Chapter 12: Gold is easy to get, a close friend is harder to find.

Kingmaker: A Hidden Promise
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The situation was preposterous. The four palace guards sat back–to–back. Their hands and feet tied up. Across from them sat Joohyun unrestrained with her weapon in hand.


Hours of nonstop questioning passes by as the sun shined brightly down on Zhaoyun. Joohyun was convinced. But it was troubling. If Joohyun does not cross the eastern borders, their families would be massacred. It would be ideal if this attention was brought to the authorities. However, the mastermind behind these schemes remained unknown.


The only clue they had was a half torn faded seal stamped on those letters they received. The seal of the royalty. But which one? It was difficult for a lowly palace guard to meet any members of the royal family. It was impossible to narrow down which culprit.


Joohyun took a long look at the four figures before her. Being in and out of the palace allowed her to witness many types of people mingling around high and low–ranking officials. From her father’s teachings, she developed a great judge of character.


“I believe you.” She cut the ropes around them.


Sighs of relief filled the room. 


The four palace guards moved to kneeling positions repeatedly bowing their heads as they expressed their gratitude to the general’s daughter.


“You guys help yourselves to the meal,” she pointed to the well decorated feast at the table. “I need to get some fresh air. Let me process our situation for a bit.”


Joohyun took her time around the inn to stretch her muscles. She wanted to let Seulgi know. But she can’t turn up at the Royal Palace. If the schemer really is one of the royal family, her presence would definitely put the families at risk.


At Yueliang Palace, the northern quarters, Seulgi’s residence.


“This is why you have been so distant?” the seventh prince scrunched her eyebrows at her imperial guard. “Not because you were tired of dealing with me? Or angry at Joohyun for leaving you back?”


“Wan–ah, why would you ever think that?” Seulgi sighed, burying her face into her palms. There had to be a quicker way to seal the city gates.


“It’s just with the wedding ceremony approaching, we thought you were… giving us space?” Seungwan settled down at the center table.


Sensing Seulgi’s hesitation, Moonbyul interceded. “Maybe we can wait to see if Young Miss Joohyun returns home later.”


“Yeah, Seul, we’ll be having dinner with Lor–”


“There’s no time. Seungwan–ah, we need to close the city gates before night falls.” Seulgi repeated.


“Seul, I would need a very good reas–”


“Your bethrothed is is missing!” Seulgi reached forward and grabbed the prince by the shoulders once more. “The one planning all these assassination attempts on her family could be holding her hostage at this very moment!”


“Se–Captain, calm down. Release the prince first.” Moonbyul softly whispered, attempting to pry off Seulgi’s tight grip.


“Seul all t

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Thank you to those that’s gotten this far or has begun on this journey with wolfsbane captain and imperial guard seulrene and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE 🥳


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Chapter 80: Ohh it was Joohyun then.

Happy Lunar New Year authornim 🥳🥳🥳
Chapter 81: Happy new year everyone
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Chapter 81: Happy lunar new year author nim ,best wish for u !🩷