Chapter 22

The Mugunghwa Crown
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Joohyun woke up very late today. As expected, she wasn’t able to sleep until the clock hit 3:00 AM. A lot of thoughts were running in her head last night after she realized that she was definitely attracted to the young royal, should she describe it as a mere crush? Admiration? Or more??

Well, she wasn’t sure what the correct term to call it but she definitely wanted to kiss her again.


Still laying on the bed, Joohyun sighed before putting her arm on her forehead.


She didn’t expect to feel this way towards her wife. Out of all people why her? Why not Jennie? Her best friend has been around her longer than Seungwan.


This tiny little crush (just call it a tiny little crush for now) would only complicate things between them. Seungwan wasn’t the best person to have a crush on. Hell, she was the worst, to be honest. Seungwan was a woman with a lot of secrets and on top of that, she was carrying out a super mysterious mission that the young Bae wasn’t even allowed to ask.


So why? Why??


Why am I always attracted to trouble?


Joohyun reluctantly opened her eyes and looked to her left side, empty.


Of course, it’s 10:00 AM. Seungwan already left for work two hours ago.


She sat on the edge of the bed, looking so troubled before deciding to get ready for work.




Finance Department.


“Taenyeo, this is your work for today,” Sua said while stacking a few thick documents on her table.


It’s just usual work, checking vendors' qualifications that have nothing to do with the real work. After all, her brother already has certain vendors in mind to work with. Seungwan knows that her brother got a lot of money from those vendors to approve them. It was useless to even read the documents.


“Thank you, Sua.” Seungwan smiled and took the document, just to stare at it like it held a thousand pieces of information she needed.


Her mind fleeted back to last night.


Well, she thought the kiss would appease her desire for the older girl but not so surprisingly, she feels even more fuelled to do more. She wants to taste those lips again.



It’s really not the right time to think about your needs, Seungwan.

On top of that, you’re under a contract with her.


But what if she also wants to do more?


I mean, she wouldn’t offer me a kiss last night if she didn't want to, right? Seungwan thought to herself.


Well, she did say that she will help me with anything as a payback.


Seungwan pursed her lips.


This thirst, will it stop once I sleep with her?

It's really distracting me …


She looked at the time, it was about lunchtime.


“Sua, I’ll be taking longer lunchtime. Do you have other work for me?” Sua has been her comrade, whenever she needs to take a longer break, the other girl would gladly slip a task so she can have a reason to come back later.


“Yes, yes. I have to send this document to a post office. The officer didn’t pick up my call.”


“Ok, leave it to me,” Seungwan smiled, “I’ll buy you something on my way back.”


“Thank you, Taenyeo!”


Sua is a lot more comfortable with her now after spending more time with the young royal. She realized that Seungwan isn’t like her brother. She didn’t even ask to be treated like a princess all the time, she casually talked to her fellow staff and everyone loves talking to her (Unbeknownst to them, it’s Seungwan’s way of digging more information).


But Sua appreciated her, the young royal never refused any work given to her even though that work is useless and usually not needed. Sua knew that her manager gave the least impactful work for the young royal to chase her away, it must be an order from His Highness.




Joohyun was folding clothes when Jennie came to the shop.


“Hey Rene, I bought you croissants,” her friend put the pastry on the table.


“Thanks, Jen. I thought you were going to Jeonju today.”


“Yes, I’m just stopping by. You love having your croissants with tea,” Jennie smiled as she looked around the shop, “Where’s Joy?”


“Out for delivery, one of our drivers can’t make it today.”


Jennie made her way towards the young Bae and stood beside her in the washed clothes section.


“I heard from Joy that your father’s ceremony will be pushed to next month,” Jennie said as she helped her fold the clothes.


“Ah, yeah. Haven’t I told you?” Joohyun hit her own forehead, “I must’ve forgotten. Free your schedule on the 23rd, next month, I’ll send the details and location once it’s available.”


“Okay,” Jennie nodded, “Does it mean you’ll divorce her earlier?”


Joohyun stopped folding the clothes. Right, her friends didn’t know that she was under contract longer than they expected. Hell, they didn’t even know anything!


“Not right away, otherwise it would be suspicious for the royal family and not to mention the backlash I’ll get from the public.”


“Then when are you gonna proceed?”


“Next year?” Joohyun wasn’t sure but next year their contract would be ended.


“The sooner the better but *sighs* you’re right, the backlash would do you no good.”


Joohyun's thoughts wandered again, how are they gonna drop the news to the public? And especially to their family? Does Seungwan already think about it?


“Want something from Jeonju?”


“Nah, I’m good. Just take care of yourself there. The weather isn’t so great nowadays.” Joohyun lifted a basket full of folded clothes to bring it to the back room.


“I will of course. Let me put the basket for you.” As soon as she said that, the front door jingled.


Seungwan walked in with Seulgi trailing behind her. She saw that Joohyun and Jennie once again standing so close and it somehow annoyed her. She already warned Jennie before but looked like it didn’t matter to her.


“Jennie is helping me with the basket.” Joohyun quickly explained as she took a step back to distance herself from her friend.


“You don’t have to explain yourself, Rene. She has eyes, doesn't she?”


Hearing such rude comments, prompted Seulgi to raise her eyebrows. Above everything, Seungwan is still a princess and should be respected.


“Mind your words, Jennie-ssi,” Seulgi reminded her, talking bad to Seungwan means talking bad to the King indirectly, the ruler of this country, and that is a serious offense.


“It’s fine, Seul,” Seungwan quickly said before the young guard decided to strangle Jennie for her rudeness, she doesn’t have time to enjoy the show, she has another plan. “Jennie is Wangnyeo’s friend.”


“But still …”


“It’s fine,” Seungwan said in finality as she waved her hand.


Jennie scoffed before taking the basket to the back room.


Once she left, Joohyun quickly went to the young royal side.


“Sorry, she is umm … having a bad day. I’ll talk with her later.” Joohyun spurted a lie, Jennie’s rudeness didn’t settle right to her as well but she preferred to talk about it personally with her friend.


“What’s the matter, Taenyeo? You dropped by unannounced again.” Unlike before, Joohyun didn’t feel annoyed this time. She somehow felt delighted with her wife's surprise visit.


“Let’s have lunch together,” the young royal beamed. Her cheeks lifted gleefully and they looked so pinchable. Aww.


Joohyun back to her sense, “Right now? But Joy hasn’t come back yet. I need to stay around.”


“Jennie is here. Just let her handle the shop.”


“She won’t stay for long. She is going to Jeonju today.”


Well, Seungwan was glad when she heard that, just thinking that the other woman would linger around the shop all day, didn’t feel right to her.


The young royal looked around, “Is it usually crowded at lunchtime?”


“Not really. Joy will come soon, probably in another 15 minutes.”


Seungwan nodded as she said, “Seul, you stay here. Wait for Joy and take care of the shop for the time being.”


“Huh? Me??” Seulgi looked at Seungwan in surprise, “But, I have to ... “


“I’m just going to K-restaurant for lunch. It’s safe,” Seungwan cut her words, “Key please.”


Seulgi stared at Seungwan. Why is she so adamant about having lunch with Joohyun? It took 30 minutes just to reach the Classic Cleaners due to the bad traffic. In the past, Seungwan wouldn’t make so much effort to meet a woman unless she wanted something from the said woman. So what does Seungwan want from Joohyun?


“The key?” Seungwan asked her guard again.


With a heavy heart, Seulgi put the car’s key on Seungwan’s hand, “At least bring Jaemin with you.”


“Umm, I asked Jaemin to buy some detergents. We’re short in stock,” Joohyun smiled guiltily. She just ordered a royal guard to do something unrelatable to his job.


Seulgi eyes crossed, one of her top guards is out to buy some detergents? DETERGENTS??


“Then, it is settled!” Seungwan said in happiness before offering her hand for Joohyun to hold.


While Seulgi was still crying internally, Joohyun on another hand, knew that once Seungwan had made her decision, it would be futile for them to keep trying to disobey.


With that, she took Seungwan’s hand and was immediately pulled to her side. Bumping their bodies lightly. A shy blush appeared on Joohyun’s cheek once she sniffed Seungwan’s faint perfume. She wasn’t a big fan of perfume but she thought, she could tolerate Seungwan’s.


The young royal grinned before turning to look at her guard.

“Maybe you can have a friendly talk with Jennie.”


Seulgi blinked and straightened her back, she knew that tone. By friendly talk, Seungwan wanted her to remind the other woman's position. It was a surprise, as the young royal had never been bothered by rude comments before. Hell, she always ignored her brother’s crude words to her.


But this Jennie girl apparently irks her so bad.


“Yes, Taenyeo.”

Oh, Seulgi would definitely talk to the young woman. Seungwan is her pride, nobody can talk rudely to Seungwan, not on her watch!


“Where are you going?” Jennie was back to the front shop and saw their interlaced hands. She looked so annoyed by it.


“Oh, we’re having lunch outside. Are you going now?” Joohyun asked her.


“Let me just fold the rest of the clothes and then I’ll go,” Jennie pointed at another basket of freshly unfolded washed clothes.


“You don’t have to do that, Jen,” Joohyun told her, “Another staff will come after lunchtime.”


“Well, I’m already here, of course, I’m gonna help you around. Unlike someone, who comes when you’re busy and takes you away as she pleased.”


Seulgi clicked her tongue, she really had a lot to say.


The young royal chuckled, “I see, you’re such a helpful friend. No wonder, Joohyun really appreciates you as her friend. My mistake, you’re her best friend, right? Hope your friendship last long.”


Did Taenyeo just use ‘friend’ multiple times in one sentence??

Seulgi thought amusedly as her eyes wandered between Jennie and Seungwan. What’s with this tension between them??


“We’re going. Don’t wait for us.” She added and directed those words, especially to Jennie who was grinding her teeth.



In the car.


Seungwan calmly drove them around. It was the first time for Joohyun to sit beside her at the front. Usually, the two of them would sit in the passenger seat behind the driver. As a royal, Seungwan always has someone to drive her around. Joohyun once thought that Seungwan couldn't drive because she never saw her driving.


“I hope you’re not misunderstanding the situation between me and Jennie just now. She was just helping me.”


“That’s what you said last time.” Seungwan playfully rolled her eyes.


“That’s what happened this time as well,” Joohyun responded.


Decided not to prolong the talk because she already dropped the task to Seulgi, Seungwan was quiet until she stopped at the red light.


“Where do you want to eat?”


“Aren’t we going to K-restaurant?”




“But you said … “


“That was just to soothe Seulgi’s mind.”


Joohyun shook her head. Seungwan was really unpredictable and had a lot of tricks under her sleeves, she should’ve known, “She’s gonna be so mad at you.”


“I know how to calm her down like the back of my hand.” Seungwan chuckled.


“... And don’t you have to go back to the office soon?” Joohyun asked again.


“Got a pass to come back a little later.”




Joohyun frowned. Wasn’t she so dedicated to her job, until losing sleep and all? Guess, this job was not her real goal after all.


“I have my way,” Seungwan said slyly, “Let’s go to Incheon.”


“The airport? That’s 45 minutes away from here.”


“Not the airport, I mean Incheon district. There’s a delicious samgyetang restaurant there.”


“Well, if you really want to have samgyetang then sure.”


“Great. Give me 15 minutes.” Seungwan changed the gear and pushed the pedal making the car suddenly leap with a new speed.


“Oh my God!”


Joohyun shrieked, she didn’t think that Seungwan would do that. Her hands automatically gripped the handle on top of her. Praying for her dear life.




The restaurant was surprisingly empty, with only a few patrons inside. Of course, they quickly recognized Seungwan and her. They were quickly ushered to the private booth to have their meal. The owner was an old friend of Seungwan’s mother. A very nice old lady with a bright smile on her face.


She immediately hugged Seungwan once she stepped into the restaurant.


“Imo, I’m sorry, I just have time to come now.”


“No, it’s fine, I know you’re busy. Aww, look at you two, so skinny! Have you not eaten well? Let me prepare your lunch now.” The old lady quickly closed the door.


Joohyun took a seat on a cushion but to her surprise, Seungwan decided to sit on the cushion beside her. Usually, they would sit face to face, separated by a table between them.


The last time they were seated side by side, Seungwan was teasing her about how jumpy she was while seating beside her. She remembered it was a few weeks before they got married.


Well, now Joohyun was still jumpy but for a very different reason. Back then she was annoyed because of how close the latter was, but now, she kinda liked it, she just wanted to lean her head on her shoulder and hug her. Maybe trying to rest her head a little on her shoulder before their meals came.




Joohyun shook her head.

Get a grip of yourself, Joohyun!


Seungwan on the other hand wasn’t so shy in showing the reason why she chose to sit closely to her. She propped her head on her hand and stared at Joohyun unabashedly with a smile on her face.


“Uh ... what?”


“How was the kiss last night?”


Joohyun choked on her own saliva.


“What do you mean by how?” She quietly mustered a reply.


“Well, I did my best to show you how a good kisser I am and I certainly had a very good sleep last night.”


“Good for you then.” Joohyun couldn’t even sleep.



“Do you mind if I kiss you again?”


The young Bae widened her eyes, “Pardon?”


“You heard me loud and clear, Joohyun,” Seungwan smiled as her eyes stared straight into Joohyun’s eyes before lowering to her lips, “I want to kiss you again.”


Joohyun had been thinking about the complication of this if she let herself be consumed by her tiny crush. This morning, she decided to keep herself on the track, but Seungwan made it difficult for her. Why was she so blunt?

Could she also have a tiny crush on me?

Joohyun was wondering about the possibility and wasn’t too sure about what to do. Last night, her mind was too occupied with their kiss.


With a sigh, she asked, “Why?”


“I don’t have an answer for that.”


Joohyun assumed that Seungwan was just confused and heightened by her desire. Well, Joohyun was very aware that she was an attractive woman, besides they were living together now, sleeping side by side. It’s either the young woman would develop a crush on her or simply be consumed by desire. So thinking that Seungwan was probably only consumed by her desire made her feel disappointed somehow.


“No.” She huffed, “Don’t try to complicate things between us.”


“It’s not complicated at all. It’s just a kiss.”




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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1700 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1700 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
