Chapter 20

Black Meets Pink : Cold Night and Cherry Blossoms (JenSoo University AU fic)

Image result for fireplace christmas

Back in New Zealand, you could say Jennie had a life like any other. Both her parents were teachers who works at a nearby school where Jennie also studied. Her mom was an art teacher while her dad teached math. It was just the three of them living happily together until three years ago, when a new member of the family arrived. Jennie could still remember how excited she was to meet her new sister.

Jennie came with her parents at the airport that day. She was too excited to have a sister she couldn't wait at home by herself. As a teenager and an only child, Jennie longed for sister that she could play and share secrets with. She already had quite a long list of things she would do with her when she arrives. Accompanied by two stewards, and a middle-aged man whom Jennie figured was the social worker, a little girl, about 10 years old, was descending from the top of the escalator towards them.

"Hi!" Jennie approached and greeted with a beeming smile. "My name is Jennie, your new sister. It's nice to finally meet you!" The little girl cowered and took a shy step back, hiding behind one of the stewards.

"She's probably tired." The social worker explained. "The child has been through a lot just to get here. And now she's surrounded by unfamiliar things so please understand. She's been looking forward to meet her new family."

"Thank you for bringing her to us safely." Jennie's dad shook the man's hand and they proceeded on discussing some final matters about the adoption process. While the adults wer discussing, Jennie focused on her new sister. Crouching down to her height, she wanted to get close to her as soon as possible.

"It's okay. Don't be scared." Jennie said to coax the child. Then she noticed the name embroidered on the child's jacket. It looked like a high school student's uniform in Korea.

"Jisoo Kim..." Jennie read out loud. "Is that your name?"

The child shook her head.

"Oh... This Jisoo Kim must be a kind person. She gave you her jacket so you won't be cold in the plane."

The child nodded.

"Then what's your name?"

"M-my... my name is... Yerim."


A few months before.

It was a very cold winter day at the orphanage. But despite the cold, the kids were playing soccer outside while it hasn't started snowing yet. It will be Christmas soon and everything will be covered in snow. Jisoo had just arrived with her dad. The kids were so excited to play with their favorite eonni they dragged Jisoo with them to the field right away.

Jisoo loved being with the kids. Everything was good. Everything was great. Despite the cold, everyone felt warmth in their hearts as they laughed and played until sundown.

When it became dark, Jisoo and the kids all gathered and huddled up in front of the furnace to warm  themselves up. Sharing blankets to ward the chilly Christmas breeze and sipping freshly made hot choco with marshmallows. And they sang Christmas carols all night long.

While all the other kids were singing, this new kid, a little girl was just sitting by herself at the back watching.

"Hey, sweetie." Jisoo approached. "Why are you by yourself?"

The kid just looked at Jisoo and said, "I hate this place."

Jisoo just smiled and introduced herself. "My name is Jisoo. What's your name?"

The little girl shifted her gaze from Jisoo to the empty ground outside. "I know why I'm here." She finally spoke with a melancholic tone in the girl's voice. "My parents died, and I'm alone. That's why I'm here. Because I don't have a family anymore."

"That's not true. We're family here."

"Not really."

"Alright... how about this? I will be your family. I'll be your sister! I always wanted a little sister. We'll go shopping together, dress up together; I'll tell you my secrets, you tell me yours; It's gonna be fun! What do you say? Just keep it secret from the other kids. Wink!"

Jisoo got her on wink. Yerim chuckled at this strange eonni saying 'wink' out loud as she winks. Seeing the girl laugh, Jisoo felt pretty pleased herself for making her laugh. She laughed with her and asked again.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's nice." Yerim answered and smiled. "Thank you... eonni."

'What a very strong and mature little girl.' Jisoo thought to herself as she patted Yerim's hair softly. Christmas is just around the corner and Jisoo had just gained yet another precious sibling. Watching the other kids singing carols, the two of them shared a blanket to ward the chilly Christmas breeze and sipping freshly made hot choco with marshmallows. Eveything was good. Everything was great. And despite the cold, everyone felt warmth in their hearts.

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surprise???? it's been 3 years almost. wow? uhm.. hello, hi


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1120 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hi authy 👋👋👋
yimica #2
Chapter 24: Hi
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh i got to know this just because i only saw this on yt so i come here immediately...
Chapter 23: This isnt abandoned right?? Ignoring the hets, I can't get enough of this story.
Chapter 23: omgaddd,, i love your storyyyyy, please update soon!
qazedctgb12345 #6
qazedctgb12345 #7
Chaelisa_lisarose #8
Chapter 22: Please update authornim
stankimsojung #9
Chapter 22: Thank you for the multiple update!!! I am so curious to know more about what happened that nice and also can’t wait for more Jensoo to happen
Bandaidalc #10
Update please. ?