-3- To be rich

I’m not a hero.
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Playlist for the au: Swinging to the past Playlist

 Or Loving in a one way street Playlist



" Oh actually. Me and Rina were planning to go to the mall later, you guys wanna tag along?" Aeri pulls her school bag over her shoulder and looks to you and Ning.


" Oh- uhm..." She wants to do spiderman stuff huh. You laugh awkwardly and stuff your notebook into your bag.


" We actually have something to do today, but we'll follow along if we end early. Which mall are you guys going to?" You pick up your bag and plug in your airpods.


" Rodion mall. Text us when you're done, we might already be home by then." Jimin answers and all four of you walk out of class together.


" Will do. Have a nice day the two of you!" You wave to them before turning to walk besides Yizhuo instead.

" And stay out of trouble you two. " You laugh at Aeri's finger pointing directly at your best friend. Definitely Ning.


Finally walking out the gate, you're left shocked again as Karina gets swarmed by men in black suits.


"Hey-" Is she getting kidnapped in broad daylight?!?


"Oh! Minjeong it's okay! They're my parents guards!" You breathe a sigh of relief before walking off, still a little shaken up by the scene.


" See you tomorrow Karina! " You hear something along the lines of calling her Jimin instead and you smile before walking to Ning again.


" So... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ning suddenly links her arm with yours and leans into you. Oh god what is it.


" I need to get the suit from my roof, so I need to go home Ning..." You drag her across a traffic light, walking to the subway instead.


" Alright alright... Oh btw I saw your new designs for the suit, are you sure about a black coloured suit? People might think you've gone down the evil route you know?" I guess that's true... 


" It'll be easier for stealthing though," Not that you haven't been able to stay stealthy with the bright red suit, but technically it would be better.


" True, how about we get Aeri to design a suit for you? You loved the hoodie she designed anyways." You smack Ning on her forehead.


" This is something between the two of us. No one else." She nods with a pout but smiles immediately after when she catches sight of the train.


" Perfect timing! Come on Win," Scanning your travel cards, the both of you sprint to take open seats. It's an hour and a half of travel, we're not standing for THAT long.


You take out your notebook before adding more design features and different logo styles .


" Oh I was messing around recently and I found this." You look over to Ning as she pulls out her phone to show you a video.


" What the- how is it changing shapes??" You pull her phone closer to you watching as plates of...Something change shapes into cats, dogs, pyramids.


" I call it. Programmable matter! It's also really really strong, so here's what I'm thinking, what if we make the logo with it, and maybe like a chest plate since it's not elastic. That way when you get shot it won't go through any important organs." That's a good idea...


" Can we use it anywhere else?" What if...


" Ning, let's say times like last sunday happen where I need the suit but it's too far away. Is it possible for the matter to be hidden in like- a bracelet or necklace? Just for my face mask will be fine too." You see Ning burrow her head in her hands for a few moments, a habit she does when shes trouble shooting a ridiculous idea she has.


" I think I can do it, face hands and feet. If the cops get your footprints or fingerprints they might get curious enough to hunt you down, it'll be safer that way too. So that when you punch anything hard it won't damage your knuckles or feet" Aww so she was worried about me...


A cough comes from infront of you and the two of you look up to see an old woman staring at you, an eyebrow raised and looking down dissaprovingly.


You raise an eyebrow before finally getting the ladies message, you stand up and drop your bag on Nings lap instead.


" Have a seat ma'am." She nods and takes the seat, immediately taking her phone out after. Rude...Urgh whatever, old people problems I guess. You take out your phone too and search through your spotify before finally finding a song you wanted to listen to, Puerto Rican by ROLE MODEL. Slowly you bop your head to it and tap your fingers on your thigh to the beat, finally you get some shut eye when Ning tells you she'd wake you up when the train arrives to your stop.


Slowly you feel yourself starting to fall asleep, figures and shapes moving behind your eyelids before suddenly your eyes open and you're suddenly in a forest surrounded by dead...Knights? Is this some sort of dream? they're even wearing steel armour...


You crouch down to one of the knights and pick up their sword, cutting your finger with it but no pain comes through. So it definitely is a dream. You try shooting a web from your wrist, before realising you had no web shooter on your wrists. Guess that makes sense. You try sticking to a tree but you're unable to pull yourself up. I'm not a spider?? You grow a little frustrated and punch the tree, it shatters. Super strength is still there though...What the hell is this dream even about anyway?! Suddenly a voice comes from behind you, Karina's voice. SHE'S EVEN IN MY DREAMS NOW?! HOLY AM I DOWN THAT BAD?!


" RUN! YOU NEED TO RUN!" You spin around to see Karina in a white dress, bloodied. Before you're able to question anything she runs towards you, enveloping you in a hug.


"Minjeong, Run away from here. I need you to get revenge for me." There's tears running down her cheeks but somehow you lost control over your own body


" I can't run, not without you. You need to come with me, your highness." it was your voice, but you didnt even say anything...


" I'm the sole heir of the kingdom, if he wants the citizens to follow his rule he needs me alive. But you...He'll kill you! The moment he finds out what you mean to me, you won't be safe. Please...Even if I were to be in the arms of another, I can bare with it knowing you're alive and that you would take revenge for me. SO GO!" You turn around before sprinting at inhumane speeds. Super speed? I don't even have tha-


" The Princess is here! CAPTURE HER!" You turn around to see knights surrounding Karina, You turn back around and charge at the first knight you see getting close to touching Karina. You watch as suddenly your nails grow longer by the second and you're right about to slash the knights throat-

"HEY! Min! The next stop is ours, we need to get off already. Wake up!" Your eyes snap open and you catch your breath, placing your hand on your chest for a moment. Once you calmed down you pick up your bag from Ning's lap and hung it on your left shoulder before walking to the door, waiting for it to open. You skip the song that came on next, no one needs to listen to a song in the middle of a new york subway. You take a deep breath as the doors open and both you and Yizhuo rushes out while dragging you along, pulling your wrist.


"Right, what was that? Were you having a bad dream or something? You were even whimpering..." Your eyes shoot open at her words again. Seriously? What even was that dream...


"Yeah I guess... Cmon, New york crimes never stop even when we're in the subway." You link your arms and begin sprinting up the staircase and Ning starts squealing when you start picking up speed all of a sudden, unlinking your arms you snatch her backpack and hang it on your right shoulder before continuing to run away in the direction of your house.

"Hey! I need to go home too, get back here you piece of !!" She's threatening to throw her wallet at you while sprinting after you, a few minutes later she starts panting and you're left laughing while still running away from your chinese princess of a friend.


"Let's have a sleep over, Come on! I'll ask Auntie Sooyoung for permission for you." You slide your phone out your hoodie pockets before texting Ning's mom, receiving a ' stay safe! ' in return. You flip your phone screen towards Yizhuo and contiue running past Teo's bodega and waving to spiderman the cat.

" OKAY OKAY NOW PLEASE STOP RUNNING! I can't- breathe properly-" You immediately stop before running back to Ning and checking on her, crouching down and placing your hand on her shoulder while she's panting. Her breathing staggering.

" Hey hey, you good? Come here, let's sit down for abit while you catch your breath. Sorry for making you run so much dude..." You pull her to a bench and sit down with her, pulling out her water bottle for her and holding her hand, rubbing it in circles.


"N-Nah, its okay. Just give me a few more moments to catch my breath...Then we can go, I have new things to try anyway." You laugh a little but a silent pain is still tugging in your stomach. You piece of ...Minjeong you ing idiot...


You plug the earphone in your left ear into Ning's left ear and change the song to one she likes [ False art by ben kessler] She starts humming to it and swaying her body to it with a smile on her face, finally you smile too. glad that she's okay, your bes

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
161 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end