Chapter 21

Black Meets Pink : Cold Night and Cherry Blossoms (JenSoo University AU fic)

Image result for prison visit

A few days before Chaeyoung's appearance at the cafeteria.

Chanyeol did as he has been doing for three years. With a slice of cake in a box on one hand and a thermos of warm seaweed soup on the other that he made himself for the first time. He figured he should at least try instead of just buying to go.

"I hope it's not too salty for him." Chanyeol smiled to himself looking at the stuff he brought. With a big breath in, Chanyeol uplifted his mood and smiled as he entered the facility. The prison can't be that gloomy when Chanyeol Park is visiting. But then he spots a familiar figure sitting anxiously by the waiting area.

"Oh?" Chanyeol croaked. 'What's a fairy doing here?' He asked to himself.

The fairy stood up and asked the guard about something but the guard only said, "Maam, I've been telling you. You cannot visit Seongsu Kim because you're not a family or a friend." It's seems like she's been attempting to get in for a while now.

"Excuse me." Chanyeol interjected. "I'm sorry I'm late. Uh... she's with me."

"Oh!" The guard cried. "Well, miss you should have told me you're with Mr. Park. I'll send a guard to tell him he has visitors. He'll probably be out in 10 minutes." He said and gave them both passes.

Chanyeol smiled and thanked the guard then looked at the surprise guest. He cocked his head towards the waiting area tellng her to go first. When they were both seated, Chanyeol spoke first.

"I have so many questions but I'll ask the obvious one first. What are you doing here, Jennie Kim?"

Yes, the surprise guest is Jennie Kim, trying to visit Jisoo Kim's father.

"Does Jisoo know? Did she send you here in her stead?" Chanyeol continued asking.

Jennie, who seem too look a little nervous, answered, "No. Well, sort of. I mean Jisoo doesn't know. But after you left last night, we went out to drink soju and she kinda told me about stuff."

"So you came here on your own."




"Y-you're... Yerim's sister?"

Now Chanyeol had his bewildered look on his face. Mouth hanging open and eyebrows almost reaching the ceiling. But Jisoo's dad on the other hand had a more serioius shocked look on his face. Seongsu began to break down. Soon enough the old man's cheeks were damp. If not for the glass that's separating him from his visitors, Seongsu would have held on to Jennnie's hands and sobbed into them. But Instead, he clutched on the telephone crying, "Thank god!" and "I'm sorry."

Jennie's eyes has become misty as well but she kept her sweet smile.

"How is she doing?" Seongsu Kim asked.

"Yerim's doing great. We love her a lot." Jennie answered.

"Yerim finally found her family. You can't believe how happy I am to hear that."

"Does Jisoo know about this?" Chanyeol who finally got out of his shocked trance asked to which Jennie answered by shaking her head no. "Is this why you came all the way here?" He added.

Jennie nodded. "I have so many questions. I love my sister a lot and she's doing so much better now than three years ago. But I get this feeling that something's off. I want to know what really happened three years ago."


Jisoo can't seem to ever forget that child's voice. It was a voice that she was always glad to hear, calling, "Eonni!" But this time seems different and it's haunted her for three years. 'Eonni' that same voice, crying. She would hear it from time to time. Echoing like a distant memory. But the horrors of that night are still vivid behind her eyelids whenever she closes her eyes.

"No... stop... no!"

She would start mumbling delirioiusly but the voice is still crying. She can't move at all because of this weight pushing her down on the bed. Groping her in all places she can imagine. It felt demeaning. Like a slimy snake wrapping her so tight she's rendered helpless. And all she could do was cry.

Eonni!!" The child's voice was already shrieking but no one could here them.

Jisoo couldn't see where the child is tied up at the foot of the bed from her horrible position. "It's okay! Yerim, don't look! Don't listen! It's okay!" She kept saying uselessly fooling herself that it would somehow make things better at least for the child.

"Stop.. no~ please!"


"Soo~ Soo? Soo!"

Jisoo woke up to her roommate's worried face looming over her.

"You were starting to get delirioius. I was worried!" Joohyun exclaimed, quickly checking Jisoo's temperature. "You don't seem well. Stay in bed."

With a slight groan, Jisoo pushed herself up. "It's just a nightmare Joo. I'm fine."

"The same nightmare?"

Jisoo didn't have to answer that.

"It's been a while since you've had that." Joohyun commented.

"Yeah, well... it's because I've been sleeping lately instead of drinking all night in clubs."

Joohyun let out a small sigh as Jisoo gets out of bed and to the bathroom. If only there was a way that Joohyun could do to make things better for Jisoo. Well, there's one thing she can do. Call Chaeyoung. Sure thing, Joohyun did call Chaeyoung. Which is why Chaeyoung showed up at the cafeteria. But things didn't go too well.

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surprise???? it's been 3 years almost. wow? uhm.. hello, hi


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1128 streak #1
Chapter 24: Hi authy 👋👋👋
yimica #2
Chapter 24: Hi
1128 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh gosh i got to know this just because i only saw this on yt so i come here immediately...
Chapter 23: This isnt abandoned right?? Ignoring the hets, I can't get enough of this story.
Chapter 23: omgaddd,, i love your storyyyyy, please update soon!
qazedctgb12345 #6
qazedctgb12345 #7
Chaelisa_lisarose #8
Chapter 22: Please update authornim
stankimsojung #9
Chapter 22: Thank you for the multiple update!!! I am so curious to know more about what happened that nice and also can’t wait for more Jensoo to happen
Bandaidalc #10
Update please. ?