Chapter 29 - So Much

The Mugunghwa Crown
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Three days later.


After apologizing to Joohyun, Seungwan felt a bit relieved. Even though a lot of things in Taejong Hall remind her of her wife, she managed to ignore it most of the time.


Now she understands why her father got rid of anything that reminds him of her mother. He did that to heal himself after the loss. His action was still unforgivable for Seungwan because he destroyed almost everything about her mother, and only left a portrait that almost got burned to ash, but, now that she shared the same pain of losing someone due to their own mistake, she couldn’t help but wonder about her father.


She wondered if her father still remembered and missed her mother or even regretted himself. Because, until this day, the thought of Joohyun always haunts her.


She remembered that three days before her mother's death, she saw her mother wipe her tears before greeting her as usual. She knew that the latter had just gotten back from meeting her father from the maids, but she was too young to understand what actually happened and thought that her father hurt her mother. So when her mother was found dead in the pond, she blamed everything on her father.


She still blamed everything on him because just like what he did in the past, she made a mistake and hurt Joohyun. After all, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She was no different than her father.


Putting down her tab with a heavy heart, Seungwan swiveled her chair to look outside through the window.


The rain has been pouring hard since morning and in three hours she has an event to attend. It’s the launching of a new children's foundation opened by the royal family to the public. She would bring Joohyun along if everything didn’t fall apart between them. Of course, there would be a lot of questions about why she appears alone but she’ll survive. Being professional and pretending to be fine in the public eyes are something she mastered since young.


Seungwan looked back at the gloomy sky and said to herself, “Strangely, I feel something big will happen today. I wonder what it will be.”




On the other side of the town.


Joohyun and Joy were having their lunch at a small restaurant down the road. They were lucky that the rain started pouring after they arrived at the place.


A bowl of delectable beef noodles was presented in front of the young princess who was looking solemnly through the window, at the endless pouring rain.


Feels like a storm is coming.


“Rene, you okay?”


“Huh? Yeah. I was just thinking about the rain.”


“I know right. It’s pouring hard.” Joy took the chopsticks and gave one to her friend with a small smile on her face. Then, she mixed the noodles with some spice before tasting the broth.


“Woah, so delicious! Try it, Rene!”


Joohyun smiled as she scooped her own soup.


She had been thinking about her future these days. After divorcing Seungwan, she’s thinking about going back to Jeju for a while. If things are great there, she’ll consider staying for a year or two until her heart is fully healed. Seoul is just a small city, every corner of it will remind her of Seungwan.


The thoughts of the young royal keep coming back, like a fleeting stubborn memory. They might have not spent a long time together, but five months were enough to create a lot of memories.


Her playful eyes kept coming into her dreams at night.

Her dimpled smiles keep haunting her until she’s asleep.

Sometimes, she can’t even sleep thinking about her.


Joohyun should’ve hated her wife to the point that she would be disgusted by the thought of her but she didn’t. She couldn’t.


When her ex left her, she swore that she would never let any memories of him come back and she did. She never missed him like how she missed Seungwan. She hated her ex but weirdly, she didn't feel the same intense hate for Seungwan. Her wife had disappointed her. She’s mad, but that’s it. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels confused about her own feelings.




They were still lounging at the restaurant even though the heavy rain has changed to a small drizzle outside.


Two cups of half-emptied hot tea latte were seen on top of their table as they conversed, more like Joy asked her about things. Joohyun was usually quiet but she was quieter today. It didn’t escape Joy’s keen observation. After all, they’ve been friends for years.


“I’ve never seen Wendy come to our shop anymore. Where is she?”


Joohyun stopped looking at the scenery outside to focus on her drink for a moment and said, “She’s busy.”


Well, Joy wasn’t convinced even a bit when her friend’s dejected eyes already revealed everything.


“Rene, is everything alright between you and her?”


“Huh?” Joohyun looked at her friend questioningly. She thought she masked her feeling well.


“You look okay but not really okay. I mean … ugh, I don’t know. I can see this veil of sadness around you. Is something happening at home?”


Right. Joy didn’t know that she has been sleeping at her apartment for almost two weeks now. Apparently, Jennie didn’t tell her.


“No. I’m just tired.” The young princess picked up her cup and it was a sign for Joy to stop pushing her friend.


Just then, the TV monitor in the restaurant showed the news about a new foundation launching in Daejeon city, two hours from Seoul.


There, through the monitor, Joohyun saw her wife again.


A smile etched on Seungwan’s lips as she bend over to caress one of the kid’s hair tenderly. Then a series of shots showed Seungwan signing the wall and officially launching the children's foundation by cutting the ribbon.


Looking at her wife from here, stirred something inside Joohyun. If they were still on good terms, she probably would stand beside her, sharing the laugh and showing everyone how beautiful their relationship is.


“Why is she attending the event alone?” Joy was confused, “Why are you not coming?”


How should Joohyun answer that?

Before she could muster any lies, the scene on the monitor changed to an interview with Seungwan.


“Your Highness, could you tell us why Princess Joohyun did not come with you today?”


With a calm and composed voice, Seungwan answered, “I told her not to come today since after this event I will have to go to Anyang for another event. She has other responsibilities in Seoul. On my next visit, I will bring her with me to see the children.”


“Ah ... she’s so considerate.” Joy mustered in front of her friend while sipping her drink.


Joohyun didn’t say anything as she rested her back on the chair. Clearly, Seungwan didn’t have any difficulty answering any questions about her. Like the latter had said, she would handle everything. She really did a great job feeding people with lies.


Even I fell into her trap once. The young princess laughed bitterly. What do I expect from someone like her?


She turned her eyes to the scenery outside, wanting to ignore the interview but no matter how she tried to enjoy the scenery, her mind unconsciously tuned into the interview.


“We have the heaviest rain today. Do you have any messages for people out there, Your Highness?”


“Be careful while driving home in this bad weather. The road is slippery after the rain. I was told that it’s still raining in some other areas so if you must, take a stop and wait until the rain has stopped.”


“Thank you, Your Highness. Could you tell us something about the project in Anyang?”


“Yes, we will build … “


“Shall we go back now?” Joy suddenly asked when she noticed her friend's discomfort and agony.




I don’t want to hear her voice anymore.




Daejon City.


As soon as Seungwan sat in her car, she discarded her blazer carelessly before ing the first two buttons of her white shirt.


Letting her breath out she said, “The event took longer than I expected.”


“We have to arrive in an hour in Anyang but the weather … “ Seulgi sighed, “I have notified the committee that we’ll be late about 30 minutes, but now I’m not sure anymore.”


Seungwan frowned as she looked at the situation outside. The rain was pouring again in Daejeon as soon as the launching event ended.


“Just drive slowly, we’ll make it in time.”


“Are you sure, Taenyeo? Taeyeon told me that you don’t have to attend. It’s just a small event after all.”


“Twelve years ago, my mother built that shelter for homeless people. She loved the people there. I haven’t had any time to visit them this year so I have to go and celebrate the shelter anniversary with them. Let’s go now, don’t make them wait any longer.”


“Yes, Taenyeo.”


Albeit feeling reluctant due to the bad weather, Seulgi moved the car gear and turned the windshield wipers on, and then, the royal blue car moved slowly to the highway under the heavy rain.


Unbeknownst to them, a black car followed their car from behind.




Thirty minutes later.


Taeyeon: [ Taenyeo, they’re halting the investigation on the server room’s case. ]




Seungwan was reading Taeyeon’s message from her phone when Seulgi turned off the radio.


“Taenyeo. There’s a car following us behind.”


Seungwan took a peek from the side mirror and remembered that the black car parked not so far away from them before.


“They’ve been following us since Daejeon,” the royal guard added.


They were now 50 KM away from Anyang, the rain has subsided again to a small drizzle.


“It’s gonna be a deserted highway ahead, no?” Seungwan asked. There were only a few cars on the road now compared to when they were still in the city.




“They will try to attack us there.” Seungwan said calmly, “Slow down the car. I’m going to make a phone call.”


Seungwan called Taeyeon and told her about the situation and her position. She ordered to quickly send help from the nearby royal villa in Daejeon.


When Seungwan disconnected the phone call, she saw the black car slowly approaching them.


“Seul, speed up now.”


The royal guard quickly stepped on the pedal, making the car leap with a new speed, alarming the black car behind them.


Seungwan purposely waited for the black car to come closer before asking Seulgi to speed up. She wanted them to know that she already sensed their intention.




40 KM from Anyang.


Two cars speeding on the deserted highway.

The royal blue car was just two meters ahead of the black car.


The slippery road made it hard for the royal guard to hit more than 80 mph. If she speed up more, it would be dangerous for them since at the end of the road there’s a sharp turn. She had to slow down the car before they reach it.


The sudden slow down made the black car come side to side with them.


Seungwan saw one of the back passengers rolls down their window and rammed a metal stick into her window a few times, shattering it. The young royal instantly raised her right arm and covered herself under it. But still, the pieces of shattered windows slightly cut her face.


“Ta-Taenyo! Are you okay?” Seulgi asked in worry.

She saw Seungwan’s cheek bleeding and it disheartened her.


Seungwan raised her head only to see the passenger in a black mask, swinging the stick again and it almost hit her head this time. The young royal held the stick and tried to pull it but the passenger was stronger. They were engaged in a push and pull battle until he successfully pushed forward the metal stick hard and it hit Seungwan right on her nose.


The young royal hissed in pain and used all her strength to pull the stick again. Which she successfully did.


Seeing the situation through the side mirror, Seulgi had no choice but to speed up the car again. The black car also sped up and now tried to ram its front bumper into the blue car's backside.


“They really want us to die!” Seulgi gritted her teeth. Her hand gripped the string wheel tightly.


“We won't die,” Seungwan wiped the blood from her nose with her sleeve. There were a few scratches from her right temple to her bleeding nose.




Another bump from the blue car and Seungwan’s head almost collided with the door. Lucky, she wore her seatbelt.


“Damn*it!” Seulgi was distressed seeing a bleeding Seungwan.


“Speed up.”


“We can’t! There’s a sharp turn ahead!”


“Then what? Do you want us to fight them?”


“We have no choice, Taenyeo! Let’s just stop the car and teach them a lesson!”


“There are five of them in the car, and all of them are armed. We won’t stand a chance with our bare hands. Speed up!”


Another bump and now the black car speeding side by side with them again.


The passenger on the back pointed a gun at Seungwan’s head.

The young royal unfastened her seatbelt and quickly dropped her body to the space between the driver’s seat and back seat.




Gun was fired mercilessly and the bullets hit the other door.


“Seul, speed up!”


Seungwan’s heart drummed wildly as she tried to calculate their chance to get away unscathed. There’s none. It’s either speed up and crashed at the sharp turn or let the bullet pierce her head.


Another bump made the car swerve to the left violently and made Seungwan roll over to the other side of the car. Her head hit the door loudly due to the impact.




Seungwan felt her head ringing and was about to reach the other door when another bump, harder than before hit her car, right before the sharp turn.


Due to the fast speed and hard collision from the black car, Seulgi couldn’t handle the car anymore. She hit the brake and attempted to turn the wheel to save the car from collision with the concrete barrier but it was too late. The front side of the car grazed along the concrete highway barrier at a high speed before the car flipped upside down on the road.


Witnessing the collision, the black car slowed down and stopped beside the blue car.


One of the passengers stepped down and kicked the side door of the blue car, revealing a bleeding unconscious Seungwan squeezed between the wrecked seat. Her shirt and face were covered with blood. She looked almost dead at the moment.


The black masked passenger pointed his gun at Seungwan’s head but another passenger pushed his hand down.


“Sanghun, No! Follow the order. Make it an accident. They won’t survive anyway.”


Sanghun glared at the other passenger before raising his hand again.




The bullet made a hole in the wrecked seat, a few inches from Seungwan’s head.


Giving a last glance, Sanghun wordlessly went back to the black car before they speed up, leaving the highway.


15 KM from Anyang.




Joohyun stirred up, she fell asleep on the table while making her report. She glanced at the clock on the wall, it was 9 P.M.


The young princess groaned while cracking her joints before gathering her stuff.


“Time to go home,” she mumbled to herself.


As she put her wallet back inside her bag, a frantic Sooyoung opened her door without knocking. The young woman’s face looked pale like she has just seen a ghost!


“Sooyoung, what … “


“Promise me to keep calm, okay? I will … I will drive you to Anyang now,” Sooyoung stuttered as she stuffs her hand into her bag to search for her key.


“Anyang? Why would I go to Anyang?”


Before Joy could elaborate further, Jaemin appeared beside her. He was not in any better state, his eyes unfocused and covered with fear, it was the first time Joohyun saw her guard like that.


“We … we should go to Anyang now, Wangnyeo!”


“What the hell is happening?” Joohyun was confused. Why does everyone want to take her to Anyang??


Before she could question those two, her phone rang in her bag. She picked up her phone and saw that it was a number from The Palace’s Secretary's Office.


[ Good evening, Joohyun-wangnyeo. ]


“Yes. Who am I speaking with ?”


[ It’s me Taeyeon. Jaemin will drive you to Anyang tonight. ]


“What is the urgency? It’s already late, can I go tomorrow?”


[ You have to go to Anyang tonight. ]


“I won’t go anywhere before you tell me what’s going on!”


[ Haven’t you seen the news? ] Taeyeon’s voice sounded cold in her ears.


“No, I haven’t. What … ”


[ Taenyeo got in a car accident an hour ago. She was admitted to Anyang Regional Hospital. ]


Car accident?


Joohyun staggered back as she felt her legs losing their strength. She almost lost her balance if she didn’t grip the edge of her table.


[ Wangnyeo? ]


“Is she … is she okay?”


[ *silence* … She’s still in the emergency room as we’re speaking. ]


“I … I’ll be there.”


Joohyun disconnected the call as she dropped herself on her chair. She tried to catch her breath but she found it difficult as tears unconsciously streamed down her eyes.


She just saw her wife smiling a few hours ago. How could it happen in such a blink?


Sooyoung immediately came beside her friend and run her hand on the latter’s shoulder. Meanwhile, Jaemin could only stare at them, unmoving. He was too shocked by the news. Taeyeon called him first before calling Joohyun.


Joohyun’s phone beeped as she got a notification from Naver. It was the news of the car accident.




A car flipped over after an accident on Thursday 22nd, 15 KM from Anyang District. The accident happened at about 7:40 P.M.

A few kilometers before the site of the crash, a witness said two cars were racing on the road at a high speed.

The driver and the passenger of the flipped vehicle were immediately taken to The Anyang Regional Hospital with major injuries. The passenger was recognized as Crown Princess Son Seungwan.

The Palace hasn’t made any statement about the accident.



Jaemin drove the car cautiously as told by Taeyeon. Luckily, the traffic wasn’t so bad tonight.

In the passenger seat, Joohyun was engulfed with a hug by Joy. The young princess hasn’t sto

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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1700 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1700 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
