Prologue - Yonsei University

Black Meets Pink : Cold Night and Cherry Blossoms (JenSoo University AU fic)

It’s that time of the year again.

The wind is fresh and chilly and the obvious orange trees tell you that summer is finally over. People start to dress a little warmer—your fur boots are in style again. But aside from that, it is also a beginning of a new semester. The grounds at Yonsei University are crowded again. There are booths and events springing up left and right inside the campus intended for the freshmen.

The College of Liberal Arts—the Hufflepuff of the campus you could say—are welcoming freshmen with a marching band. The students are loud and friendly. They share food and snacks, passing it to everyone and inviting them to join the marching band and dance and chant around the campus. Festive and fun they are, considering they have the most population.

On the other hand, the smallest population comes from the College of Business and Economics. They may be few but they’re the most sought after students inside the campus. The elite, you could say. Most of them are daughters and sons of rich tycoons and they just live such posh and carefree life. Apparently their faculty is just as fun. You could just simply tell when they practically held a small concert for the freshmen right in front of their building with a complete setlist of performers. And not just any performers. Some of them are idol groups. And by the way, the DJ is freaking Code Kunst!

There’s also the College of Social Sciences. These groups of students are sturdy with their beliefs and principles. They do a lot of charity work and other active events so long as it makes an impact to the society. In fact, to welcome the newcomers, they invite them to donate just any amount, big or small, for charity and in return they receive incentives like a cute handmade keychain.

The College of Engineering is the quiet ones. The ones who barely goes out to bask under the sun. They pretty much couldn’t bother. It’s not in their nature. At least they did have a huge LED monitor in front of their building and a pretty cool montage is playing. It’s welcoming enough. You know, if the Business and Economics are the social elites, well, the engineering students are the genius elites. They are on topnotch levels paired with the College of Science. Yonsei is a research institute after all. Science and Mathematics are the flagships of the Institute. They are the pride and face of the University. This led the institute to push forward in science and created the College of Life Science and Biotechnology.

And then there’s the College of Music. There’s some sort of magical whatever that the music majors have when they walk. They are classical musicians so they have their own theater/auditorium. And when you pass by there you can always expect to hear soothing music playing faintly outside their halls. They walk like graceful aristocrats. Of course that is all just an exaggeration but just think of it. They’ve prepared a little concert for the freshmen too inside their theater. Away from the festive noise outside from the other colleges.

Yonsei is especially beautiful in the autumn. The trees along the path are yellow and the moss turned the old buildings orange. And in this very place, several lives have crossed, entangled, and parted with each other. It may be unknown to them, but some has always been sure. That out of many crossroads, this is where they'd be. This is where they'd meet. And they might just be another fated encounters out of many. But it will always be a moment.

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surprise???? it's been 3 years almost. wow? uhm.. hello, hi


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hi authy 👋👋👋
yimica #2
Chapter 24: Hi
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh i got to know this just because i only saw this on yt so i come here immediately...
Chapter 23: This isnt abandoned right?? Ignoring the hets, I can't get enough of this story.
Chapter 23: omgaddd,, i love your storyyyyy, please update soon!
qazedctgb12345 #6
qazedctgb12345 #7
Chaelisa_lisarose #8
Chapter 22: Please update authornim
stankimsojung #9
Chapter 22: Thank you for the multiple update!!! I am so curious to know more about what happened that nice and also can’t wait for more Jensoo to happen
Bandaidalc #10
Update please. ?