-8- To be introduced

I’m not a hero.
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ann:changing the way povs are written :] basically my adhd wrote half this chapter with you and half in WINTER did JOOHYUN DID so...uhh... hope its still understandable.



" Turn off your flash, this sight is too precious for you to mess up like this." Two grown women stood at the foot of the bed, phones drawn and snapping pictures of the two teenagers cuddled up in the bed.



" I know to do that! If anything you'd be the one to mess it up, this sight is precious to me too you know?" The younger of the two side eyed the older, who only rolled her eyes and moved to a better angle.



" How, one of them is my daughter and the other one is her classmate- Don't tell me Minjeong is your new kid. Their age-" Seulgi could only widen her eyes and stare at her ex with offence, bombastically side eyeing Joohyun. 



" First, I'm single. Second, are you accusing me of cheating on you while you were pregnant with OUR daughter? Finally, Minjeong is Taeyeon's kid, remember the chef that I used to work for?" Guilt, the singular expression painted upon Joohyuns face. Seulgi sneaks a picture of the older instead before returning the focus onto the two cuddling youngsters. 



" Sorry... It's just- I'm on edge with the whole recent situation, I haven't even managed to find whose behind this, Seulgi ah. Have I, failed as a mom? The only thing I needed to do was to keep her safe, just until she could at least protect herself, but I haven't- even...managed that." The dancer could only sympathize, although feeling a deep disconnect. She loves Jimin, she loves Joohyun, she isn't even able to find the thought within her to not do so. But it doesn't change the fact she left them too easily it seems, it seems she should've learnt to wait, to truly know what was about to be done



"But what truly is the ' only ' thing mothers need to do? To, discipline their children? Protect them, care for them, give birth to them? That doesn't make sense does it? People of authority will discipline children if they'd done something wrong, it is the duty of the police force to protect each and every citizen, the duty of teacher's to ensure each child is safely home at the end of the day. A nanny could take care of the child, grandparents, a baby sitter, even a neighbour. Give birth to them? That would make sense, but it doesn't, A adoptee could have a mother, and their mother could even be better than what their life would have been with their biological parents. So what truly is the only thing mothers need to do? "



" Joo... There's no- ONE thing you needed to do as Jimin's mom, and if you think you've failed. I would have failed further, don't you think? Everything you're thinking, that you've thought you should do as a mother, a father can do too. W-why hasn't Jinyoung been helping?" A black tar on , that's what that name felt like. The man she had lost her relationship to, her daughter... to.



" Help? Why would he help, I'm just grateful he didn't go through with the plan of sending Rina to london to study instead. No way, did you think that he actually...Loved us?" 



S: lies, no. No, he lied. No...This can't be, why would he have done that?



" He, he told me that he would take care of the both of you, that he just needs time to settle in, and that me being there acting as Jimin's sort of dad would confuse her. He lied, to me?"



" Time to settle in? Yeah, he did settle in, to being a ing . What? You being there to be with Jimin as her parent would confuse her?  and you thought it was a good idea to leave just from that? Kang Seulgi, you're her mom just as much as I am, what's there to confuse, he's not Jimin's father. You're not- a father either, but you get what I'm saying right? Ya, idiot. Do you want to be her mom?" Seulgi could only nod, speechless as the puzzle pieces seemed to fit in perfectly one after the other.




Going to visit Jimin, getting told to get lost, being called a traitor by her own child, the lack of Jinyoung on Jimin's social media. 



Joohyun leaving her alone, as if cutting off contact fully. 




" Did... Did Jinyoung, say anything about me before I left the two of you?" A fragile voice, as if any louder and any more syllables would have broken a invisible boundary.



" That you found someone else, that you were trying to get your life back together. I found out after that it was all fake, Jimin did too, but it was too late. I felt, that at that point when I realised, it would have been real anyways. It is, isn't it? Looking at you now even, you've changed, for the better." The woman crouched to the floor, sniffling and covering her face in an attempt to hide her tears. 



The oldest of the four followed suit, placing an arm over her shoulder and rubbing it in place. Whispers of it being okay, that people will always continue moving in life, that she was happy for her.



" Hyun, - no, I still love you..., I never could get the will or even- want inside of me to want to move on. You don't get it, these years telling myself to always sit back and watch the two of you shine, that that was enough, more than enough. All of it, for- noth...ing?" A private account on every platform, making friends with teachers at Jimin's school, anything for her to feel as if she was still part of her daughters life. All for naught.



[ I'm working on a song called all for naught, if you'd be kind to listen to it once its out ill be really grateful! will update when its out :]] 


" Seulgi unnie? W-why are you crying?!" You jump out of the bed, alerted to the whimpers and crying that sounded 3 feet next to you. The sudden movement and exclaim waking the sleeping beauty next to you. 



"Minjeong...it's too early, come back, you were warm, I need a pillow." Karina's arms outstretched towards your direction, eyes still closed and with a slight pout as the blankets and pillows clung onto her skin. Infront of both your moms??? 



" Yu Jimin ssi, it's time to wake up" Business voice?! She didn't even sound like that just no-



" MOM!?  Wait, is my face bloated right now? Hurry up, MINJEONG TURN AROUND!" You're confused, but do as you're told, leading you to face a crying middle aged woman.



" So...What happened? " You try starting a conversation but all that comes out is a whine and a sniffle then she closes her face up within her arms again. 



Cool- nice conversation we're having today.



" Minjeong right? She was overreacting, you can turn around." Spinning on your heels once more, finally you're able to appreciate the beauty longer- 


insane thought, I really need to be checked in to a mental hospital-



" Morning, Your hairs sticking out by the way" It wasn't, but the flustered face and immediate turn to her mom made the angry face after all the more worth it.



"Ya, you're getting brave for someone who slammed their face into the empire state after just one peck."



 OH TOO FAR, I just told her that yesterday!



" Wait, this kid is spiderman?" .





" MINJEONG IS SPIDERMAN?!" Seulgi stood up off the floor and gestured 


" Rina~" You sink back into the bed, plopping under the sheets and covering yourself.



" At this point, just let me sleep for abit more..."



" No wait seriously, are you spiderman? Kim Minjeong, answer me."






"MINJEONG IS SPIDERMAN?! " You open your eyes and turn to the door.



" Kim Minjeong is spiderman, and Ning Yizhuo is an idiot in a chair." 



" Hey we agreed its called. 'Girl in the chair' and let's be honest here, half of spiderman is literally done by me. Don't discredit me like that, gurlll. If I wasn't here at all all you'd be is Armamenter with stamina and strength, I made you cool." You roll your eyes, pulling Jimin down to sleep again.



" 15 minutes."



"Minjeong? Mom is literally-"



" 20 minutes."



" Minjeong ssi? I need to talk to my daughter actually?" 



" 25 minutes, anyone else?"



" I have information about who kidnapped Rina!"



" ...15 minutes." Finally shutting your eyes once the door closes once again and the bed sinks fully beside you, you start the inner mind timer. 



"Minjeong? Sorry, I don't know if you were mad about them finding out...I'll be more careful, seriously." You turn to look at the older, a sly smile painted on your lips.



" It's okay, I'll give you a little punishment!" She begins to look horrified and you frown, causing laughter to bubble once again.



" What will it be? " You kiss the space between her eyebrows, before turning back around to sleep and ignoring the thunderous beats of a a rhythmic drum, sorry- heart. behind you.



" That- is so unfair-" 



[ 15 minutes later ]



"Minjeong, it's been 20 minutes. We really should wake up now." You're woken up by Jimin who leaned her whole back onto you, stretching herself.



" Ah , I always do that- Let's go to them then." 



"I got punished for revealing your identity, it's only fair if I punish you for making me late right?"





" I was out of my mind! I

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
154 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end