II. Reality

I Don't Want to Wake Up and Know a Love That is Not You
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Everything happened so fast. Winter was sitting in their table eating the rest of her lunch with Ningning after Minju and Yujin asked to leave when she saw someone walking towards the entrance of the cafe. Before she realized what she's doing, she's already up from her seat and running towards the main door. Not sure why she ran off like that. All she know is that she needs to meet Minju's sister, whoever she is. However, the three was nowhere to be seen when she managed to get passed the crowd. 

"Tell me you have a good reason for running out like that, " Ningning said after catching up outside the cafe, breathing heavily as a result of the sudden running. 

"I felt like Usain Bolt for a moment," Winter said while giving Ningning an annoying smile which the girl rewarded her with a strong punch on her shoulder.

"I ask myself sometimes why I'm friends with you," said Ningning while walking back inside the cafe, annoyance present in her face. 

"I thought there was something going on! I regret following you outside." 

"I thought I saw someone I know. Nevermind, she was already gone when I made it out," she confessed.

Because I really do, I really think I saw her.


Their short meeting was able to pull Winter's thoughts from what she thought she saw earlier in the cafe. Before her meeting with Yujin and Minju, she used to think that it's impossible to meet anyone from her dreams in this lifetime (with the exception of Ningning, she knows they're attached to the hip) but now she doesn't know what is possible and what is not.

What are the chances that I meet her too? Does she attend SMU? Is she Minju's sister? Does she know about me? 

These thoughts kept on repeating inside her head that she didn't noticed she's already in front of her next class.


It is not a requirement for an Engineering major to take courses outside their field but SM University has a strict rule about its history archives. Only students majoring in History or students who are taking History classes are allowed to that section of the library. Being an Engineering major, Winter has to take a minor subject in History to get access to these archives. She doesn't particularly hate the subject, it is more entertaining than most of her Engineering classes per se but a room full of quiet students in a gloomy afternoon is too inviting to a sleep-deprived student like her. The Professor doesn't mind if the non-History students listen or not, they're happy that attend take the class. 

The afternoon passed by without Winter having to understand anything that was discussed. She managed to stop herself from dozing off by spending her time drawing some panels for her webtoon. She's now in the part of selecting her First Knight. The Conclave. A battle of survival with only one rule, killing is forbidden. Whoever emerge as the victor will get to be ordained as the Princess' First Knight. The victor can also contest to ask her hand in marriage if they wish to. In fact, her mother Queen Taeyeon, got betrothed to her First Knight, Lady Miyoung of House Hwang.

Winter already knows the winner. She doesn't need to dream of the Conclave to know.

When the Professor dismissed the class, the students quickly disappeared like smoke in the air. They left the door open which caused the noise from the outside fill the now almost empty room. She was one of the students who were last to leave as she doesn't like to hustle with the sudden burst of students coming out from their own classes. Winter swing her pink Kanken backpack on her shoulders as she descend the stairs in the classroom when she saw her shadow again. "I must be going paranoid," she thought but nevertheless quickly run to the door to chase her, only to be welcomed by an overwhelming swarm of bodies.

"There's no way I can find her in this crowd. I think I'm overthinking because of what happened earlier. She's not Minju's sister. I need to get myself back together," she told herself.

The History class is her last subject for today. She doesn't feel like going back to their shared apartment yet so she told Ningning that she'll be waiting in the university's mini forest. Three hours of drawing drained her energy, she could use a short nap. It's not unusual to see students in the mini forest during this time of the day especially since it's far from the noise coming out of the gymnasium and soccer field. Despite the name, the mini forest is nowhere near small. In her estimate, it's the size of two soccer fields maybe more. There's an intimidating amount of trees in compact arrangement, permitting only a small amount of sunlight to reach the forest floor. It serves as a small park within the campus.

Winter walked to the farthest part of the forest and settled in a spot under the big alder tree. She told Ningning where to find her and proceeded laying down in one of the benches, using her bag as her pillow. Ningning still has two hours left in her class, enough time for a Winter to have a short dream. 

She wasn't sure how many minutes or hours have passed when she starts to feel tiny droplets trickle on her face. When she managed to open her eyes, the rain has started to fall horrendously. Winter isn't the type to bring an umbrella with her, given there is no rain forecast. She immediately grabbed her bag and protected it from the rain, her iPad and her books inside. Despite the trees providing her shade from the torrent rain, it will take Winter a while before she can find a proper cover. She instantly regret going this far. 

Winter was so close to giving up running against the rain when she saw a black umbrella hovering over her head, sheltering her from the giant droplets attacking her. When she looked beside her, she was greeted by a girl, her shiny hair hugs her small face perfectly, her skin white but not pale, and her lips are thin yet plump. She's also slightly taller. But what caught Winter's attention is her eyes, focused, sharp, almost cat-like. Her aura exudes mystery and warmth? She can't pinpoint why but she feels like they've met before. 

"I saw you running from a distance. You're a fast runner, I barely managed to catch up with you. Thought you might use an umbrella," the girl said, looking at Winter's wet shirt.

The girl pulled her closer so they could fit in her umbrella. Which is obviously not made for sharing.

"Thanks, I was trying to save my bag from being soaked. You're a life saver,"

While walking Winter tried to check if the rain managed to get inside her bag. You can never

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Slow updates but will continue the story. Hang in there, friends!


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kasterian #1
Chapter 21: will this ever have an update?? 🥹
215 streak #2
Chapter 1: this looks interesting
Chapter 21: Thank you for still updating this! <3
shiro11 #4
Omg! An ud 😳😳😳
Viola_Ella #5
Chapter 21: thank you for update! I'll definitely reread again from the start
Kannakobayashi09 #6
Ud na ☹️
Jiminez #7
love45 #8
Chapter 20: Hoping for an update soon^^
leaguepro #9
Isaactang1 #10
Story is good but I wish there were more moments of them dating in real life coz besides them having a common past they don’t really have a lot of chemistry and that moment where I think wow they really are meant to be