickly shook her head to snap out of it.

The brunette gave her a paddle. "Use the paddle to steady yourself."

Jisoo was shakily at the beginning but Jennie was close to her. Holding her waist, standing on the shallow water when she needed it. It made Jisoo feel safe and soon her balance was good.

Jennie smiled widely. "Perfect! Stay like that!" She moved to the seat behind Jisoo, purposely choosing the one behind her to have her in her sight all the time. "The paddles have two blades. We are going to use them to pull us through the water." Jennie could easily put her paddle before her seat and move upwards to hold Jisoo's arms and show her the swinging motion without losing her balance for a second.

Jisoo's face heated when she felt Jennie's tender touch on her from behind. "It's important to have the paddle face the right direction, take a look." She moved Jisoo's arms with her. "Rotate your grip while you do a ." The kayak was still tied, they didn't move from the coast but the water moved. Jennie did the motion a few times with Jisoo before she did it by herself.

"That's it Jisoo." Jennie complimented her. "You are a natural."

Jisoo grinned. "Really? I think my teacher is pretty cool."

This made the younger somewhat happy. "Ah, that's an honour!"

After Jennie asked Jisoo repeatedly if she was ready she removed the line and the two started paddling.

It went well. The two were in perfect harmonization, totally in sync unlike the other pair.

"Hey losers!" The familiar weird kayak greeted them. "Take this!" Mino said and splashed water on them with his paddle. Lisa did the same but more wildly which led them to almost lose balance.

Jennie gave Jisoo a signal before the two splashed water at them at the same time. They hit Mino right in his face and he dramatically moved backwards, bumping into Lisa who bumped into the innocent Chaeyoung and then ultimately making their kayak fall upside down.

The unnie's laughed and just left them in their pitiful state.

"We'll pay you back for this!" They could hear Mino and Lisa screaming.

"I want to change kayak partners!" Chaeyoung's voice echoed.

"We are a good team." Jennie gave her a high five.

"We are, aren't we?" Jisoo smiled. "Or they are simply a terrible team."

"That they are." Jennie giggled sweetly. "A suicide squad."

The water was crystal clear and the light made the colors of the seabed glow. "You see that cave over there?" Jennie pointed towards the big dark cave.

"My homestay family took me there." She informed her. "A giant gas bubble created it. Wanna go take a look from inside?" Jennie asked Jisoo from behind.

Jisoo turned her face to Jennie, looking afraid. "It looks pretty dark..."

"Don't worry." Jennie gave her shoulder a light squeeze. "It only looks that way from outside. It's beautiful on the inside."

Jisoo nodded. "If you say so, let's go." She knows better than to judge a book its cover. Although it did look scary, Jennie was there.

The two paddled to the cave. It wasn't bright but it wasn't pitch black. Jennie saw Jisoo's body tense up. The brunette paddled with one hand while she put the other one lightly around Jisoo's waist. "Relax." She said soothingly.

And she did. They paddled around very slowly to take the sight in. There were plants hanging on the ceiling. Jisoo was impressed since the light doesn't reach them.

Unexpectedly she couldn't feel Jennie's touch anymore. This alarmed her and made her face the younger. Jennie was sitting completely still like a statue. "What's wrong Jennie?" She sounded worried.

"....Moth..." Jennie murmured. Jisoo nodded  understandingly. A moth was sitting in front of Jennie's seat.

"Yeah, that's a moth." Jisoo shrugged. Was Jennie scared of them?

The moth started to flutter her wings and Geobjennie jumped. The impact made the kayak fall and both of them plump into the water. Jisoo fell face first. She opened her eyes and saw the corals under the water. Breathtaking. There were tons of them and it was unbelievably clear to see.

Before she could see anymore she felt her body being pulled upwards. "Oh my god! I'm sorry! Are you okay!? Are you hurt anywhere??" Jennie asked out of breath. Panic pumping through her veins.

An amused expression crossed Jisoo's face. Jennie was too cute. The two were floating near the the kayak. She pulled Jennie into an embrace that warmed her despite the cold water. "It's beautiful Jennie."

She could feel Jennie smile against her neck. "...You are."

With a blush she smacked Jennie's arm. In response Jennie chuckled but her smile quickly faded. She still had to do something. 

"Jisoo... I need to tell you something." She said weakly.

Jisoo looked at her with wide eyes. She sounded so vulnerable right now that she instinctively pulled her tighter. "What...?"

"Can I do it when we reach the coast?" She mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

"Of course. You can tell me anything, anytime." She pinched her nose playfully, earning a smidge smile from the cat eyed girl.




Jennie tied the kayak on the coast near a small beach restaurant. After she was done she helped Jisoo out of her seat. With clasped hands they entered the restaurant. They left their vests by the kayak. 

"Are you hungry?" Jennie asked Jisoo as they sat on opposite chairs. "Fries and a burger?"

"Sure." Jisoo replied. She wasn't too exhausted but could need a break. Besides Jennie wanted to tell her something important.

"Coke or pepsi?" Jennie asked before she motioned the waiter to come to their table.

"Is there even a difference?" Jisoo chuckled. "Pepsi, I guess."

"Same." Jennie agreed. "It tastes less sweet to me."

Jennie gave the waiter the orders and left the table, telling Jisoo she had to use the toilet.

Jisoo waited but she was still wondering what Jennie wanted to talk about. The phone in her bag suddenly vibrated.


Jendeuk 💗 [15:34]



MC Chu [15:34]

Yeah? What's up?


Jendeuk 💗 [15:34]

Remember when you asked to meet up?


MC Chu [15:35]

How could I forget silly?


Jendeuk 💗 [15:35]

Let's meet up now


MC Chu [15:36]


As in right now?

But I'm in NZ


Jendeuk 💗 [15:36]

Me too


MC Chu [15:36]


Where can I find you?


Jendeuk 💗 [15:37]

Can you promise me to hear me out when you see me?


MC Chu [15:37]


I would listen to you all day


Jendeuk 💗 [15:38]



MC Chu [15:38]

Okay fine



Jendeuk 💗 [15:39]

I'm behind you

Turn around


Jisoo's eyes widened, reading the last message. Jennie is behind her!? Her hands were trembling with excitement, adrenaline pumped in her veins. She stood up and turned around in a quick motion. There she saw the younger girl standing with an apologetic look and head lowered.

What? Jisoo didn't understand. It doesn't make sense. There is no one except Jennie. Wait... Could it be? Words didn't seem to leave anymore. She gripped her phone again.


MC Chu [15:42]



Jennie's phone beeped, making her lips quiver and her falter. With squinted eyes she opened her phone and typed a response.


Jendeuk 💗 [15:42]



The elder's eyes glistened. "Why?" That's all she was able to utter in that moment. Too many emotions crossed her face at once, confusion, sadness, surprise.

Jennie frantically tried to take a step closer to Jisoo but for every step she made, Jisoo made one backwards. "II never meant to keep this a secret but I was worried it would scare you off." Jennie said in Korean for the first time.

Jisoo cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you feel more comfortable speaking English– Ah that must have been a lie to keep your cover..."

"II'm sorry."

Jisoo scoffed. "I hope so..." She looked anywhere but at the cat-eyed brunette.

"Jisoo, I

'Speak mouth!'

Jennie stood frozen in her spot. The courage left her completely. She dared to look up from the ground and met Jisoo's orbs. The sight made her bite her bottom lip and swallow down thickly. "I meant to tell you sooner but I didn't know how."

"You still don't seem to know how." Jisoo hissed. "Is this a prank? Are you pulling my leg? Were you just playing with me?"

"What? No!" Jennie denied irritated. "I didn't want to involve you in my life. People would make your life a lot harder only because you know me."

"You could have told me nevertheless or at least not let me look like a complete fool! I spoke with you about you!" Jisoo rubbed her temples. "I felt like I was cheating on you for feeling attracted to you but that is stupid in every sense because we weren't even dating yet and turns out both are you. Ugh! I don't even make sense anymore! Was anything you told me sincere...?" Her voice broke at the end and it almost made Jennie's heart break as well.

"Everything." Jennie shifted nervously from one foot to the other. "You didn't look like a fool, at all. You were so sweet..."

The raven haired girl pinched the bridge of her nose. "I need space."


"Unless it's about work, don't even think of contacting me." Jisoo stated coldly and left Jennie on her own. It sent a shiver down Jennie's spine. Jisoo never sounds anything other than bubbly. She messed up.

Jisoo wandered around outside. She blinked away a few tears as she pressed her phone against her ear.

"Jinyoung?" Jisoo mumbled into the phone weakly.

"Yes? Is everything all right?" He asked in a worried deep tone.

"I have time, after all." Jisoo informed him.

"Does that mean you want to accompany me? Nice!" He cheered on the other end. This was a pleasant surprise.

"Can you come pick me up?"

"Sure, just send me the address."




"What do you mean you don't know where she is!?" Chaeyoung asked Jennie who was busy hiding her head between her legs while sitting depressed on the beach.

"She said she needs space..." Jennie murmured sadly.

"So you gave her space?" Lisa asked sceptical.

"...Yes?" Jennie stated as a matter of fact but confused to the tone in Lisa's voice. She respects Jisoo. If she wants space, she gives her space.

"Are you stupid!?" Both of them screamed at the same time.

"Why??" Jennie lifted her head.

Lisa sighed and sat next to her. "Jisoo unnie never says what she wants. She says one thing but she wants the other thing."

"Even I know that much." Mino came out of nowhere and backed up the youngers. He clicked his tongue. "Oh, Jennie. You still have a lot to learn about women."

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "...Are you telling me to run after her..?"

"Of course!" Chaeyoung butted in. "Besides Jisoo unnie doesn't speak fluent English. What if something happens to her?"

This alarmed Jennie. She stood up and started running.

"Where are you going!?" Chaeyoung yelled after her.

"I don't know!"




"Then Jackson touched the burning pizza with his bare hands while Bambam thought we could use the bananas as fire extinguisher but only ended up throwing bananas at Jackson..." Jinyoung told Jisoo a story of his middle school life while they were standing in the queue. Jisoo didn't pay much attention to him but nodded every now and then and gave him a hum to seem interested.

She was still thinking how sad Jennie looked when she left her there. Maybe she was too harsh... No she wasn't. She could have been way harsher. After all Jennie kinda tricked her. But it's not like she had malicious intentions, Jisoo told herself. She was just stupid. Very stupid. Stupid Jendeuk.

A small chuckle escaped Jisoo's lips and Jinyoung thought it was because of his story but Jisoo was somehow happy to finally connect a face with her online friend which is not even an online friendship anymore.




Jensetter [16:39]



Baechu unnie [16:40]

What did you do now?


Jensetter [16:41]


Baechu unnie [16:42]

Is that you?

It looks like you


Jensetter [16:42]

It might as well be...


Baechu unnie [16:43]

So you told her huh

Didn't work well?



Jensetter [16:44]

I can't find her!

I searched everywhere!

She ran away

How can I find her?


Baechu unnie [16:44]

Did you try messaging her?


Jensetter [16:44]


I'm so stupid!



Baechu unnie [16:45]

That you are




Jisoo could already see Murakami but why wasn't she as excited as she should be? She didn't really feel any happiness. Any other day she would cut Lisa's hand to meet him. Yep, not her own. Who would do that?

Her phone vibrated in her pocket. Multiple times. She tried to ignore it but she already had a clue who it could be. Did she want it to be her? Perhaps but she won't admit that.

Her curiosity got the better of her. She opened the messages.


Jendeuk 💗 [16:47]

Hello Jichu

I'm very sorry

I should have told you sooner


Jendeuk 💗 [16:48]

I should have told you the moment you told me about the job

If it felt like I led you on, I apologize for that too


Jendeuk 💗 [16:48]

I'm really really sorry

I'm a pabo


Jendeuk 💗 [16:49]

I didn't think it was a big deal

I only lied to you twice

When I told you I was a manager but I kinda am as a CEO

And when I told you I speak English rather than Korean

Sorry for those lies

I know you hate liars


Jendeuk 💗 [16:50]

Can I be honest to you now?

My name is Jennie Kim

I'm 23 years old

And I really like you

I might even love you


Jendeuk 💗 [16:50]

People say I'm cold

But I think everything around me is just not warm enough

Except you


Jendeuk 💗 [16:51]

Sometimes my head goes 100 miles a minute

That's when I usually text you

And you make it spin normally again


Jendeuk 💗 [16:51]

Your hands feel like they were made for mine

Your shoulders are more of a home to me than my parents

You probably don't feel the same

Sorry again if that was cheesy or creepy

I can do better than that I swear


Jendeuk 💗 [16:51]

Please answer

I miss you already

At least tell me you are safe


Jendeuk 💗 [16:52]

Can you forgive me please?


*seen by Jichu 💗*


Jisoo chuckled again. Suddenly not feeling as mad as before. She was not one to hold grudges. Especially not towards cute baby cats.

"Jisoo?" Jinyoung called. "Are you listening? It's almost our turn."

"Oh.. yeah."




Jensetter [16:53]

She is not responding

What now?


Baechu unnie [16:54]

Hold on

I'll ask Seulgi if she has a clue


Baechu unnie [17:00]


She spoke with Jisoo

And apparently she is on some booknerd gathering

Of course she is lol


Jensetter [17:01]


Where are those nerds??


Baechu unnie [17:02]

I'll send you the address

Don't make a fool out of yourself


Jensetter [17:02]

Omg thank you!

You are the best!

Love you!


Baechu unnie [17:03]

Seriously Jennie

If you go there act normal


Jensetter [17:03]

I'm the literal definition of normal

What do you expect me to do?


Baechu unnie [17:04]

I don't know

Cutting Jinyoung's throat


Jensetter [17:04]


What do you mean JinYoUnG ???

Omg is he there!?

What is he doing there?!

That little stalker >:(



Baechu unnie [17:05]

Calm down!!

No one likes grumpy cats!

Are you already on your way?


Jensetter [17:06]

I asked Mino to get the private jet


Baechu unnie [17:06]



Baechu unnie [17:06]

Private jet?!

Are you nuts!?

So you are telling me you want to fly to that book meeting with your pitch black jet??

How are you gonna land that thing!??

Use a car!


Jensetter [17:07]


You made me think Jisoo is in danger

The jet is faster

And Mino will find a way to land it


Baechu unnie [17:07]

Jinyoung is no danger

Seulgi knows him too

She guranteed me he is nice

A harmless nerd

If you are going to crash that fansign with your jet you will get in deep trouble


Jensetter [17:08]



Baechu unnie [17:08]

Don't kill any nerd in the process


Jensetter [17:09]


Oppa knows what he is doing


Baechu unnie [17:09]

No he doesn't


Jensetter [17:10]

No he doesn't but it's going to be just fine

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1128 streak #1
Oh congrats on being featured authy
573 streak #2
Oh featured!
2076 streak #3
Congrats on the feature!
reveluv316 813 streak #4
cant wait to start reading
idkwhattoputheree #5
Chapter 27: love this!
reveluv316 813 streak #6
congrats on the feature
2076 streak #7
Congrats on the feature!
1112 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
theoriginalhigh19 #9
Chapter 21: this is literally comedy gold with the right amount of uwu and awesomeness too. IM HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE READING THIS LMAO
mikaiori #10
I'll reread this in the future. I love it, thanks authornim! 🤍