It won’t be that bad…I hope

Cruel Summer
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“You’re stupid,”


Minjeong sighs, “you don’t have to remind me,”


“Oh no, Unnie, I will remind you again and again,” Yizhuo expressed, “You’re an idiot! And here I thought you learned your lesson. Why haven’t you told her about it?”


“I did tell her-”


“Yeah, right, Unnie. But just half of it!” Minjeong pulls the phone away from her ear. She knew that she would get scolded by her best friend, but her ears are still not prepared for the assault of Yizhuo’s voice, “Wendy Unnie already gave you advice, didn’t she? Telling you the possible scenario if you don’t speak up, and yet, you still didn't do it. You idiot!”


“I know…”


“You know but you didn’t do it,”


Minjeong clenched her jaw. It was true. She knew, yet she didn’t do it. “I got scared, okay?!?! It’s just…seeing her that happy… was hard to break it.”


She hears Yizhuo sigh heavily, “still, Unnie,”


“...I know.”


Both girls turned silent.


Minjeong knows she needs to tell the truth to Jimin. The whole complete truth. However, she is really scared of how her girlfriend will react. Compared to Wendy’s experience, Joohyun Unnie didn’t experience what Jimin had.


Jimin was scarred by her past, and Minjeong couldn’t help but feel like she’ll let her down if she leaves.


“But you’re not leaving her, Minjeong.” She remembers what her older cousin had told her, “You guys aren’t breaking up.”


“’re not Ryujin.”


I am not Ryujin.


I will not make the same mistakes she did.


But she also knows she’s human. 


Minjeong knows she also lacks a lot and has limitations. Yes, she won’t do what Ryujin did. She’s not that type of a person. But that doesn’t mean she might not make a mistake along the process.


Minjeong is scared that she might hurt Jimin unknowingly, or tire Jimin out to a point that she will leave her instead.


Minjeong is scared.


So scared of what will happen in the future.


Maybe, I should stay instead, she thought, that way, I won’t be dealing with these problems.


“Kim Minjeong!” The blonde-haired girl snapped from her thoughts. “Huh?”


“You weren’t answering me,” Yizhuo says worriedly, “I thought you died or something,”


“Sorry,” Minjeong rubs her temples, “I…I had too many thoughts.”


“No ,” Minjeong didn’t dare to argue anymore as it’s a cycle. Yizhuo will continue to reprimand her whether she likes it or not.






“What are you going to do now? I mean,” Yizhuo asks, “it has been three days since you told Jimin Unnie about it. To be honest, I am amazed that you’re holding up well from spilling, but Unnie, you do know you need to.”


Minjeong sighs once again.


It has been three days.


Awful three days.


She’s been spending a lot of time with Jimin, going on dates and all. And it was hard.


Hard on her part on not spilling, ruining the good mood Jimin has.


Ruining the smile she sees on her girlfriend’s face. “I’m…finding the right time to tell,”


“Oh, c’mon, Unnie. You know there isn’t a right time. Say it to Jimin Unnie before it’s too late.”


“Before she hears it from other people,” Yizhuo adds, “because that’s worse.”


“I know,” Minjeong laid her head back on her seat, “I will tell her soon.” She hears Yizhuo sigh, “make sure of it, Unnie.”


“Yizhuo,” Minjeong smiled a bit, “thank you.”


“You owe me big time,” the Chinese girl retorts, “and I am encouraging you to tell Jimin Unnie already so that I can free myself from Aeri’s curious eyes, too. I can’t dodge her questions for too long, you know.”


“Yeah, thank you for that, too.”




“Ah, speaking of Aeri, how are you guys?”


“Really? We’re changing topics?”


“What? I just want to be updated too with your love life like any best friend would do. It will be unfair if I’m sharing my own and you’re not.”


The best friends continue to bicker and talk a bit more as Minjeong continues to sit and look out the window from a cafe, waiting for someone.


“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this.”


“What? Is there something wrong?”


“Uh, yeah? It's not common for the current gf to meet with the ex of their girlfriend,” Yizhuo points out, “also, after that previous encounter you guys had…”


“It’s wasn’t that bad-”


“Let me remind you that you almost wanted to punch the hell out of Ryujin, Minjeong Unnie,” Minjeong shuts in agreement. She did want to punch the other girl’s face so badly, but she controlled herself.


Controlled herself not to make a bigger scene.


And for Jimin.


“She wanted to meet and talk,” Minjeong sighs, “and Jimin wants us to have that closure,”


“Which is a nice thing, yeah. But it’s still crazy. Good thing you guys are meeting in a public place,” Yizhuo jokes, “that way we are sure you guys won’t kill each other,”


“That’s a bit of an exaggeration, Yizhuo,”


“Oh please, Unnie. You guys were rivals…ish for years, a brawl is bound to happen.” Minjeong could only shake her head. “Oh, speaking of Jimin Unnie. I thought she would be there with you guys?”


“Last minute change of plans,” Minjeong sighs, “she said Jisoo Unnie wanted them to eat an early dinner together as a family.”


“Oh? That’s weird,” the younger girl points out, “I know right?”


Minjeong looks over her watch and sees it’s almost time, “Anyway, Ryujin will be here soon. Gonna hang up now.”


“Okay, then. Oh! Also!” Yizhuo adds, “if ever you need backup, you-”


“Goodbye, Yizhuo.”


“Wai-” Minjeong hangs up the call. At least her best friend’s annoying made Minjeong relax.


She won’t lie, Minjeong is a bit nervous about this meetup.


She knows she dismissed her best friend’s idea of them having a brawl, but the possibility of that happening is quite high. Especially, as it really just depends on what they’ll talk about if ever they’ll reach that point or not.


Yeah, what are we going to talk about?


Other than Jimin, Minjeong doesn’t know much about what other possible topics for them to talk about.


Suddenly, her phone rang.


It was Jimin.


“Hi, baby,” Minjeong smiles, “Hey, you. What’s up?”


“Nothing really, I’m still waiting for my Unnies to finish preparing before we all head out to the restaurant.” Jimin whispers softly, “I miss you.”


Minjeong bit her lip, suppressing a grin, “We just saw each other this morning,”


“Yeah, well, we were supposed to be together now,” the raven-haired girl whines, “I really don’t understand Jisoo Unnie for scheduling this family dinner now.”


“Maybe, Unnie just wants you guys to bond.”


“We live in the same house. We bond every day.” Minjeong chuckles, “I guess it might be related to the thing you mentioned before.”


She hears Jimin sigh, “I have a feeling too.” Jimin had shared a couple of times before to Minjeong about the weird observations at home. “What do you think it will be?”


“Hhhhmmm,” Minjeong thought about it. Weirdly, she has a feeling she knows what it is about, but she couldn’t put a finger on what it was, “I really don’t know.” She forgot what that could be. “It won’t be that bad…I hope,”


“Whatever it is, it must be really big or something for them to hide it from me this whole time,” Jimin expresses, “I mean, I’m already old enough. I think I can handle whatever family problems we might have.”


“Whatever happens, baby, you know I’m here for you,” The blonde girl said softly.


“I know,” Minjeong wishes she could embrace her girl right now. “Let me send my awesome virtual hug to you.”




“I can’t hug right now as much as I wanted to so…a virtual hug for now,” even if it was a call, Minjeong can feel Jimin smiling a bit now, “thank you, babe.”


“No problem.”


“I’ll send you a hug, too.” The blonde-haired girl furrowed her brows, “why?”


“Well, you’re meeting Ryujin right now, right?” Minjeong could only let out a sigh,


“You’re at the cafe now, right?”


“Yeah, I got here a bit early,” she answers.


“Excited?” Jimin is teasing her, “definitely the opposite,” Minjeong retorts, “I’m nervous.”


“It’s going to be fine,” Jimin reassures her, “You guys have a lot to talk about.”


“Really? Because I really don’t know what else we are going to talk about other than you,” Minjeong hears Jimin chuckle, “you guys are connected more than you think,”


“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”




Minjeong groans, “you’re not helping,” Jimin chuckles more.


“Babe, relax, okay? She won’t bite.”


The blonde girl scoffs as she remembered what her best friend told her a while ago, “Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Ryujin should be wary of me because I bite.”






“No fighting.”




“Kim Minjeong,”


“Okay, okay. I’ll behave.” Minjeong said defeatedly, “it depends on what she’s going to say if I attack or not.” She hears Jimin hum in understanding, “You don’t have to forgive her immediately, you know. Just hear her out, and you decide from there.”


“You forgave her, though,” 


“That’s…my situation is different.” Jimin sighs. “It was hard for me too,” Jimin recalls, “but I know she is sorry for what she did. I can hear her sincerity in her voice. I…I just wanted to move on from all of it.”


Sincerity, huh.


“I forgot to ask,” Minjeong asks.




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Chapter 6: i hope you will update this story author
Chapter 23: rereading one of my comfort fics :<
I hope you're doing okayy authorr
Faithyouri #3
still waiting for you:))
moshiryu #4
Chapter 26: miss u :(
will this continue?
naevidzy #6
Chapter 26: hope this will be updated soon
Coleeee #7
There's been a lot of hindrances since the moment they met. They do have little happy moments buy it only lasts for a while and it doesn't justify the amount of pain that they have to go through in exchange for it. Kinda makes you think that maybe they are not really meant for each other?

Winrina learning about Ryujin's intervention in past could have been the perfect of the story. Ryujin's acceptance and Winrina finally being together with no strings attached could have been the perfect ending, but it seems like they're facing yet another dilemma and I don't think I can take it anymore 😅

It's been fun reading it but this is it for me. Had enough of winrina angst 😅 God they're everywhere. Wish you all the best author! Hope your hand heal soon.
Chapter 26: damn. i reread the whole story coz i forgot the plot 😂 welcome back! thanks for the update hehe
Chapter 26: yeayy you updated ! thank you ^^
they are so cute
897 streak #10
Chapter 26: hehe 🥰