End (2/3)

Midlife Crisis

"You don't have to cook for me, Kyuhyun. I'm not that hopeless."

"You? Maybe. Your cooking? Absolutely not. Hyung, you need to nourish your body for the baby so leave it to a pro!"


Jongwoon didn't keep arguing because he was too stunned by the sight of Cho Kyuhyun, the highly-respected and ruthless CEO, who was cooking earnestly while wearing an apron with a dancing penguin pattern. The contrast between at-work mode and off-work mode of the Alpha blew his mind away. At the same time, it scared him because Kyuhyun had subtly crossed a boundary between a boss and an emploee by showing his true self. He was afraid of falling for this simple yet tender gesture... He quickly looked away when their gazes accidentally met. However, he couldn't escape a calming pheromone of red wine that seemed to embrace him protectively.


This is dangerous. He couldn't and shouldn't open his heart again. Yet...


"Is the meal to your liking?"

"Yes... Thank you, Kyuhyun."

"No problem. Here, try this dish too."


Kyuhyun really spoiled him rotten... True, he still had to work as a secretary and his workload didn't decrease. However, he rarely had to lift his fingers apart from working. Kyuhyun cooked tasty and healthy meals for him three times every day. There was an auntie who took care of the house chores. If he couldn't sleep at night because of the baby moving, the Alpha would immediately be by his side and sang him a lullaby until he fell asleep again. If he felt sick in the morning, the Alpha would make a honey lemon tea for him.

Right now, he had stepped into the five months of the pregnancy and his health was still at the top, all because Kyuhyun took great care of him. But the more his Alpha treated him well, the more guilty he felt for hiding the truth. Although he suspected that Kyuhyun already knew everything, it wouldn't mean anything if the man didn't say it himself. However, confessing the truth to his boss would equal accepting the Alpha into his life officially and he wasn't ready to face it yet. So, he decided to make up for the father of his child with something else.


"... Kyuhyun, today's Saturday. Are you free?"

"Hyung," Kyuhyun looked at him across the table with an amused smile. "Aren't you my secretary?"

"Oh, um, I know that your schedule is free today, but, I want to know about your personal schedule..."

"Why? Is there a place that hyung wants to go?"

"Yes. If you're free... Would you like to go to an ultrasound session with me today?"


Kyuhyun's widened eyes stared at him in disbelief and the Alpha dropped a spoon into a bowl of porridge, sending it burning his fingers. Jongwoon was about to get up and help but the taller man stopped him. Kyuhyun merely wiped his fingers and pushed the breakfast away, focusing on his question instead. The Alpha seemed half-disbelieved and half-hopeful.


"Jongwoon hyung, did you really ask me to accompany you to an ultrasound?"

"Yes, I mean, you're a very caring employer so I think I should let you know about my health too..."



Seeing the disappointment in the younger man's eyes, the guilt in his chest grew larger like a tumor that ate him alive but he still held back from reaching out. No. He wasn't ready to take another risk yet. Plus...


"I see," Kyuhyun swallowed the sadness and smiled at him warmly again, "let me prepare some light meal first. The weather is good today so let's have a picnic after seeing the doctor!"


...The brighter this light shone on him, the farther he wanted to run away from it before he got scorched alive again.




"They're healthy twins boy and girl. Congratulations!"


Jongwoon looked at the ambiguous moving lumps on the screen and felt his eyes warm up. They are his children... His son and daughter... He smiled at the image as the doctor moved around the tool on his exposed tummy to reveal the babies. Seeing them like this really made him realize that he is about to become a parent. He turned to see his boss and was startled to find the Alpha sniffing. Kyuhyun who was holding his hand was using his free hand to wipe the tears welling up in his eyes while staring at the screen. He never expected the level-headed President Cho to be this sentimental when it came to the babies. Affection swelled up in his heart and he caressed the Alpha's face to wipe off the tears despite his closed-off heart, smiling softly when the younger man leaned into his touch.


"Hey... Why are you crying?"

"I-I'm very happy... Jongwoon hyung, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful moment."


His heart stopped beating for a second. Kyuhyun's words just now... The Alpha pretty much guaranteed what he had been suspecting. So, Kyuhyun did remember him and knew that the babies belonged to him. The Alpha was just waiting for him to bring it up. Is it a scheme to make him feel indebted and take the babies away later? Or did Kyuhyun truly... Pursing his lips, Jongwoon pulled his hand back and pretended to not notice a longing glint in those brown eyes.


"... Let's go straight home after this."

"Eh? But I brought a picnic basket with us and I was thinking—"

"Sorry but I feel tired. I'll just rest in my room alone for the rest of the day."

"If you said so..."


When Kyuhyun's hands placed on his elbow and the small of his back, escorting him to the car with the utmost care, Jongwoon felt devasted for hurting the Alpha's kind heart who only had his happiness at his best interest.



But he still pretended to be blind and kept running away.




Around the time Jongwoon stepped into the seventh month of the pregnancy, Kyuhyun took him back to the Cho Mansion because the younger was worried that he alone couldn't take care of him well enough. He tried to deny the offer but changed his mind after he almost tripped one morning due to dizziness.

The first day he moved in, the Alpha introduced him as "a close senior" and he was welcomed by the Cho... coldly... Mister Cho didn't even look in his direction while Madam Cho looked at him from head to toe with a judgmental gaze. Cho Ahra, the elder daughter and his boss's older sister even snorted in disbelief when Kyuhyun introduced him as such. He was very embarrassed but he also understood their feelings. The Cho family only had one Alpha son but he got dragged into a one-night stand with a no-name drunk Omega. Then, the said Omega (who was  both older and poorer) showed up with babies at their Alpha son's workplace and became his secretary, and Kyuhyun obviously doted on him so he wouldn't consider other Omegas who were more suitable. It was reasonable that they wouldn't fancy his presence at their home. He was rational and knew his place so he just lived quietly with his head down. He stayed in the Alpha's bedroom most of the time working remotely. He never asked for anything, be it money, clothes, or gifts; even though Kyuhyun wanted to pamper him. He didn't even join a family dinner (except on the days Kyuhyun was at home), knowing that they didn't like to see him. He didn't expect that they would approve of him but at least he hoped that they would treat the soon-to-be born babies well...



Because it started to become obvious that he had to leave after giving birth to the twins.




On one summer day, the weather was clear so Jongwoon decided to take a walk in the garden. While he was relaxing, the twin boys of the Cho elder daughter spotted him and happily accompanied him. Jongwoon was really fond of them. In this alienated household, only his Alpha and the twin boys were like sunshine that lighted up his days so he liked to watch them, praying that his children would grow up as lively and healthy as them. While he was miles away, Cho Ahra suddenly sat down next to him and watched her sons fondly. While he was wondering if he should leave, the Omega woman spoke up.


"Did you know that Kyu-ah really likes children?"

"Um, yes, I can tell by how much he dotes on the twins."

"He's really whipped, isn't he?" Cho Ahra chuckled. "He always tells me that he wants to have cute children like my boys so he must really look forward to the babies."

"Yes, it's quite obvious that he's excited... about..."


The implication finally hit him. Kyuhyun was very excited about the babies, yes, but only because the Alpha had always wanted children, not because of him. He bit his lip and caressed his tummy which started to grow bigger every day. He wasn't welcomed here, just tolerated for the sake of the babies; Kyuhyun's babies... He didn't respond to the woman. She didn't come here to have a conversation with him, just leaving a reminder.


Kyuhyun only wants the babies. Get out of here as soon as your duty is done.


Jongwoon couldn't remember how or when did he get back to their bedroom. He just sat in the darkness, on the edge of the bed, his legs hovered above the floor, and stayed still like that until his Alpha came back from work. Kyuhyun immediately the light and kneeled down before him while smiling warmly.


"Jongwoon hyung, why are you sitting alone in the dark? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No, I just came back from the garden..."

"Oh, did you take a walk today? Hyung, next time wait for me so I can accompany and support you. See! Your legs and feet are all swollen now!"


With that said, Kyuhyun rolled up his sleeves and began to gently massage him. Jongwoon felt his chest tighten at the sight. The president who stood above people was now kneeling in front of him, massaging his legs and feet without disgust. Why? Why did Kyuhyun treat him so well? Is it only because of the babies or...?


"Ah! Hiss..."

"Hyung! What happened? Did I press too hard? Do you want me to call a doctor?"

"I-I' m okay... The babies... They just kicked me..."


Jongwoon sighed. His babies sure were full of energy and couldn't stay still even though they were still inside him. He didn't want to imagine how hyper they would be after being born... He patted his tummy and spoke softly to calm them down. Then, Kyuhyun surprised him by planting a tender kiss on the stretched stomach and putting his ear on it; closing his eyes and smiling.


"Babies, be good and don't hurt Mommy, okay?"

"Kyuhyun... Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, hyung."

"...Will you take care of the babies well?"

"That's a given," Kyuhyun beamed, "but not just the babies, I'll take care of you too, Jongwoon hyung, I want to."


Jongwoon's breath hitched. His Alpha's sincere statement and Cho Ahra's sharp words were fighting in his head but the latter slowly lost its power. The cold treatment he received here couldn't be compared to the younger man's warmth he had known so far. Feelings that he had suppressed for a long time crashed against the wall in his heart and made the cracks gradually spread. Although it didn't break yet, it was only a matter of when. He hugged his Alpha's head resting on his bulging tummy and inhaled a familiar red wine scent that made his heart race and calm at the same time.


"Kyuhyun... I want to take a nap before dinner."

"Alright, rest well, hyung. I'll be in the study next room so call me if you need anything."


After helping him to lie down and pulling up a cover, his Alpha was about to leave but he grasped the larger hand first. He pursed his lips hesitantly but chose to utter his true heart in the end.


"...Stay with me."



Jongwoon almost snorted as he saw the younger man's ears evidently reddened in a second. Kyuhyun's pupils shook funnily as if he thought everything was a dream and he didn't want to wake up yet. So, he patted the space beside him and his Alpha immediately lay down while grinning, although Kyuhyun didn't push his luck and kept his hands to himself.


"Good night, hyung."

"Mm, good night too, Kyuhyun."


Jongwoon closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully, being surrounded by a calming pheromone of his Alpha.




A few days later...



"I guess I don't need them anymore, huh?"


One day while his Alpha was at the office, Jongwoon took out two white envelopes that he had prepared since the first day he moved into the Cho Mansion and looked at them thoughtfully. In the end, he decided to dispose of them because he had changed his mind. However, he didn't get a chance to do so because Hajun and Yejun suddenly barged into his room, asking him to sing for them. So, he just shoved the items carelessly under a pillow and accompanied the twins to play.



Resignation Letter

Custody Withdrawal Form 






He didn't expect his Alpha to find the two hidden envelopes.




Author's note:

I'm back!! 🎉 With some cliche drama xD

Poor our Omega Jongwoon, treated coldly by his Alpha's family members. You might think that they're cruel but Kyuhyun's family knows nothing about their son-in-law so naturally they would be suspicious of him.

Luckily, Jongwoon won the husband lottery and got his sweet Alpha husband support!  <3

What will become of kyusung? Finding out in next chapter which is the last one!!


Take care and love you!   <3




***Rant time feel free to skip***

I'm back guys! Though not sure yet if it's temporary or not...

June was brutal for me. There was a week I had to work from nine to midnight many days in a row to meet a deadline (cause of stupid client negligence). I did my best but boss still pressured me but never asked for my well-being. Needless to say, I had a mental break down  :')

I was beyond exhausted, physically and mentally. So, I took a break from life and immersed myself in games to forget the reality which helped a bit.

Am I fully recovered now? Nope. But I'm on my way there. I'm in the middle of resigning from this ty job that takes me for granted and look for better one so wish me luck guys!!  xD

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I'm back :)


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_MyName_ #1
Chapter 4: Okay, all of the extras were great, but yeah the two last were my favourites xD it's cute how Ahra and Jongwoon got to be a team so quickly, Kyuhyun doesn't stand a chance against them :D
Chapter 1: sooo cute can't wait to read moreee
397 streak #3
Chapter 4: Jealous Kyu is really something! And the one who could make him soooo damn jealous is always Siwon xD

Btw, I love extra 6, you know why (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)

PS : I want to see a picture of Jongwoon's smooth and slender legs please! (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
Chapter 4: Nothing can beat fluff on Sunday, thanks Author-nim
And we got to see seductive foxy JW too, nice!
Rinirin07 #5
Chapter 4: Fluffy .... Fluffy .... Fluffy...🥰
Fluffy, cute & HE is my favorite Kyusung story

Author-nim you never fail to amaze me, your plots are really creative and expected 💙

Hyuk and Hae's son being named Eunhae is such a good pick and I love it too much 💙

I don't think I'll be the only one who favors the two last extras 🤭

Thank you for the happy end, looking forward to the next story author-nim! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Glossic #7
Chapter 3: Such a cute feel good story. Thanks for writing this <3
Chapter 3: omg the ending was so cute! cliche or not your stories are really fun to read, thank you author-nim! 💙

huhu where could I get a man like Kyuhyun 😭 so excited for the extra chapter ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Chapter 3: I hope you are feeling okay authornim. Fighting!

I love the development of the story. How Jongwoon started to feel better and trust his Alpha. I will be qaiting foe the extra chapter. 😊
397 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay happy ending!

But I thought this would be the last chapter 🤔

Eniwei, I was trying to find Siwon in this chapter LOL would be really funny to read about Kyuhyun's reaction hihihi